Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Thoughts For Today

I was watching a video in which George Carlin speaks of religion. Well here is the video

I didn't see the entire video but most of it and I know many how share the same views. I mean really how can you believe in something you never saw or ever will see. You might reason that when you die you will go to Heaven and meet your maker. I believe in God of course. There is many things that I can't see that I know are there. An example is the Air. I can't see it but I know it's there. You might reason and say well there is proof that it's there and that's true but my point is Air you can't see it. For me it's the same way with God. I can't see him but I know he is there. Everyone has every right to believe whatever. I'm not here trying to convince you why I think there is a God. Only sharing why I believe there is. I've never been a chance type of guy. I don't think all of this happened by chance. Think about it for a second. The Sun is in the perfect spot to give heat. If the earth was closer to the sun we would be hotter. If it was away from the sun we would be colder. In each case life could not be the way it is in each case, closer or away. Did all of that happen by chance?

Even more important than analyzing the weaknesses in the case for evolution, however, is our examining what the Bible itself says and its consistency with observable evidence. With marvelous simplicity the opening verse of Genesis says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) Thus it comes to grips with a question that baffles evolutionists. Instead of leaving us in the dark as to that fundamental point concerning the origin of all things, it tells us the answer, simply and understandably. It confirms our own observation of the fact that nothing comes into existence by itself. Grass huts, wooden homes and brick apartment buildings all were designed and built by someone. Even though we personally were not on hand when a particular structure was erected, we know that it had a builder. In harmony with that, the Bible reasons: “Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”—Heb. 3:4.

Evolution or Creation?

The evidence for creation is enormous. Why, then, do many people reject creation and accept evolution instead? One reason is what they were taught in school. Science textbooks nearly always promote the evolutionary viewpoint. The student is rarely, if ever, exposed to opposing arguments. In fact, arguments against evolution are usually prevented from appearing in school textbooks.In the magazine American Laboratory a biochemist wrote this about his children’s schooling: “The child is not presented with evolution as a theory. Subtle statements are made in science texts as early as the second grade (based on my reading of my children’s textbooks). Evolution is presented as reality, not as a concept that can be questioned.

The authority of the educational system then compels belief.” Regarding evolutionary teaching in higher grades, he said: “A student is not permitted to hold personal beliefs or to state them: if the student does so, he or she is subjected to ridicule and criticism by the instructor. Often the student risks academic loss because his or her views are not ‘correct’ and the grade is lowered.
Evolutionary views permeate not only the schools but all areas of science and other fields such as history and philosophy. Books, magazine articles, motion pictures and television programs treat it as an established fact. Often we hear or read phrases such as, ‘When man evolved from the lower animals,’ or, ‘Millions of years ago, when life evolved in the oceans.’ Thus, people are conditioned to accept evolution as a fact, and contrary evidence passes unnoticed. Can you believe in God and Evolution?

Some people sincerely reject the concept of a Creator because they feel, as it has been said, that ‘seeing is believing.’ If something cannot be seen or measured in some way, then they may feel that it does not exist. True, in daily life they acknowledge the existence of many things that cannot be seen, such as electricity, magnetism, radio or television waves and gravity. Yet, this does not alter their view, because all these things can still be measured or sensed by some other physical means. But there is no physical way to see or measure a Creator, or God. However, there is sound reason to believe that an unseen Creator does exist because we can observe the evidence, the physical results of his handiwork. We see it in the technical perfection and intricacy of atomic structure, in the magnificently organized universe, in the unique planet Earth, in the amazing designs of living things and in man’s awesome brain.

These are effects that must have an adequate cause to account for their existence. Even materialists accept this law of cause and effect in all other matters. Why not also regarding the physical universe itself? On this point, the Bible’s simple argument puts it best: The Creator’s invisible attributes, that is to say his everlasting power and deity, have been visible, ever since the world began, to the eye of reason in the things he has made.” In other words, the Bible reasons from effect to cause. The visible creation, the awesome “things he has made,” are an evident effect that must have an intelligent cause. That invisible cause is God. Too, as the Maker of all the universe, the Creator no doubt possesses power so enormous that humans of flesh and blood should not expect to see God and survive. As the Bible comments: “No man may see God and yet live.”

Today I thought of these things as I wondered about my future. Do I think I will go to heaven? No I don't because my wish is to remain on earth. In the book of Revelation 21:4 it states that death will be no more. That simple yet powerful scripture states that God will do away with death meaning that he will reverse what was lost so long ago by our first parents. Yes I know it's hard to believe but the scriptures tell us so. Go look it up. If God were to do away with death in the future that could only mean several things.

1. Another Flood which the scriptures state will not happen again

2. Humans Destroyed and all go to Heaven which the scriptures show there will be people after Armageddon.

3. Death will be removed, that will allow people to remain and live on earth.

I like number 3. Can I take number 3 please. Anyway, I hope you guys/gals don't mind that I post religious stuff because I have received emails that find the subject very interesting. Most shy away from it thinking it would cause disagreement which it can but I think that most are adults and can handle the topic. Anyway, this is my thoughts for today.

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