Monday, June 8, 2009

Make the Truth you own

That is my favorite Kingdom Song. Here it is being played

Everyone really has their personal favorite but for me this is it. The lyrics are:

1. The way of the truth is the best way of living.
No better way can there be found.
Christ Jesus has taught us the value of giving,
That happiness spreads all around.
Make the truth your own.
May your faith to all be shown.
By the way you do conduct yourself,
You make known that the truth is your own.

2. By putting God first and him actively praising,
The world and its friendship you’ll lose.
To those without faith, it is truly amazing
That God’s righteous way you did choose.
Make the truth your own.
Shun the world; leave it alone.
As to God Jehovah you draw near,
You make known that the truth is your own.

3. The Devil will ever resort to deception,
But him you can firmly oppose.
The large shield of faith will provide sure protection,
And with it you’ll ward off his blows.
Make the truth your own.
Satan’s wiles are not unknown.
Putting on the armor God supplies,
You make known that the truth is your own.

4. The flesh is so weak, and the heart too is desparate.
With this sinful state you contend.
But please be assured that you can overcome it,
For God is your Helper and Friend.
Make the truth your own.
To bad ways do not be prone.
If your body members you control,
You make known that the truth is your own.
How can you not love those words. Really it's heart warming. What does it mean to make the truth your own? As we study & continue our studies, the truth does become our own. As we learn to appreciate what Jehovah as done for us, the truth does become our own. As we teach others the truth, the truth does become our own. No matter what happens to us in this system of things or what the world takes away, they can never take away the Truth.

There is a brother in our congregation who is going back to Hong Kong. He's been here for about a year but he told what he went through just because he became a witness. When this brother learned the truth, his parents disowned him. Did not want anything to do with him. His mother who loved him very much just stopped talking to him and threw him out the house.

He had an education but didn't have a job. He moved in with other brothers who were there to help him but his pain didn't stop. He was thrown in Jail because of being a witness and stayed there for about a year. I didn't have a chance to talk to this brother but I'm going to get the rest of the story on Tuesday. The only reason I found out what happened is because an Elder was telling his story since he was going back.

After he was released he came to the United States to our congregation. I assumed he has always been here but I was wrong. I can't wait to speak to him. The watchtower yesterday which talked about Job hit the spot. Job went through so much and yet kept his integrity to Jehovah. He lost all his wealth, his health, and his children and still kept his integrity to Jehovah.

We have to remember that we may go through the same things. We may lose a loved one in this system of things. It's not Jehovah's fault. We may get sick. It's not Jehovah's fault. Our friends or parents may never speak to us because of the choice to become a witness. It's not Jehovah's fault.

If it wasn't for Jehovah's sending Jesus to die for us we would not have a second chance at life. We should not blame Jehovah for all the badness we see or what happens to us. Think about this for a second. Right now if everything was perfect in our lives with no issues and we are witnesses, we should question our spirituality. Because we are Targets of Satan. Our lives should not be perfect, there should be something wrong somewhere and if there isn't now there will be. That's exactly what an Elder said yesterday.

Satan isn't going to stop. He already has the world. It's us that he wants. Recall when he tried to tempt Jesus. He didn't get him but he did say that he will return to tempt Jesus again. We should expect the same and it can come in many forms but nothing that we don't see coming. We know all of Satan's tricks but he continues to use them because they have worked on some of our brothers and sisters who fall away from the truth. They have worked on those who want to be apart of the truth.

Jesus stated at Matthew 10:38 that whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. Jesus requires not only that we accept and believe in what he taught but also that, for our entire life, we continually follow the pattern he set. We cannot slave for two masters. It's one or the other and the way we live will show which master we serve.

For those looking reading wanting to learn the truth. First know that Jesus came to give you a second chance but he also stated that he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. It requires effort on your part to maintain the pattern set by Jesus. It requires that you show that you Love Jehovah by your actions and not just your words. Talk is cheap as they say. Think of a person that you love. How do you show them that you love them?

Those who have children, how do you show them that you love them?
Husbands, How do you show your wife that you love her?
Wife - How do you show husband that you love him?
Children - How do you show your parents that you love them?

I'm not asking how you tell them, I'm asking how you show them. So in like manner whats the best way you can show Jehovah that you love him? By your actions because they will speak louder than any words you can say.

How has Jehovah shown you? I will talk about that tomorrow. Have a great day.

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