I don't recall touching on this subject to much but it is often asked. Why does God allow suffering? First let me say that God is not the cause of human suffering. Notice what is mentioned at Job 34:10: Far be it from the true God to act wickedly!
So if God isn't the one then Who, then, is the prime instigator of misery? Jesus called Satan the ruler of the world. Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign. That position he will never relinquish. However, for a time, God has allowed Satan to rule most of mankind. 1 John 5:19 says We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
the Entire World is controlled by Satan. What kind of ruler has Satan been? Ever since his first contact with humans, Satan has been a murderer and a deceiver. Satan wreaks havoc on human society in profound ways. Jesus indicted him with these words: “That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. which is found at John 8:44.
Jesus also said that the men seeking to kill him were children of the first murderer. They made themselves his children by acting like him. Like father, like son, the adage states. You might ask, If God does not cause suffering, why does he allow it? Because universal issues, moral ones, raised a long time ago still need to be settled. Let us look at just one of them.
At the beginning of human history, Adam and Eve sided with Satan. They rejected God’s rule and chose self-rule, which was really rule by the Devil. Jehovah’s sense of justice required that time be allowed for evidence to accumulate. What is the inescapable conclusion?
Human rule under Satan’s influence leads only to suffering. Really, in the long run, God’s allowance of time has been for man’s benefit. How so? Those who study the evidence and believe it have the opportunity to demonstrate their willingness to be ruled by God. Those who learn of God’s standards and live by them have the prospect of living forever
True, for now, Satan has the world in his evil grip. But not for much longer. Under God’s direction, Jesus will mend broken hearts and restore shattered lives. He will resurrect back to life on earth billions of humans who have suffered and died over the centuries
The resurrection of Jesus is an example of God’s victory over the works of the Devil—a token of what is to come for humans who choose God’s rule. The Bible directs our thoughts to that time to come with these comforting words: God himself will be with mankind. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away which is found at Revelation 21:3, 4.
Think of this as well. Those in times past that followed Jesus suffered in a way in which you and I cannot imagine. It is not God's will to allow suffering, he never intended for things to be this way.
In this system there will be times when we will suffer in one way or another. The most pain that I've felt in my life was when I lost my father but imagine the joy I felt when I found out that there was a chance that I could see him again. I gave a talk on that subject and I included my father in my talk. I have some crying because they felt my pain in my talk or they lost someone who they can't wait to see again.
Think about this as well. Everything that you will ever go through is only temporary. If you are in pain, pray. Open up your heart to God and understand that he doesn't like any of us to suffer. Imagine when Jesus died. Imagine the pain and suffering Jehovah must have felt. That was the only time in history that his son Jesus was not alive. So even Jehovah GOD the most powerful in all the universe also suffered because of the actions of Adam and Eve, and of course Satan the Devil.
But he does hurt. Notice this scripture found at Zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 which says: For this is what Jehovah of armies has said, Following after the glory he has sent me to the nations that were despoiling you people; for he that is touching you is touching my eyeball.
Have you been poked in the eye? It hurts. Jehovah says he that is touching you, in terms of making you suffer is like touching God's eyeball. I hope this post helps.
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