Thursday, July 31, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
CBS reports:
One of al Qaeda’s top chemical and biological weapons experts was killed in an air strike by a CIA pilotless drone in a remote Pakistani border region, senior Pakistani intelligence officials told CBS News Tuesday morning. Intelligence officials investigating the early Monday missile attack confirmed that Midhat Mursi al-Sayid Umar, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri was one of six men killed and his remains had been positively identified..............................................
Not only are we supposed to believe that Al Qaeda terrorists are everywhere, hiding behind every corner waiting to blow you away in the name of global jihad, we are also expected to believe that they have the power to rise from the dead to commit more atrocities after they have already been killed.
Of course there has to be an explanation for all this surely? Well yes, kind of. After the media interest died down, it was quietly announced in a footnote in a Washington Post article that in actual fact no al-Qaeda leaders perished in the 2006 airstrike and that it was in fact only local villagers that had been brutally murdered. What a surprise.So al-Masri was cleared to be announced dead for a second time. Don't discount the third coming of al-Masri either. The State Department still has him listed as wanted.
It may not come as a surprise to some that al-Masri has been announced dead twice given that for a year and a half the CIA was using the wrong photo of him on their website, instead displaying the picture of radical London imam, Abu Hamza al-Masri.
As we do in gaming...Sign..........
In other news Nancy Pelosi was on the view. I don't watch that show often but, thank god for U-Tube. Anyway here she is on the view. Impeachment was asked
If he committed a crime? LOL - Makes you wonder who or how far she is involved. Other thoughts, I didn't know that religion was a hot topic.
I received several emails and I'll try and answer to the best of my ability each and everyone. I want to thank Lil & Derek for their wonderful emails and insight. I'll let you know what I mean in another post but thank you. Hell was discussed more than once and if hell exists. Another email I received asked about the Satan since many books are out there that mentions that Satan and God are one in the same. An interesting question that was asked was about the rapture. Another question was about the book of revelation itself. I was shocked to receive emails about religion so in another post I'll try and cover it one at a time since the questions and subject are deep. Before I end today's topic. I want to know from you a simple question. If you can change anything in your life, what would you change and why? Is there anything you have done that you regret and wish you could change? Don't worry, I will not post any names I promise you. Anyway, these are my thoughts for today and I mentioned a few posts ago that I have Choco's Heaven can wait video. I'm still working on that so be on the lookout for that video.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Thoughts For Today
I didn't see the entire video but most of it and I know many how share the same views. I mean really how can you believe in something you never saw or ever will see. You might reason that when you die you will go to Heaven and meet your maker. I believe in God of course. There is many things that I can't see that I know are there. An example is the Air. I can't see it but I know it's there. You might reason and say well there is proof that it's there and that's true but my point is Air you can't see it. For me it's the same way with God. I can't see him but I know he is there. Everyone has every right to believe whatever. I'm not here trying to convince you why I think there is a God. Only sharing why I believe there is. I've never been a chance type of guy. I don't think all of this happened by chance. Think about it for a second. The Sun is in the perfect spot to give heat. If the earth was closer to the sun we would be hotter. If it was away from the sun we would be colder. In each case life could not be the way it is in each case, closer or away. Did all of that happen by chance?
Even more important than analyzing the weaknesses in the case for evolution, however, is our examining what the Bible itself says and its consistency with observable evidence. With marvelous simplicity the opening verse of Genesis says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) Thus it comes to grips with a question that baffles evolutionists. Instead of leaving us in the dark as to that fundamental point concerning the origin of all things, it tells us the answer, simply and understandably. It confirms our own observation of the fact that nothing comes into existence by itself. Grass huts, wooden homes and brick apartment buildings all were designed and built by someone. Even though we personally were not on hand when a particular structure was erected, we know that it had a builder. In harmony with that, the Bible reasons: “Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”—Heb. 3:4.
Evolution or Creation?
The evidence for creation is enormous. Why, then, do many people reject creation and accept evolution instead? One reason is what they were taught in school. Science textbooks nearly always promote the evolutionary viewpoint. The student is rarely, if ever, exposed to opposing arguments. In fact, arguments against evolution are usually prevented from appearing in school textbooks.
The authority of the educational system then compels belief.” Regarding evolutionary teaching in higher grades, he said: “A student is not permitted to hold personal beliefs or to state them: if the student does so, he or she is subjected to ridicule and criticism by the instructor. Often the student risks academic loss because his or her views are not ‘correct’ and the grade is lowered.
Some people sincerely reject the concept of a Creator because they feel, as it has been said, that ‘seeing is believing.’ If something cannot be seen or measured in some way, then they may feel that it does not exist. True, in daily life they acknowledge the existence of many things that cannot be seen, such as electricity, magnetism, radio or television waves and gravity. Yet, this does not alter their view, because all these things can still be measured or sensed by some other physical means. But there is no physical way to see or measure a Creator, or God. However, there is sound reason to believe that an unseen Creator does exist because we can observe the evidence, the physical results of his handiwork. We see it in the technical perfection and intricacy of atomic structure, in the magnificently organized universe, in the unique planet Earth, in the amazing designs of living things and in man’s awesome brain.
These are effects that must have an adequate cause to account for their existence. Even materialists accept this law of cause and effect in all other matters. Why not also regarding the physical universe itself? On this point, the Bible’s simple argument puts it best: The Creator’s invisible attributes, that is to say his everlasting power and deity, have been visible, ever since the world began, to the eye of reason in the things he has made.” In other words, the Bible reasons from effect to cause. The visible creation, the awesome “things he has made,” are an evident effect that must have an intelligent cause. That invisible cause is God. Too, as the Maker of all the universe, the Creator no doubt possesses power so enormous that humans of flesh and blood should not expect to see God and survive. As the Bible comments: “No man may see God and yet live.”
Today I thought of these things as I wondered about my future. Do I think I will go to heaven? No I don't because my wish is to remain on earth. In the book of Revelation 21:4 it states that death will be no more. That simple yet powerful scripture states that God will do away with death meaning that he will reverse what was lost so long ago by our first parents. Yes I know it's hard to believe but the scriptures tell us so. Go look it up. If God were to do away with death in the future that could only mean several things.
1. Another Flood which the scriptures state will not happen again
2. Humans Destroyed and all go to Heaven which the scriptures show there will be people after Armageddon.
3. Death will be removed, that will allow people to remain and live on earth.
I like number 3. Can I take number 3 please. Anyway, I hope you guys/gals don't mind that I post religious stuff because I have received emails that find the subject very interesting. Most shy away from it thinking it would cause disagreement which it can but I think that most are adults and can handle the topic. Anyway, this is my thoughts for today.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Thoughts For Today

I may be out of the game, well in and out since I do log on since my subscription ends in August. This has always been a problem that may be fixed in the next patch. That of course is how to get members of your guild to sign up for raids.
In the next expansion something new that Blizzard has worked on was an in-game calendar.
There is a way to add user events in the calendar. It also appears there is a way to share the calender items among members in your guild. This is a great feature which gives no excuse for not signing up for a raid or not knowing a raid is going to happen. It can be difficult to manage a site and have members check the site daily but no matter how much you encourage your members to visit the site, they will not visit unless you keep the site updated daily or every other day.Anyways, thought I would share the calendar today.
Update: I had to post this video
What is wrong with this picture!!!
OMG this guy had a broken back
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
• 229 Dentists (DDS, DMD, BDS)
• 225 MD's (includes MBBS)
• 214 DC's (Doctor of Chiropractic)
• 214 Nurses (RN, BSN, ARNP, APRN, LNC)
• 98 ND's (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine)
• 50 Lawyers (JD and LLB)
• 35 RDHs (Registered Dental Hygienist and RDHAP)
• 32 Acupuncturists (LAc - Licensed Acupuncturist, and, MAc -Master Acupuncturist)
• 28 Pharmacists (Pharm.D, B. Pharm, DPh, RPH)
• 21 DO's (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)
• 10 Veterinarians (DMV, VMD, BVMS)
What does this mean? 1,782 Professionals call for an End of Water Fluoridation. Fluoride is in our drinks, in our sodas, in our water, and in our toothpaste. They say it's good for you. Look in the back of your toothpaste and tell me what it says? Doesn't it say that if swallowed to call the poison control? That goes in our water. What are the possible risks? Well, dental fluorosis; bone fracture; bone cancer; joint pain; skin rash, reduced thyroid activity; and IQ deficits. I suggest all review this video
After watching the video, please do your research on why Fluoride is bad for you and can kill you. Thank you for reading
My Thoughts for Today
Remember on Teamspeak last year I asked you why you selected meesoo and your response was Mee So Horny. Is it coming back to you now? Bet you thought I forgot huh...Nope I remember. You were bashing another member at the time because of the way he played his toon. After I made the suggestion to speak to him, you didn't and continued to bash him. Yes, I know who you are. I also remember all the crap you talked about Vato, Ezdagor, Choco, and hell even Rebel but I'll keep my mouth quiet. I guess I should have saw the signs because if you were that kind of person to even talk about Rebel and then in his face (on teamspeak I mean) act all friendly well, fool me once right. I mentioned to my wife that I'm done with the game and you want to insult me yet again. That's low of you. Shame on you. I mentioned that the game is stressing me out and you want to insult me because I wanted to move on. I could have joined another guild, I could have left Dragonsbane for another guild. I could have changed my name and joined another guild but I didn't do any of that. I just left the game because I was frustrated by the lack of movement and commitment by it's members. I was sick of running Kara after running it since the expansion came out. I was tired of it.
Marrag is a class act even though there are those who have spoken badly about him behind his back. There is another who would always put me on ignore just because I had a mod enabled. I remember this player spoke badly of me but I guess didn't know I was on teamspeak. If you know me, then you would know that I always tried to have fun and make others laugh. Maybe I should post everything I know about those who talked trash. All the way from Bonded to Dragonsbane. As a GM I had some juicy info in Bonded and as an officer in Dragons I also had some juicy info. Should I create a toon and go down to your level MeeSoo? MeeSoo Horny. Shame on you Brotha....
You stated and I quote "This has to be the biggest emo/douche blog on the net"
It's interesting you say that because I'm not sure who is going to disagree with my statement concerning guild progression since Guild progression really is the only thing that matters in World of Warcraft unless you are a casual player then I guess it doesn't matter. I mentioned the enless loop of running Kara and how members will leave if they don't see progression. I mentioned that nobody pays $15.00 to have the same gear. They get bored and thus level an alt waiting for leadership to do something and when nothing happens, guess what happens? Who disagrees with that statement? Guess only you.
Here is a list of names that have been bashed on. Some old some new but I have always kept my mouth quiet and will do so because just like now and back then, you still don't have the balls to go discuss this with any of these people I have on this list.
Hoffonges (DerekB son had to say that because I don't know how to spell his name)
Zherial (not in guild but was along time ago)
Like I said, nobody in World of Warcraft is going to care. Till Tomorrow, this is my Thoughts...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
When I mentioned that you should enchant that weapon you have, DO IT. Don't hold out because that weapon may never drop. You are just holding yourself back and besides you can make ez money in TBC and I can't imagine that in the next expansion that money isn't going to be hard to make. Don't hold yourself back. You also have the guild to help you with mats so don't hold yourself back. As for raiding, I don't know why you would hold yourself back because of the expansion. From what I read the expansion is going to be released in Nov which is 4 months from now and it's not 100 percent sure that it will be in Nov. Would you rather go into content that you have seen? Or see new content and get into habit of raiding? I saw see all the content you can and get into the habit.
If you don't get into the habit and things don't change, trust me when I say that your most loyal will leave your guild. I will say it again and will continue to say it as long as we are on this subject that Nobody is paying monthly to wear the same thing. If you are happy with that then good, go level an alt and reason with yourself that everything will be ok. You belong in a casual guild but if you wish to gear up and want to be hardcore then you need to be where you feel that you can improve most. Some reason that since they have friends in the guild they want to remain in the guild. Like I said, if you are ok with Casual guilds then you stay in the guild you are in. If you leave and people don't speak to you, then were they friends in the first place?
If they were your friends then they would understand why you had to do what you have done and thus keep you on their friends list. If they remove you then so be it. It's like a bad relationship that won't improve but you can't leave because you are used to it. Every Guild has a core but even the core will fall if some in that core wish to see more content. If you are happy where you are and are ok with your progression then you belong in the guild that you are in. If you are not happy, speak with leadership and let them know your feelings. If they cannot change it then you have no choice but to leave in order to improve yourself.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments - please email me and I'll add them. What do you think. How do you improve a guild?
P.S. - Termana I have always tried to be friendly with you and everyone I have encountered in this game. It's sad that you still bash me in forums but say hello and chat with me on-line as if everything is cool. Tells me the kind of person you are. I have always enjoyed the fact that people create toons to hide who they are in order to talk trash about another. It shows just how small you are. No balls at all. My blog will touch on many subjects, I'm shocked that it was posted on the forums by a Dragonsbane Member hiding their identity as if you think I wouldn't know who you are. LOL - What a low life. Anywayz, have a good Sunday
Saturday, July 26, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
If you watched C-span what came out of those hearings was interesting. One of the things mentioned was stated and quoted I should say that Bush wanted to paint a plane to appear that it was a UN plane and see if Saddam would shoot it down and thus he can go to war. False flag operation of course. When that was mentioned I reflected on my belief that 9/11 was a false flag. Gulf of Tonkin of course was a false flag operation. Operation Northwoods was a false flag operation so I guess if you know your history then it shouldn't be a shocker than 9/11 was indeed an inside job. The fact that Bush even suggested that should tell you just how low this Administration would go but it's also my belief that it's not Bush it's whomever is pulling his strings, I would say the Visible Gods of this world.
So it was interesting to me to watch what was said simply because there was new information that I did not know. Information such as declassified documents that showed Iraq was not a threat to the United States but the White Paper that was given to Congress stated that Iraq was a threat. So the belief in the White Papers that was given to congress was given so they can approve war. So far if I have the numbers right, over 4000 troops have died because of a lie a Proven Lie. Will anything happen to Bush? Think anything would? If you do then it's amazing to me that you have yet to awaken from what I call the living Matrix. So Many Americans are trapped in it and many refuse to believe or at least look at the evidence. Don't believe what you see on TV. Folks the most I believe is when they being up sports. Media is controlled. You have to look outside the media to find out what's going on inside the United States.
But I wonder - Do you think that if McCain or Obama can change anything. There is a reason why bases were built in Iraq. I wonder why there were detention camps built all over America. Here is Video of one
There are about 800 Built in America. Look up Rex 84 better yet, let me just post it
Also Look up Main Core. What is Main Core?
According to a senior government official…”There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.” … One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention. Here is the info that went on in that hearing and keep in mind that this is also on the record.
So there you have it. You have to ask why we needed to go in Iraq? When it comes down to it? Well, Oil is one reason and may be the only reason. Connect the dots folks. Afghanistan well, if the United States can bomb whatever out there why not bomb the poppy fields? Oh that's right, it makes Millions if not Billions a year. Since the fall of the Taliban, drug production has increased tenfold. Don't Believe me? Well can you believe the UN who released that report? Well here is the report.
So Iraq has Oil and Afghanistan which has drugs = Billions. Interesting isn't it. Iran has what? Oil and when they setup the attack on Chavez well, what does he have? Oil. It's the reason why Chavez is buying all kinds of weapons from Russia. Don't believe me, research yourself. Anyway, this is my thoughts for today.
P.S - Iran Attack, Election Suspension, Martial Law?
Scary times we live in.
Friday, July 25, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
I was speaking to a friend about this very subject. Why is it that men cheat. Adultery has been around forever, and has always given us something to talk about. Most reality TV shows these days center on it, as do gossip mags. But we are far from cracking the big mystery: Why do some men cheat in relationships? Could it be that In troubled relationships, cheating can be an easy alternative to the burden of a breakup or the agony of divorce.
It's a quick fix for the sake of the couple's or the family's integrity. Some of us have even gone so far as to enact the long-distance code: meaning if you cheat in another zip code, it doesn't count. There are 10 reasons why men cheat. If I didn't list it here so be it.
Number 10 - Every man has heard that the best way to get a woman to stop having sex with him is by marrying her. Apparently, long-term relationships seem to suck the sex drive out of many women, leaving men gasping for fulfillment. With the need for more sex, some men will start "working late" more often.
Or it could just be that the sex has become boring. She doesn't want to try new things in bed, or won't perform fellatio. Some men may cheat because they don't want their girlfriends or wives to perform certain sex acts that would ruin their "good girl" image, so they get a mistress to take care of it. Like Robert de Niro said in Analyze This , "That's the mouth she kisses my kids good night with!"
Number 9 - You found out your lady was being unfaithful, and the only way you can relieve your anger is by doing the same. For many men, this is the only way to get back at their cheating girlfriends and even the score. Some men might even cheat to get back at all the cheating women they've had the misfortune of dating throughout their lives; now that's efficiency.
Number 8 - If you consider the women you sleep with "sexual trophies," chances are you have already cheated at least once in your life. Some men simply cannot leave behind the thrill of the hunt, the chase and the conquest. For other men, the excitement is in the variety, like changing ice cream flavors for one day after years of sticking to just one.
Number 7 - What eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel," goes the old adage, and it still holds true, as long as there are no cameras around. The knowledge that no one will find out and no one will get hurt is reason enough for some men to grab a different helping. But be careful; as men get craftier with avoiding detection, women get more sophisticated with detecting, not to mention boosting their network of spies!
Number 6 - Nothing lifts the old self-esteem like discovering that other women still desire you sexually. When in long-term relationships, men may begin to question their sexual marketability, which will lead some of them to sow their clandestine wild oats. Once a man knows he can get back in the game, he'll return to his mate; or not.What's a guy to do when his girlfriend's-a-naggin' and opportunity comes-a-knockin'?
Number 5 - It's an uncontested fact that most men can't say "no" to sex. Although guys aren't constantly bombarded with sexual offers, sometimes an irresistible prospect presents itself. Maybe it's a frisky ex-girlfriend, maybe it's a horny hottie on the dance floor. A guy may see it as once-in-a-lifetime occasion that might never be available again. Carpe diem , as they say.
Number 4 - Most men have experienced at least one woman who thrives on making him feel like crap. Fighting, nagging, and squabbling in the right ratios is the best recipe for a headache. Cheating with another woman is a common escape from this domestic hell, and works better than aspirin.
Number 3 - Truth be told, women are quick to forgive men for their unfaithful behavior. Maybe it's their fear of being alone, or that women are simply the more merciful ones of the human species. Some women might even blame themselves for their men's infidelities, and take steps to improve their relationships. The fact that many women let their men get away with murder might compel them to double deal repeatedly. Just ask Bill Clinton
Number 2 - Long-term relationships have the annoying habit of making people lazy. No longer concerned with staying fit and attractive, a committed woman might lose the allure she once had. Her man may simply not find her beautiful anymore, and making love to her is not as stirring as it once was. This is why most mistresses are gorgeous, young women.
Number 1 or as I call it, Number Juan - Alas, after a long time together, you have lost the feelings you once had for her. But the relationship has remained too much a part of you. Separating seems so painful, so radical that it's almost inconceivable. So instead of separating, you go elsewhere to get your physical gratification. Most times this does not help matters, but only prolongs the inevitable breakup.
In the end, cheating is no joking matter. If you are cheating on your girlfriend or wife, it might be that you are unhappy in the relationship, or that you have issues that you should address. Look at the big picture and see your unfaithfulness as a symptom of a bigger problem.Cheating might feel good as a quick escape from your problems, but it's only an anesthetic -- not a long-term solution. Women will call men dogs if they cheat while men call women - well I can't say it so I'll let you fill in the blank.
The best thing is to prevent yourself from being tied up in a releationship in the first place. Stay single and guess what it's not cheating!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My Thoughts for Today
I was never late. I was always on time. I drove down and keep I still didn't have a license at this time but I was behind the wheel anyway. This is how it's done. There is the station, and the stations parking lot. You stand and wait for them to call your name. Once they do, you get a orange vest and you grab your lunch. Nobody in their right mind ate the lunch. Just drank the juice.
Then you wait for the city to come by in city vans or Muni to come by in a bus. Some of the guys were cool some were mean but the goal was to complete this so I wouldn't end up in jail. I met some interesting guys while cleaning but this was one of the interesting times. I ended up assigned to the Muni Bus. One of the other swap guys happen to be an owner of a strip club.
The Muni Driver was well aware of it. I'm guessing the owner of the club mentioned it. That guy never cleaned anything. You know why?
Everyone he was assigned to, he took them to his strip club but on my watch this is what happened. We ended up at the muni yards cleaning the busses. The muni driver took strip club owner and took off to the clubs while we just sat around. They returned for lunch and the Strip club owner purchased everyone lunch. I didn't accept. I have my own money to buy my own lunch. You don't have to try and buy me off. I won't say anything don't worry. Little did the Muni Driver know but the police knew what was going on and did catch the muni driver the next time the strip club owner was assigned to him.
To many eye's and snitches. He should have known better. Oh well...My last day was great. I received my paperwork and felt as if I accomplished a goal. I was very happy but I was about to start my second goal which was to complete DUI classes. That was yet another year. I'll talk about that tomorrow.
Yesterday I mentioned about Flight 93 and my belief that it was shot down. Before you go any further I am one of those guys who feel 9/11 was staged. Before you get upset at me for feeling that way please consider all the evidence first. All you have to do is examine for yourself. It would seem as if you questioned what happened that day people think your insane or your not American.
I've also always thought that people Like Bush and his administration are only puppets and are taking orders from those who really control things. He who controls the gold makes the rules. Maybe I'm wrong in this area but truth is 9/11 was indeed an inside job the facts alone on that day point to it. The experts agree on it. Witnesses that were there agree on it. The families of 9/11 want a new investigation. The 9/11 report never even touched on building 7.
You want to know the truth, follow the money trail and you will find it. There are those who are blinded by the fact that they believe that their government will never lie to them. If you believe that then you are trully blind my friend. On another forum I covered such topics as:
Biological Testing on Humans
Vaccines & Immunizations
Police State
I have covered it all and will continue to cover it. You don't have to believe me. You can sit there and reason that it's ok to kill innocent people in Iraq because of what was done to the trade centers. You might think because that happened it's ok to kill people even if they had nothing to do with it. If the shoe was on the other foot and your son died and your son had nothing to do with it, how would you feel? You might just pickup a gun and fight whomever. Very sad world we live in.