What does the Truth Mean to you?
The truth shall what? Set you free. I’m sure all of us have heard that expression but yet in this world many lies are told. What about the little boy who cried wolf. Recall that the boy kept saying that a wolf was there. Many would come out to help him only to find that the boy lying. He said this about three times and on the fourth time he was telling the truth. Sadly nobody came and the boy died. All thought he was lying and thus when he tried to tell the truth nobody came. Again the boy died. His lie cost his life.
You might say that this is just story. Well, let me take you back to the Garden of Eden where a lie ended up changing the future. The Earth was supposed to be a global paradise. What you see today is far from what it was supposed to be. The scriptures tell us that it was Jehovah’s purpose that obedient humans enjoy life in a place full of love, in a place full of beauty. Even the animals were in subjection. Let me ask you, have you ever seen a place on Earth that was so beautiful that you stopped and admired its beauty?
I’m sure we all have. Think of a place. What about Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Florida. Sounds Beautiful right? Imagine the kind of place that Jehovah created. The Garden of Eden, just imagine how beautiful it must have been but as mentioned the future was changed. Even though Jehovah created the Earth, created Adam, Eve, and the Garden, he did have a rule. It wasn’t the most difficult rule by today’s standard. All he asked was for them to be obedient. Jehovah told Adam that from every tree of the garden he may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
While the Genesis account may appear very simple, what it says has deep significance. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad was not poisonous but wholesome, literally “good for food.” So God’s restriction regarding this fruit was the only thing that made eating of it bad. The tree was therefore a fitting symbol of the right to determine or set the standards of good and bad, which right God reserved for Himself by forbidding Adam to eat .This prohibition emphasized man’s proper dependence on God as his Sovereign Ruler. By obedience the first man and woman could demonstrate that they respected God’s right to make known to them what was “good” (divinely approved) and what was “bad” (divinely condemned). Disobedience on their part would have signified a rebellion against God’s sovereignty.
If I had a six pack of soda in the fridge and I took one out and put it to the side and asked all in my family not to drink my soda, do you think they should drink it thinking that I can go another one? Again, Jehovah told Adam that he can eat from every tree meaning there were many things he could have eaten. Think of it this way, Humans from Adam’s time down to ours have had to accept the law of gravity and live in harmony with it right? So why should humans reject living in harmony with another law, or command, from the beneficent Creator?
The Creator made clear the consequence of rejecting his law, but he gave Adam and Eve the option to obey him voluntarily. It is not difficult to see in the account of man’s early history that the Creator allows humans freedom of choice. Yet he wants his creatures to be supremely happy, which is a natural result of living in accord with the good laws he gives. As a Parent I expect my Children to listen to what I have to say. The only reason that they shouldn’t is if what I say conflicts with Jehovah’s Laws. We should be determined to accept Jehovah’s authority over that of any human. When man’s law conflicts with God’s law, the decision as to what to do is not difficult. Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5, 6 States: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”
My children should have more fear of Jehovah than me. You might ask “What do you mean by fear? “ Watch what happens when they take my soda. I’m kidding of course. What I mean by fear is the fear of disappointment. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you are in school and the teacher hands you the report card to show Mom and Dad. You look at it and notice that it’s full of D’s and F’s.
You don’t want to show it to Mom and keep it away from Dad. You have fear that you could disappoint them. So it’s not fear in a sense that we are scared but fear that we could disappoint. Our lives are report cards, Daily Report Card - that if we are doing the right thing, we are proud to show Jehovah. Just like a child would be proud to show a parent his or her report card. Can we be proud if our report card shows D’s and F’s? What does the Truth mean to you? Once you learned it, what did you do? In the world those without conscience have F’s on their report card. Once you learned the Truth, how did you feel? Did you try the best you could to live within Jehovah’s Standards? Have you tried to improve your grades? What does the Truth mean to you? Once we start to change our lives our grades improve but now we must maintain that grade. We must do what we can to maintain that Grade.
Does it make sense to drop out after all that was learned? Peter said to Jesus “Where shall we go? You have sayings of Everlasting Life “ What did the Truth mean to Peter? To find that answer, requires study to learn what the Truth meant to Peter. What about Paul? Do you know the history of Paul? To find the answer requires study to learn what the Truth meant to Paul. What does the Truth mean to you? You can ask yourself “If it means so much, why does my life not reflect it? Have you asked yourself that question? Have you looked in the mirror to make sure that you are maintaining your grades? The world is indeed one big school with many subjects. Our Class is small compared to the other classes in the world and in every school you have your Bully. The definition of a bully is a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people. Are we not weaker or smaller compared to Satan?
This is where the Truth should mean much to you because it adds as a protection from not only the world but the attacks that we will receive from Satan and his demons. Why would Satan need to focus on those who he already has? That bully is friends with the world and the world is friends with him but what did Jesus say about not only himself but those who wish to live by Jehovah’s standards. John chapter 17 and verse 16 states that they meaning us are no part of the world, just as I meaning Jesus am no part of the world. For that reason, that bully, the father of the lie, that murderer is after us. We want nothing from his system. We want nothing from his twisted religious views. We want nothing from Satan. He continues to offer his system on a daily, but we must continue to maintain our grade. We must continue to question ourselves to make sure we are doing what is right. It’s easy to do what it wrong. Again, we must question ourselves to make sure we are doing what is right. We must make sure our complete suit of armor is on so it can protect us.
What does the Truth mean to you?
Carefully consider the following questions
• How is your meeting attendance?
• How is your study habits?
• How is your Field Service?
These are the kind of questions you can ask yourself daily. Those look in the mirror type questions. Keep in mind though it isn’t about doing more than your brother or sister. It’s about giving your best to Jehovah. It isn’t about bragging on how many hours you did in a month or tying to make yourself shine in front of others. Jehovah knows what we can and cannot do and he will never force us to do more than we can do. Those learning the Truth, continue moving forward. Don’t stop and be determined to make the Truth your own. It can be difficult in this system but Jehovah help, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. Recall the words of Jesus where he stated at John chapter 16 verses 33 where he states that he has conquered the world. He did so by remaining vigilant and keeping integrity under trial. Let your life show that you have made or are making the truth your own. Show what the Truth means to you. Keep in mind that you are doing something that Adam or Eve couldn’t do which is to keep your integrity to Jehovah. Are you perfect? No. What Job perfect? No. So it can be done. It has been done.
Think about this just for a moment. We have many brothers and sisters that have been in the Truth for years. They have their struggles just like us but their lives show what the Truth means to them. Is it difficult? Of course, Satan doesn’t make it easy. Satan has many tools at his disposal. He is a professional killer. Think of it this way. How long does it take to be a Medical Doctor? Years I’m sure. After he or she gets the degree they are now Doctors. They are considered professionals at their chosen profession.
Satan has been doing this before any of us were born. Before my parents were born. Before their parents were born. Point is, Satan is a professional at what he does and if it didn’t work, then the world today would be different. Remember Adam & Eve. What Satan used worked on them. It worked on Cain and he killed his own flesh and blood. Genesis Chapter 4 verses 7 through 12. Cain had the chance to change. There we read in verse 7 counsel that was given. Verse 8 tells us that counsel was ignored. Verse 9, Jehovah asks Cain about Abel and in verse 10 a very touching question which was “ What have you done”. He killed his own brother.
What did the Truth mean to Cain? Very little. The first murder and many more to come in the future. Because of all that has happened. Jehovah could have said. I had enough. They don’t listen. They don’t care. One brother kills another. If you were Adam how would you feel? Your son Abel is dead. Not only did Adam and Eve cause sin to enter into the world. His dear son who loved Jehovah was now dead. It got so bad that in Genesis Chapter 6 verse 5 Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant. Verse 6 in that same Chapter he says that Jehovah felt regret. He felt hurt at his heart.
Think about that. Jehovah felt hurt at his heart. Was Jehovah hurt when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge? Of course he was because he knew that sin now entered into the world. Think he was hurt when Abel was killed by Cain? Of course he was. Recall he said “ What have you done “ Now the world at that time was full of badness but Noah found favor in Jehovah’s Eyes. Noah did what ever was asked of him. Did Noah warn the people? Yes he did. Did they change?
Well only his family entered into the Ark? What did the Truth mean to Noah? He listened to whatever was said by Jehovah. Thankfully Jehovah’s original purpose didn’t change. He had a plan and it included his first creation.This is touching to talk about but what if you were in the crowd watching Jesus get punched and people spitting on him. Just imagine for a sec how you would feel if that was your son. Think of how Jehovah must have felt.Did Jesus have revenge in his heart? NO because he said something that was so touching that it should make you appreciate him and Jehovah even more. Luke Chapter 23 verse 34 says ““Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
They hit him, spit on him, and was in the process of killing him and he says “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He gave up his life. The most powerful person in the universe sent his son to die for us so that we can have a chance to live. So that we don’t die. So we don’t get sick. So we won’t go hungry. What does the Truth mean to you? Jesus said that his food was to do the will of his father Jehovah. We can do the same but it must be with a complete Heart. 1st Chronicles chapter 28 and verse 9: Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you.
Jehovah knows that rightly inclined people will be drawn to him and that knowledge of his beautiful qualities will warm our hearts. Don’t be afraid of what people say. Don’t think that the end of this system will never arrive. Notice what is mentioned in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 3, 4. For You know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Perhaps you know someone who has said “ They have preached the end and yet nothing has happened” Let me ask you a question. Do you think that Noah sent out an spam email warning everyone about the coming flood? Think the Ark was built in a day? The people were warned. What were people doing when they were being warned and how does it apply to us today? Well, Jesus Christ himself referred to the Flood. Notice Luke Chapter 17 verses 26, 27 “Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all.” Sounds like today doesn’t it? We are in the fourth quarter with time running out. Have you ever seen a sign that said “ Freeway End” This system is like that Freeway. It’s going to end. We can stay on the path we are on or make the needed changes in order to live up to Jehovah’s righteous standards.
The truth must become your own. Nobody can force you. By your actions, you will show What the Truth means to you.
It has been my pleasure to post. Please keep your heads up and continue in this fight. When ever you feel the temptation to do wrong, please pray first. Please ask Jehovah for help. Ask for his holy spirit to guide you. Think about things you do before you do them. Think about association. Think about speech. Think about what influences you. Think about the future and please don't go through life ignoring Jehovah. He can see what you do. Stay on the road of life and remember that the road of life is cramped meaning not all will make it. Think about what you do daily. Think about the differences of right and wrong. Think of what you can lose. The most precious thing that a person can have is a relationship with Jehovah.
As for my family, we will continue in this fight shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters till the end of this system. I pray for the entire organization to remain faithful. To keep up the fight. We have much more freedom in this country compared to those who are jailed or hurt because of their faith.
Jehovah, please be with them. Please keep them safe. Please help those who are learning about you. Help them to appreciate you Jehovah. Help them to understand what you have done for us in terms of sending Jesus to die for us. Thank you Jehovah for allowing us to learn about you and helping us draw close to you so that you can draw close to us. Help us Jehovah so that when Temptation presents itself that we think of you and do the right thing and avoid actions that could hurt our relationship with you. We love you so much Jehovah. Please continue to forgive us where we fail you. We make many mistakes so please continue to put up with us and show us mercy Father. Please watch over those Jehovah who are learning about you.
Satan doesn't make things easy in this system so I ask that your holy spirit watch over all of us. Thank you again Jehovah. I pray in Jesus name. Amen..
I hope and pray that this final post has touched hearts. Thank you for all the time you have given me. Take care and please don't give up.....
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