Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mark of the Beast

I was reading this article about a club in spain who implanted chips into people in order to get them into the VIP area's. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Pratt well, Spencer didn't say it but Heidi did. Both of these people are Celebrities even though I didn't know who they were I'm sure someone does. Anyway, this is what Heidi said in connection with chipping people and I quote " This is very serious. It says in the Bible this is the mark of the beast, and that is a sign of worshipping the Devil. So over my dead body would I ever get a chip in my body," she says. "My body belongs to Jesus Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus, and I will speak out to Christians....this chip is the end of humanity." End Quote

For those who don't know the story may have to go back to last year or the year before when I posted about a company called Verichip who wanted to implant Humans for tracking. Some of the tracking makes sense while others reasons to track humans doesn't. Read this Article:

Now back to the question because I've heard it many times about chipping and the mark of the beast. In the Scriptures, certain numbers have symbolic significance. The number seven, for example, is often used to symbolize that which is complete, or perfect, in God’s eyes. For instance, God’s creative week comprises seven ‘days,’ or extended time periods, during which God completely accomplishes his creative purpose regarding the earth.

God’s “sayings” are like silver that has been “clarified seven times,” thus perfectly refined. The leper Naaman was told to bathe seven times in the Jordan River, after which he was completely healed.

Six is one short of seven. Would it not be a fitting symbol of something imperfect, or defective, in God’s eyes? Yes, indeed! (1 Chronicles 20:6, 7) Moreover, six repeated three times, as 666, powerfully stresses that imperfection. That this is the correct view is supported by the fact that 666 is “a human number,”. Thus, the beast’s record, its “human number,” and the number 666 itself all point to one unmistakable conclusion—gross shortcoming and failure in the eyes of Jehovah.

The portrayal of the beast’s deficiencies calls to mind what was said about King Belshazzar of ancient Babylon. Through Daniel, Jehovah said to that ruler: “You have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.” That very night Belshazzar was killed, and the mighty Babylonian Empire fell.

Likewise, God’s judgment of the political beast and of those with its mark spells the end of that entity and its supporters. In this instance, however, God will eradicate not just one political system but every vestige of human rule. How important, therefore, that we avoid having the deadly mark of the beast!

Immediately after disclosing the number 666, Revelation mentions 144,000 followers of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who have his name and the name of his Father, Jehovah, written on their foreheads. These names identify the bearers as belonging to Jehovah and to his Son, about whom they proudly bear witness. Likewise, those having the mark of the beast proclaim their servitude to the beast.

Thus, the mark, whether on the right hand or on the forehead, figuratively speaking, is a symbol that identifies its bearer as one who gives worshipful support to the beastlike political systems of the world. Those having the mark give to “Caesar” that which rightly belongs to God. How? By giving worshipful honor to the political state, its symbols, and its military might, to which they look for hope and salvation. Any worship that they render the true God is merely lip service.

So Again - Six is one short of the Biblically complete number seven, just as six days would come one day short of a complete week. It pictures incompleteness, imperfection. The number is a “man’s number.” So it stands for fallen man’s imperfections and shortcomings. God uses six to the third (emphatic) degree in the wild beast’s name (6 + 60 + 600), emphasizing powerfully the inadequacy, imperfection and deficiency of the human political organization and how foolish it is to put any hope and trust in it for man’s everlasting welfare.

How can you avoid the mark of the beast? As the Bible seriously warns, it takes courage and endurance. Those who refuse it must be men of principle. It is much easier to receive the mark than to resist it, for force is used by men who wish to plant the mark on the forehead and hand of those who do not willingly receive it. It takes spiritual strength, which can be obtained only from God through a study of his Word. Jesus said: “Pay attention to what you are hearing,” and, “Pay attention to how you listen.” Listen to what God’s Word tells you; give attention to the message that is being proclaimed regarding this very thing now.

There is no middle ground. Witnesses know this, and they know that they must keep their spirituality at a high level by watching their course of action every day. From 1919 onward they have refused to join in this international worship of the political State and the League of Nations and its successor the United Nations. They have observed the “commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”—Matt. 4:8-11.
True, it means a continuing test of endurance for the holy ones, the remnant of the 144,000 of Christ’s spiritual brothers on earth and for their companions who hope to live forever on earth under God’s kingdom.

But it means that they avoid drinking the cup of God’s wrath and of suffering permanent destruction that comes upon all worshipers of the beast and its image. And the rich reward is God’s favor that leads to life. Do you wish to avoid being with the fighters against God and suffering their fate? Turn NOW to God’s Word.

Witnesses, who have put into your hands this copy of The Watchtower, are glad to help you, free of charge, to learn of God’s provision for delivering those who endure so as not to receive the mark and for saving them to everlasting life in his righteous new order. Because six falls short of God’s perfect number seven, it is called a man’s number and attaches to the visible organization of men under Satan, the god of this world, and which organization is symbolized by the wild beast. So it is with this meaning in mind that this number of the wild beast is said to be “a man’s number.” It is not God’s perfect number of spiritual completeness.

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