Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well still no baby. I had trouble sleeping thinking that the baby was going to arrive this morning but nothing yet. My wife has been feeling the pressure and had some pain but nothing to major.

I'm the kind of person who expects the worst and hopes for the best. When my wife was 2 months pregnant, I expected her to lose the baby. Only because we lost one before and we were both depressed for some time.

When our youngest daughter came it was a blessing but we both felt something was missing. In truth, we cannot replace what we lost. There will always be a hole in our hearts for that one child we lost. Because Jehovah knows this its possible that in the new system, we will see that baby. Nothing is impossible with Jehovah, everything is possible.

I recall a brother telling me that there is no limits in the new system. Meaning that Jehovah will give us so much. The fact that we will have everlasting life is amazing. But we have to get there first. We have to make sure that we stay spiritually strong to make it there.

Like a child who asks a parent on a road trip, Are we there yet? no
Are we there yet? no
Are we there yet? no

Well we are not there yet but we are close to the end of this system of things. I just hope that my wife is going to be ok during delivery. I've read about woman who died right there in the hospital during delivery. I was asked what I would do if I lost her. Well it's simple. I would wait till the new system to see her again.

I love her very much. I love her more than myself. She has given me everything and I'm sure that most husbands feel this exact way about their better half and its true.

Anyway, I will update as soon as we have the baby. I'm hoping to post some pics of the baby once he's here.

P.S. I thank you for reading my post where I was talking about vaccinations. I posted what they put in the flu shots and if you wish, please do research on it. You will find that all of the vaccinations out there today hurt us. I was also asked to trust our Government. I responded " Are you kidding me, aren't these the same people who said Iraq had WMD's and it's been proven that they lied? "

Then I said, who has gone to jail over it? Nobody but many have been promoted. So to expect me to trust in those who have always lied is a bit weird. I have spoken to brothers who feel the same way while others didn't know the Flu shot contained Anti-Freeze.

I will write up an entire thing about it later on but it's a very interesting question.

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