Thursday, December 24, 2009

What does the Truth Mean to you

What does the Truth Mean to you?

The truth shall what? Set you free. I’m sure all of us have heard that expression but yet in this world many lies are told. What about the little boy who cried wolf. Recall that the boy kept saying that a wolf was there. Many would come out to help him only to find that the boy lying. He said this about three times and on the fourth time he was telling the truth. Sadly nobody came and the boy died. All thought he was lying and thus when he tried to tell the truth nobody came. Again the boy died. His lie cost his life.

You might say that this is just story. Well, let me take you back to the Garden of Eden where a lie ended up changing the future. The Earth was supposed to be a global paradise. What you see today is far from what it was supposed to be. The scriptures tell us that it was Jehovah’s purpose that obedient humans enjoy life in a place full of love, in a place full of beauty. Even the animals were in subjection. Let me ask you, have you ever seen a place on Earth that was so beautiful that you stopped and admired its beauty?

I’m sure we all have. Think of a place. What about Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Florida. Sounds Beautiful right? Imagine the kind of place that Jehovah created. The Garden of Eden, just imagine how beautiful it must have been but as mentioned the future was changed. Even though Jehovah created the Earth, created Adam, Eve, and the Garden, he did have a rule. It wasn’t the most difficult rule by today’s standard. All he asked was for them to be obedient. Jehovah told Adam that from every tree of the garden he may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.

While the Genesis account may appear very simple, what it says has deep significance. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad was not poisonous but wholesome, literally “good for food.” So God’s restriction regarding this fruit was the only thing that made eating of it bad. The tree was therefore a fitting symbol of the right to determine or set the standards of good and bad, which right God reserved for Himself by forbidding Adam to eat .This prohibition emphasized man’s proper dependence on God as his Sovereign Ruler. By obedience the first man and woman could demonstrate that they respected God’s right to make known to them what was “good” (divinely approved) and what was “bad” (divinely condemned). Disobedience on their part would have signified a rebellion against God’s sovereignty.

If I had a six pack of soda in the fridge and I took one out and put it to the side and asked all in my family not to drink my soda, do you think they should drink it thinking that I can go another one? Again, Jehovah told Adam that he can eat from every tree meaning there were many things he could have eaten. Think of it this way, Humans from Adam’s time down to ours have had to accept the law of gravity and live in harmony with it right? So why should humans reject living in harmony with another law, or command, from the beneficent Creator?

The Creator made clear the consequence of rejecting his law, but he gave Adam and Eve the option to obey him voluntarily. It is not difficult to see in the account of man’s early history that the Creator allows humans freedom of choice. Yet he wants his creatures to be supremely happy, which is a natural result of living in accord with the good laws he gives. As a Parent I expect my Children to listen to what I have to say. The only reason that they shouldn’t is if what I say conflicts with Jehovah’s Laws. We should be determined to accept Jehovah’s authority over that of any human. When man’s law conflicts with God’s law, the decision as to what to do is not difficult. Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5, 6 States: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”

My children should have more fear of Jehovah than me. You might ask “What do you mean by fear? “ Watch what happens when they take my soda. I’m kidding of course. What I mean by fear is the fear of disappointment. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you are in school and the teacher hands you the report card to show Mom and Dad. You look at it and notice that it’s full of D’s and F’s.

You don’t want to show it to Mom and keep it away from Dad. You have fear that you could disappoint them. So it’s not fear in a sense that we are scared but fear that we could disappoint. Our lives are report cards, Daily Report Card - that if we are doing the right thing, we are proud to show Jehovah. Just like a child would be proud to show a parent his or her report card. Can we be proud if our report card shows D’s and F’s? What does the Truth mean to you? Once you learned it, what did you do? In the world those without conscience have F’s on their report card. Once you learned the Truth, how did you feel? Did you try the best you could to live within Jehovah’s Standards? Have you tried to improve your grades? What does the Truth mean to you? Once we start to change our lives our grades improve but now we must maintain that grade. We must do what we can to maintain that Grade.

Does it make sense to drop out after all that was learned? Peter said to Jesus “Where shall we go? You have sayings of Everlasting Life “ What did the Truth mean to Peter? To find that answer, requires study to learn what the Truth meant to Peter. What about Paul? Do you know the history of Paul? To find the answer requires study to learn what the Truth meant to Paul. What does the Truth mean to you? You can ask yourself “If it means so much, why does my life not reflect it? Have you asked yourself that question? Have you looked in the mirror to make sure that you are maintaining your grades? The world is indeed one big school with many subjects. Our Class is small compared to the other classes in the world and in every school you have your Bully. The definition of a bully is a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people. Are we not weaker or smaller compared to Satan?

This is where the Truth should mean much to you because it adds as a protection from not only the world but the attacks that we will receive from Satan and his demons. Why would Satan need to focus on those who he already has? That bully is friends with the world and the world is friends with him but what did Jesus say about not only himself but those who wish to live by Jehovah’s standards. John chapter 17 and verse 16 states that they meaning us are no part of the world, just as I meaning Jesus am no part of the world. For that reason, that bully, the father of the lie, that murderer is after us. We want nothing from his system. We want nothing from his twisted religious views. We want nothing from Satan. He continues to offer his system on a daily, but we must continue to maintain our grade. We must continue to question ourselves to make sure we are doing what is right. It’s easy to do what it wrong. Again, we must question ourselves to make sure we are doing what is right. We must make sure our complete suit of armor is on so it can protect us.

What does the Truth mean to you?

Carefully consider the following questions
• How is your meeting attendance?
• How is your study habits?
• How is your Field Service?

These are the kind of questions you can ask yourself daily. Those look in the mirror type questions. Keep in mind though it isn’t about doing more than your brother or sister. It’s about giving your best to Jehovah. It isn’t about bragging on how many hours you did in a month or tying to make yourself shine in front of others. Jehovah knows what we can and cannot do and he will never force us to do more than we can do. Those learning the Truth, continue moving forward. Don’t stop and be determined to make the Truth your own. It can be difficult in this system but Jehovah help, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. Recall the words of Jesus where he stated at John chapter 16 verses 33 where he states that he has conquered the world. He did so by remaining vigilant and keeping integrity under trial. Let your life show that you have made or are making the truth your own. Show what the Truth means to you. Keep in mind that you are doing something that Adam or Eve couldn’t do which is to keep your integrity to Jehovah. Are you perfect? No. What Job perfect? No. So it can be done. It has been done.

Think about this just for a moment. We have many brothers and sisters that have been in the Truth for years. They have their struggles just like us but their lives show what the Truth means to them. Is it difficult? Of course, Satan doesn’t make it easy. Satan has many tools at his disposal. He is a professional killer. Think of it this way. How long does it take to be a Medical Doctor? Years I’m sure. After he or she gets the degree they are now Doctors. They are considered professionals at their chosen profession.

Satan has been doing this before any of us were born. Before my parents were born. Before their parents were born. Point is, Satan is a professional at what he does and if it didn’t work, then the world today would be different. Remember Adam & Eve. What Satan used worked on them. It worked on Cain and he killed his own flesh and blood. Genesis Chapter 4 verses 7 through 12. Cain had the chance to change. There we read in verse 7 counsel that was given. Verse 8 tells us that counsel was ignored. Verse 9, Jehovah asks Cain about Abel and in verse 10 a very touching question which was “ What have you done”. He killed his own brother.

What did the Truth mean to Cain? Very little. The first murder and many more to come in the future. Because of all that has happened. Jehovah could have said. I had enough. They don’t listen. They don’t care. One brother kills another. If you were Adam how would you feel? Your son Abel is dead. Not only did Adam and Eve cause sin to enter into the world. His dear son who loved Jehovah was now dead. It got so bad that in Genesis Chapter 6 verse 5 Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant. Verse 6 in that same Chapter he says that Jehovah felt regret. He felt hurt at his heart.

Think about that. Jehovah felt hurt at his heart. Was Jehovah hurt when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge? Of course he was because he knew that sin now entered into the world. Think he was hurt when Abel was killed by Cain? Of course he was. Recall he said “ What have you done “ Now the world at that time was full of badness but Noah found favor in Jehovah’s Eyes. Noah did what ever was asked of him. Did Noah warn the people? Yes he did. Did they change?

Well only his family entered into the Ark? What did the Truth mean to Noah? He listened to whatever was said by Jehovah. Thankfully Jehovah’s original purpose didn’t change. He had a plan and it included his first creation.This is touching to talk about but what if you were in the crowd watching Jesus get punched and people spitting on him. Just imagine for a sec how you would feel if that was your son. Think of how Jehovah must have felt.Did Jesus have revenge in his heart? NO because he said something that was so touching that it should make you appreciate him and Jehovah even more. Luke Chapter 23 verse 34 says ““Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

They hit him, spit on him, and was in the process of killing him and he says “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He gave up his life. The most powerful person in the universe sent his son to die for us so that we can have a chance to live. So that we don’t die. So we don’t get sick. So we won’t go hungry. What does the Truth mean to you? Jesus said that his food was to do the will of his father Jehovah. We can do the same but it must be with a complete Heart. 1st Chronicles chapter 28 and verse 9: Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you.

Jehovah knows that rightly inclined people will be drawn to him and that knowledge of his beautiful qualities will warm our hearts. Don’t be afraid of what people say. Don’t think that the end of this system will never arrive. Notice what is mentioned in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 3, 4. For You know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”

Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Perhaps you know someone who has said “ They have preached the end and yet nothing has happened” Let me ask you a question. Do you think that Noah sent out an spam email warning everyone about the coming flood? Think the Ark was built in a day? The people were warned. What were people doing when they were being warned and how does it apply to us today? Well, Jesus Christ himself referred to the Flood. Notice Luke Chapter 17 verses 26, 27 “Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all.” Sounds like today doesn’t it? We are in the fourth quarter with time running out. Have you ever seen a sign that said “ Freeway End” This system is like that Freeway. It’s going to end. We can stay on the path we are on or make the needed changes in order to live up to Jehovah’s righteous standards.

The truth must become your own. Nobody can force you. By your actions, you will show What the Truth means to you.

It has been my pleasure to post. Please keep your heads up and continue in this fight. When ever you feel the temptation to do wrong, please pray first. Please ask Jehovah for help. Ask for his holy spirit to guide you. Think about things you do before you do them. Think about association. Think about speech. Think about what influences you. Think about the future and please don't go through life ignoring Jehovah. He can see what you do. Stay on the road of life and remember that the road of life is cramped meaning not all will make it. Think about what you do daily. Think about the differences of right and wrong. Think of what you can lose. The most precious thing that a person can have is a relationship with Jehovah.

As for my family, we will continue in this fight shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters till the end of this system. I pray for the entire organization to remain faithful. To keep up the fight. We have much more freedom in this country compared to those who are jailed or hurt because of their faith.

Jehovah, please be with them. Please keep them safe. Please help those who are learning about you. Help them to appreciate you Jehovah. Help them to understand what you have done for us in terms of sending Jesus to die for us. Thank you Jehovah for allowing us to learn about you and helping us draw close to you so that you can draw close to us. Help us Jehovah so that when Temptation presents itself that we think of you and do the right thing and avoid actions that could hurt our relationship with you. We love you so much Jehovah. Please continue to forgive us where we fail you. We make many mistakes so please continue to put up with us and show us mercy Father. Please watch over those Jehovah who are learning about you.

Satan doesn't make things easy in this system so I ask that your holy spirit watch over all of us. Thank you again Jehovah. I pray in Jesus name. Amen..

I hope and pray that this final post has touched hearts. Thank you for all the time you have given me. Take care and please don't give up.....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All will know you are my people if you have love...

One of my favs

that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you


A lie can never expose the Truth but the Truth will always expose a lie. How those words are true. I recall when I was younger all the mistakes I made in life. About an hour ago, I took Jesse to have lunch. We ate and discussed life.

I think what I said was loud enough that I could have turned it into a talk. As you can tell from my posts here, what I say isn't short but it is sweet. I told Jesse many things about my life. I told him things I've done. The things I regret. I told him that I wish I had Jehovah in my life when I was younger.

I didn't have my Father or my Mother. I didn't have anyone to direct me. I said all of this to Jesse. I told Jesse about my life because I didn't want him to follow in my footsteps. I didn't want him to spend nights locked up like some crazy animal.

I told him about my drug usage because I didn't want him to use drugs. I told him about the times I got drunk because I didn't want him to get drunk. I have two DUI's on my record because of Alcohol.

My sister is very sick because of the choices she made in life. I told Jesse all of this. Do you need to do the things other people do to find out later that its bad? I told Jesse all of this. Look at those who take drugs. Might seem cool but it isn't. It can lead to other drugs. Don't listen to what anyone says. I can lead to other drugs.

So I told Jesse that you don't need to do what others do to find out if it's bad or not. Just observe and you will see how bad it is. If you see a drug addict, shouldn't that tell you that drugs are bad? Alcohol well, even Adults do this how bad can it be. There is nothing wrong with drinking unless you abuse Alcohol and please don't say " It won't happen to me " My own cousin died at 33 because of Alcohol. It can happen to anybody.

People today think they have everything under control when in fact their lives say otherwise. It won't happen to me. I've heard that expression many times. I told Jesse the only way it doesn't happen to you is if you don't allow it to happen.

Put it this way....And this is true... and don't say it won't happen to me because it will....

If you are around those who do drugs..You will sooner or later do them as well. Even if its just to try it....Please don't it won't happen to me...

If you are around those who smoke. You will sooner or later smoke. Even if its just to try it. Please don't say it won't happen to me...

If you are around those who use bad words. Please don't say that you won't say them because most likely its in your head already.

I love all of my Children and I'm very protective of them. I do the best I can to try and keep them away from any influences of the world. If you are influenced by the world it will show in your speech. It will show in how you dress. It will show by your association. It will show in your life.

A person who can lie to anyone can even be blinded by their lies that their lies become truth to them. Once they start, it doesn't even bother their conscience to lie again.

When it gets to that point where the bad things don't bother your conscience anymore you have to look at what you YOU are doing in life.

Till tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I had to post this

These are brothers and sisters singing in the North Beach/Cantonese Kingdom Hall. They arrived in San Francisco and were met by many brothers and sisters welcoming them to the Bay Area.

I forgot

That Friday we are off work. The talk is complete. I'm going to post it on Thursday instead of Friday. I was asked the other day why do Witnesses think they are high and mighty.

I looked at that question puzzled. I asked " What is it that we do that makes you think that way? "

The answer given was interesting. " Because you guys don't party or act like everyone else" .

So then I said " Do you know why? "

I'm not sure was his answer. So I explained that it isn't because we feel that we are better than everyone else. It's because we live by Jehovah's Standards. Think of it as a team. Let's say a basketball team. If you don't meet the requirements, can you make the team? Once you make the team, can you do what ever you want or maintain so you can remain on the team?

If Jehovah says that we shouldn't get drunk, then should we not listen to Jehovah and get drunk anyway?

If scripture says that bad association spoils useful habits, should we go out and do what our so-called friends do?

Everything that Jehovah has said is for our protection. Since he is the creator, shouldn't he know what is best for us? So it's not that we think we are better, it's because we do our best to live within his standards.

And because we live by Jehovah's standards, the world doesn't understand and will talk about us. We will lose friends. We will lose family.

Matthew 10:37 applies here when Jesus stated: “He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me.”

So, then, is it best for you to have a few short years of life now in this system, or eternal life in the new system of things? Weigh the alternatives, think about it and then make your decision.

As mentioned it doesn't matter what anyone says. Most will say negative things because they don't understand what is means to live by bible standards because most standards are low. I don't have to say it. All you have to do is look at how someone lives their life. When it comes to clothing, their speech, their association. You can tell if they are following God or not.

Then you have to look in the mirror and ask yourself. " Am I living up to his standards? " If you aren't, then what's stopping you. Nothing....It's you....

Till tomorrow.

Monday, December 21, 2009

This week

The last post is coming this Friday. After much thought and consideration I feel that it's time to move on. An Illustration that you can liken it to is a Mother Bird who teaches her baby birds to fly.

At first it's a struggle but the babies birds learn and thus fly on their own. It's hard but they do it. In a way it's the same with the Truth. You learn the basics of the Truth and what you do with it from there will determine which road you selected in life.

The Truth teaches the true condition of the dead. It teaches why Jesus came to Earth. It teaches how the Earth came to be the way it is today. It teaches what will take place in the future. It teaches what you should be doing in life. It also reminds you that Jehovah can see all that you are doing.

The most I can do is my part which I have done for a year now but the baby bird has to fly on its own. When you learn how to fly, do you need to be taught again? Paul wrote in Hebrews chapter 5 verses 12 through 14 Paul wrote: Although you ought to be teachers in view of the time, you again need someone to teach you from the beginning the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God; and you have become such as need milk, not solid food. For everyone that partakes of milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong.

What Paul means is that if we gained accurate knowledge and yet still need someone to teach the basics of the truth, it's like a baby still needing milk instead of growing and eating solid food. Why are we still drinking milk? Good question to ask ourselves. The talk is just about complete and it will be voice and text and yes it will be the last post. Thank you again all for listening but in truth, I'm just a messenger. Jehovah deserves all the credit. Http://

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last post coming next week

June 2nd 2008 was my very first post. I have enjoyed writing about my faith and I hope that I have encouraged others to continue in this fight we have in this system and I hope I have encouraged others to want to learn about our religion.

I often included my family in many of my topics. I have talked about my struggles in life and my hopes for the future but I'm going to get straight to the point. The talk that I am working on is going to be my last post. It isn't a talk that I'm giving on stage but it is a talk made for this blog.

It's title " What does the Truth mean to you "

You might ask why quit after more than a year of writing. Well I read something tonight that kinda shocked me. I didn't read the entire thing because there was way to many bad words and I was offended by them. It wasn't directed toward me in any way but to someone else and so I thought to myself, does it really make a difference that a bad word isn't spoken from a person's lips vs reading language that is said from others?

If I went to a friends house and that friend started to smoke weed but I didn't smoke weed. Should I remain in that house and reason with myself " Well I'm not smoking so it's ok that I be here " That kind of reasoning makes no sense. It's the loop hole many find in order to please their conscience. I'm ok with it because I didn't do it. Suppose I'm in a car with a friend and he's blasting music that talks about a person's private parts or someone killing someone else. Can I use the excuse that I'm just the passenger?

It's bad enough that we are surrounded by all this garbage why include ourselves in this garbage and use the excuse that " Well it's not me " Again, we include ourselves. We get caught up in it like some Jerry Springer show. I understand that you cannot limit all the garbage you hear. It's impossible in this system but why even include yourself in it. I just don't understand.

I hope what I'm saying makes sense because we cannot bring our so called friends to the new system. At some point, they have to be left behind. Which leads me to my final post. What does the Truth mean to you.

Sit, relax, close your eyes, get a soda, tea, or coffee and just think of that topic. What does the Truth mean to you. One sentence in my talk is this " If it means that much to you, then how come your life doesn't reflect it "

Anyway, thank you for listening....Till next week.......


Sorry for the delay folks. I was out at home with a back injury. I could move around without feeling pain. I will update as soon as I can. One of the things I wanted to talk about is the truth and what it should mean to you.

I am working on this today, and I hope to have it up in a talk.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gilbert's Talk

Well, last night went well. I was very nervous but got it done. Here is my talk. Thank you for listening...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 2012

I feel like I must touch on this again because many still ask me questions. Will the Earth end as we know it. This is what the bible says about the end. Notice this scripture found at Matthew chapter 24 verses 36 through 39.

It reads: Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

There is a few things you can take from this scripture. First of course if what is mentioned in the very beginning which states the day and hour of the end. It states that nobody knows but God. It states that not even the Angels know. Not even Jesus himself knows when. So if Angels do not know. If Jesus does not know. How can man know when the end will be?

Man has always attempted to predict the end and have always been wrong. Take for example Jan 8, 1998. 31 members of a splinter group of the Solar Temple cult headed by German psychologist Heide Fittkau-Garthe were arrested by police on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, amid fears that the cultists were planning a mass suicide. They were convinced that the world would end at 8:00 pm on this day, but that the cult members' bodies would be picked up by a space ship.

Mar 8, 1998 - A doomsday cult from Karnataka in southern India claimed that much of the world would be destroyed by earthquakes on this day, and the Indian subcontinent would break off and sink into the ocean. After the destruction, Lord Vishnu would appear on Earth. The leaders of the cult claimed that El Nino and the chotic weather that accompanied it was a sign of the coming destruction.

Mar 31, 1998 - Hon-Ming Chen, leader of the Taiwanese cult God's Salvation Church, or Chen Tao - "The True Way" - claimed that God would come to Earth in a flying saucer at 10:00 am on this date. Moreover, God would have the same physical appearance as Chen himself. On March 25, God was to appear on Channel 18 on every TV set in the US. Chen chose to base his cult in Garland, Texas, because he thought it sounded like "God's Land."

Aug 11, 1999 - During the week between August 11 and August 18 a series of astronomical events took place: the last total solar eclipse of the millennium (Aug 11), the Grand Cross planetary formation (Aug 18), the Perseid meteor shower (Aug 12), the swingby of NASA's plutonium-bearing Cassini space probe (Aug 17-18), and Comet Lee's visit to the inner solar system. Add to this the fact that some of these events are taking place before the end of July according to the Julian calendar, and you have a recipe for rampant apocalyptic paranoia. Fashion designer Paco Rabanne claimed that Mir would crash into Paris on August 11. It didn't. Others said that a monstrous asteroid or comet, previously unseen, would become visible during the eclipse and strike the Earth thereafter. Nothing happened.

Sep 3, 1999 - Judgement Day was to be on September 2 or 3, according to the notorious Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo. Only members of Aum were to survive. Well, they did survive, but so did the rest of us. Perhaps this means we're all members of Aum? Thankfully, no sarin gas attacks occurred.

Author Richard Noone predicted that on May 5, 2000, the planets would perfectly align and end life as we know it by sending melting ice barreling toward Earth’s Equator.

Television evangelist Pat Robertson preached that sometime in the 1980s, Jesus would return to Earth, after the biblical doomsday event known as the Rapture.

Then, there was the case of the Y2K bug at the end of the 20th century. It was predicted that a bug caused by a calculation error would cripple computers and other machines and lead to mass chaos, none of which actually happened.

When the Large Hadron Collider fired up in September 2009, some critics speculated that the world’s biggest atom smasher could spawn a black hole that would devour Earth, which was proven to be incorrect when the machine was actually started

Point is this. We do not know when the end will come but we do look at the signs given in the bible. I will touch on contradiction later but for now it's safe to say that 2012 will be like any other day unless Man causes something to happen.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Talk Tomorrow

I must admit, I'm a little nervous and have been since I found out the CO will be there. CO meaning Circuit Overseer. The talk is

What Is God’s Kingdom? How to Show We Want It:

Open your bibles to Matthew chapter 6 verses 9 through 13. And it reads: YOU must pray, then, this way:
“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. 11 Give us today our bread for this day; 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’
This is the prayer that Jesus had taught his followers. Many call this the Lord’s Prayer. Those in the world often say the Lord’s Prayer but do not understand what they are praying for. For example in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 10 it states “ Let your kingdom come, let you will take place, as in Heaven, also upon the Earth “
If you asked those in the world to explain what is Jehovah’s will, what is his kingdom, what does it represent, and what will it do they cannot answer correctly because, they do not know. Jehovah’s Kingdom is a government established by Jehovah with a King Chosen by Jehovah.

Today many look to Earthly Governments to solve their issues. I’ve read that they even called the current President the savior of the world as if he can solve all of our problems. I’m sure you heard the phrase “Yes we can“ Well, no you can’t. You cannot solve our issues. You cannot cure this disease that all humans have called Death. You cannot remove sin and you cannot resurrect our loved ones.

So we need Jehovah’s kingdom. If left to man, there would be no one left. Of course the King chosen is none other than his son Jesus. You might ask, what kind of king would Jesus be? Will he be the same as the others?
While on Earth with Jehovah’s holy spirit, Jesus raised the dead, cured the sick, and fed the Hungry. Imagine what Jesus will do on a global scale but he was sent to Earth because he had work to do. Open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 4 verse 43 . That’s Luke chapter 4 verse 43. And it Reads: But he said to them: “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth

Jesus says that he must declare the good news because this is what he was sent to do but he knew that he could not do this on his own so he taught not only his apostles, but others to do the preaching work. The same work that you and I have the privilege of doing today. Jesus knew that Jehovah’s Kingdom is the only means to True salvation. It is the only kingdom that can bring lasting peace for all.

No need to worry about Nuclear War, disease, terrorists or any other man made weapon that could kill us. Instead Jehovah tells us that Death will be no more, he tells us that he will wipe every tear, He tells us that our loved ones will be resurrected. This is what his kingdom promises.

Do you want to be part of this kingdom? It’s easy to say yes I do, but we have to show that we want to be part of this kingdom. How do we do that? We can Imitate Jesus. We can follow his example. Notice what Jesus said at John chapter 8 verse 29. Please turn with me there.

Jesus faithfully serves his father and we can do the same and by doing so, we can show Jehovah that we want to be part of his Kingdom.
That's the talk that will be given tomorrow. Little nervous but I hope to get some audio of it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I recall when I was a new witness my only response was " I don't celebrate birthdays " and that was about it. It wasn't that I couldn't explain more it's just that I was nervous on how to explain.

Even if I did explain, would anyone really listen as to why? One ear and out the other. The celebration of the anniversary of an individual’s birth, though customary among the ancients, was originally frowned upon by the Christians.

In the Bible there is no instance of birthday celebrations among the Jews themselves. In fact, many viewed birthday celebrations as parts of idolatrous worship.

Early Christians had reasons of their own for not celebrating birthdays. Back then birthdays had strong connections with pagan religion that are less noticeable today. The custom of commemorating the day of birth is connected in its content, with certain primitive religious principles. You might ask what?

Spiritism, for one. The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or daemon who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born. The Romans also subscribed to this idea. They called the spirit the genius. This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saint.

Another reason for early Christians to avoid birthdays was the connection with astrology. The keeping of birthday records was important in ancient times principally because a birth date was essential for the casting of a horoscope. To early Christians astrology was associated with Eastern religions, Roman Stoicism and the twisted thinking of the Gnostics. Christians wanted no part of that!

Eventually the nominal church’s opinion of birthdays changed. Why? Because the overall attitude of the church toward the Roman world changed, not surprisingly, when persecution ceased under Emperor Constantine. Nominal Christianity, much corrupted from the apostolic version, became the state religion. Now what happened to her previous hostility to anything pagan?

As the church emerged from the storm of persecution into the sunshine of imperial favor, the Church passed from the lower conception of a church saved out of the world, to the higher conception of a world to be saved through the ministry of the church.

What was the result of such un-scriptural reasoning? If Jesus’ birthday could be celebrated, what about other birthdays? All of this happened many hundreds of years ago. Why should it affect birthday celebrations today? Well, if first-century Christians celebrated neither their own birthdays nor Jesus’ birthday, why should not sincere Christians today follow their example?

You might ask, But isn’t that an extreme position to take, even fanatical?’ After all, what harm is there in a birthday party? No spiritism or astrology is involved today.

Interestingly, much that is taken for granted in birthday celebrations today retains the flavor of ancient religious rites. The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks.

What do the candles mean? Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes. Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune.

How about the traditional greeting Happy Birthday? The Lore of Birthdays: Birthday greetings and wishes for happiness are an intrinsic part of this holiday, originally the idea was rooted in magic. The working of spells for good and evil is the chief usage of witchcraft.

One is especially susceptible to such spells on his birthday, as one’s personal spirits are about at the time. Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day.

Does that mean that Christians cannot have anything to do with any custom that might have originated in false religious rites? No. A great many common practices may have had such origins. But when features of the custom, as carried over into modern-day practice, go contrary to Bible principles, then true Christians must conscientiously refuse to participate.

But why pick on a little thing like birthdays?. Because Christians believe that the Bible principle “the person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much” applies here. Luke 16:10.

Although childbirth is a joyful occasion, the Bible puts it in perspective with this interesting comment: “A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born.” (Eccl. 7:1) How can that be?

At birth all of us have inherited imperfection and sin from our ancestors, Adam and Eve. We are born outside of God’s favor with the prospect of a brief, trouble-filled life and then death.

Although we are all born in sin, the situation is not hopeless. The Bible writer John put it this way: “He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. John 3:36.

So the imperfect life we have at birth is not really life at all from God’s point of view. That is why a good name with God is so important! If one’s life has been spent acquiring such a name, then, at the end of such a worthwhile life, it can truly be said that the day of death is better than the day of one’s being born.

Such a person has the sure hope of a resurrection to live again. Would it not be better to seek and rejoice in a good relationship with God than to celebrate a birth date?

Our refusal to celebrate birthdays stems from a sincere desire to please God. We cannot help but note, as Christians have noted since the time of Origen, that the only two birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible were those of an Egyptian pharaoh and Herod Antipas, a Roman ruler, neither of whom was a servant of God. It is also significant that both celebrations were associated with an execution.

Yet we enjoy life. We enjoy sharing with one another in healthful periods of relaxation. We look forward together to the hope of everlasting life that comes under God’s kingdom. We believe that the time is coming when babies will no longer be born with a painful inheritance of human imperfection and death.

At that time, everyone who is born will be able to look forward confidently to a life so long that counting birthdays will be pointless.

True Christians today are not preoccupied with the roots and possible ancient religious connections of every practice or custom, but neither are they inclined to ignore pointed indications that do exist in God’s Word. This includes as mentioned that the only birthday celebrations of Biblical record are of pagans and linked to instances of cruelty. Hence, the Scriptures clearly place birthday celebrations in a negative light, a fact that sincere Christians do not disregard.

Matt. 14:6-10: When Herod’s birthday was being celebrated the daughter of Herodias danced at it and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Then she, under her mother’s coaching, said: Give me here upon a platter the head of John the Baptist. He sent and had John beheaded in the prison.

Gen. 40:20-22: Now on the third day it turned out to be Pharaoh’s birthday, and he proceeded to make a feast. Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer.But the chief of the bakers he hung up.

So hopefully this explains why we do not celebrate birthdays

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 25th.

Interesting because we just discussed this at our last meeting. Every year witnesses go through issues because of the holidays. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, etc.. Someone from my work had mentioned to me that their children felt as if it was torture not allowing my children to celebrate Christmas. For Children, it's hard because they don't understand the meaning behind Christmas. They are fooled by the World into thinking that Jesus was born that day.

When you find out that Jesus was not born that day, Oh it's all about Santa or it's the Christmas spirit or even family spirit. I try to explain why but most of the time it goes in one ear and out the other. Jehovah has standards. His Standards has not changed. It's our standards that have changed. Give man an inch, he takes a mile.

As mentioned Jesus was not born on December 25th. That was a lie but don't you wonder why you were even lied to in the first place? If his Birth was not on the 25th then how exactly did they come up with that date? Who came up with that date? Was there anything else on that date?

Someone might say " Yes Jesus was born on December 25h " I just ask, show me where in the bible it says the date of his birth? You won't find it because it isn't there. It never was there and there is scripture evidence to show that it wasn't in December.

December 25th, as is well known, was chosen by the Church of Rome in the fourth century. This date in pagan Rome was dedicated to the Sun god. Although Christianity had already been affirmed in Rome by an Edict of Constantine, the myth of the Sun god was still widespread, especially among soldiers. The above-mentioned festivities, centred on 25 December, were deeply rooted in popular tradition. This gave the Church of Rome the idea of impressing a Christian religious significance on the day by replacing the Sun god with the true Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ, choosing it as the day on which to celebrate his birth.

Another disturbing question arises with regard to the nature of Christmas celebrations. If Jesus returned to the earth today, what would he think about the rank commercialism of Christmas? Recall when Jesus visited the temple in Jerusalem. He was outraged by money changers and vendors who were taking advantage of a Jewish religious festival to make money. “Take these things away from here!” he said. “Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise!” (John 2:13-16) Clearly, Jesus did not approve of mixing commerce and religion. Do you not agree it's mixed today?

If traditional Christmas has little to do with Christ, how should true Christians remember the birth and life of Christ? Once we know Jesus well, we need no longer wonder how he would like us to remember him. Would it be by eating, drinking, and exchanging presents on the same date as an ancient pagan festival? That seems unlikely. The night before he died, Jesus told his disciples what he preferred. “He that has my commandments and observes them, that one is he who loves me. In turn he that loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him.” look at that up at John 14:21

So it's clear that Christmas or should I say December 25th is a pagan holiday. Also show me the scripture where any of Jesus's followers celebrated his birth? You won't find it. Matter of fact, show me where any of Jesus followers celebrated their own birth? You won't find it. Remember the bible does speak of Birthdays but both ended with bad results.

This is taken from Wikipedia:

That pretty much sums it up. We follow what is mentioned in the bible. We follow Jehovah's standards and not our own. If Jehovah wanted us to celebrate the birth of his son, he would have said so. He did not for there is no reason to celebrate a birth. Celebrate life itself each day that you have it for life itself is cause for celebration and do it daily while you have it. Each of us have our internal clocks that sooner or later stops. Every second that goes by is a second that we cannot get back. It's gone forever. Jehovah adds power to our clocks so that it keeps ticking.

So just to review. Would Jehovah want us to Celebrate a day that falls in a pagan holiday?

Principle: "'Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says Jehovah,
'and quit touching the unclean thing'; 'and I will take you in.' "-2 Corinthians 6:17.

Some questions to ask yourself about a popular celebration or custom:
• Does it clearly have roots in a false religious practice or teaching, including
spiritism? -Isaiah 52:11; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Revelation 18:4.

• Does it give undue honor or adulation to a human, an organization, or a national
symbol? -Jeremiah 17:5-7; Acts 10:25, 26; 1 John 5:21.

• Does it elevate one nation or ethnic group over another? -Acts 10:34, 35; 17:26.

• Does it reflect "the spirit of the world," which works in opposition to God's holy
spirit? -1 Corinthians 2:12; Ephesians 2:2.

• Could my participation in it be a cause for stumbling? -Romans 14:21.

• If I choose not to participate, how would I respectfully explain my reasons to
others? -Romans 12:1, 2; Colossians 4:6.

Again the Bible makes no mention of a birthday celebration for Jesus. In fact, his
exact birth date is unknown. We can be sure, though, that he was not born on December 25 in the cold of winter in that part of the world. For one thing, Luke
recorded that when Jesus was born, "shepherds were living out of doors minding
their flocks. Luke 2:8-11. If "living out of doors" had been their habit year round, that would not have been noteworthy.

However, because Bethlehem is subject to cold rains and snow, flocks were wintered under cover and shepherds would not have been "living out of doors." Additionally, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem because Caesar Augustus had ordered a census. Luke 2:1-7. It is highly unlikely that Caesar would have commanded a people who were resentful of Roman rule to travel to their ancestral cities in the dead of winter.

Christians give out of love, their giving is not tied to a date, and they
expect no gifts in return. But, some may argue, did not the astrologers present birthday gifts to Jesus? No. Their gift-giving was simply a way of paying their respects to a person of note, a common custom in Bible times. see 1st Kings 10:1, 2, 10, 13; Matthew 2:2, 11. In fact, they did not even come on the night that Jesus was born. Jesus was, not a babe in a manger, but many months old and living in a house when they arrived.

So see it's clear that Jesus was not born on that day and that December 25th is a pagan holiday turned religious. We will talk about Birthdays on Thursdays.

More on Fear

Fear of men or fear of God? When I was younger I was never afraid of anything. I didn't care if I died, I didn't care if others from rival gangs died. Life didn't mean that much to me. I always took chances with my life.

The times I was in the hospital because of drugs or times I put guns to my head. This is the way I played. I would take a gun and put one bullet in it. I would spin the barrel and put the gun to my head and pull the trigger.

I had a 357, you know the Clint Eastwood special. I was so stupid. Out of all the times I pulled the trigger and not to get hit is amazing. I wasn't scared of anything till I fell in love. Then I was scared to lose my future wife. Then I had Jesse. I was now scared that they would get hurt someday.

I was never in fear of anything. Now I'm in fear of Jehovah. I'm afraid that I'm going to upset him. I do my best but at times feel that I can do more. So those words are always stuck in my head....

I can do more....