I hope that video helped many who smoke and see what damage it can do. When I saw that video for the first time I cried. My mother smokes and is an addict. I feel so bad for her and stuck at the same time because she won't quit.
Above is a picture of Michael Jacksons Kids. I read a story about Michael Jackson's Kids in connection with Jehovah's Witnesses and that Michael wanted them to become witnesses. Here is a picture of them holding a song book and it's being reported that they are now going to a Kingdom Hall.
Deep down it would appear as if Michael always knew this was the truth thus wanting his children to learn. I'm not sure why Michael left the truth. Jehovah is very forgiving and he can read the heart. When brothers or sisters leave the truth they may engage in things that they may feel like it's to late for them. They may say to themselves " How can Jehovah forgive me"
This is perhaps how Michael felt. I don't know what he did in his personal life. I did not know him on a personal level. I have read many stories about brothers and sisters who left the truth and did so many things. One sister got pregnant. After the baby was born an empty feeling in her heart. She missed Jehovah.
She missed him very much. She would cry and did not feel worthy enough to pray to him. It was very sad. This sister ran into another sister who was doing street work. They didn't know each other but the sister took the magazine. I don't recall what magazine it was but whatever it was touched the sisters heart.
The very next Sunday she walked into her hall. The brothers and sisters were so happy to see her. A few sisters cried and hugged her. It was very touching. This one brother I knew on a personal level. It was interesting because even when he was in the truth at times when around me I would hear him say bad words. I told him that he needed to clean up his act. I moved to another Hall and he stayed in his.
A few months later I was told that he left the truth and that nobody has seen him. They didn't know what was going on with him. Well it was funny because I ran into him. He happened to work right across the street from where I work. We spoke a bit and before I could say anything else. He told me he left and the reason why he did.
He said a brother came up to him because he didn't something that was spiritually wrong. He told the brother that he needed to see and Elder to get help. To get spiritually corrected. Instead of talking to an Elder he left and didn't return. Then he told me that he had some issues and I told him think about things before it was to late.
Sadly he never returned. His life continued down hill from what I was told. I do have a few other stories. I'll talk about that later. As for Michael's Kids. Its good to see them going to at least learn. I'm sure this isn't the first time they heard of it. It's possible that Michael spoke to them about the truth but like that sister may have felt that he couldn't go or approach. Hard to say. Anyway, have a great day. See ya tomorrow.
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