I walked home yesterday in the rain and the only thing on my mind was Jesus. I was thinking of the way he taught. I was thinking of what he has done and gone through for us. I was reflecting my choices in life. The reason I starting thinking of him was because an article I read about The Jonestown Massacre. Many younger ones may not recall just what happened. About 909 were led to their death by the Jim Jones in a mass murder-suicide pact in a South American jungle, shortly after Jones' gunmen killed a visiting U.S. congressman and four others at a nearby airstrip.
Of the nearly 1,000 church members who began the day in Jonestown, a cult commune, only 33 survived to see the next day. Jones was a phony faith healer, and much of his money came in mail-order donations from the desperate. Elderly members handed over their Social Security checks, working adults gave 25 percent of their wages to the church and some signed over all their property. Government investigators would later find at least $10 million in Swiss banks, mainly in Panama. Another $1 million in cash was recovered in Jonestown.
After thinking of Jones, I thought of Jesus. One side you have an evil person who clearly was in lead of a cult and another who is pure and holy. I thought that if Jesus were here today, where would he go? What would he say? And what would he do? If you recall back in the day Jesus has tried to show these religious leaders the consequences of their rejection of him. Remember what Jesus said? he said to them “You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father.” So Jesus concludes: “He that is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.”
He said this to those religious leaders back in his day. Would he say the same now? Would he approve of what is going on in the world today? Think about it for a second. If Jesus never taught hell fire would be approve of those teaching it? Would Jesus approve of those who use foul language and yet claim to love God? Would Jesus approve of Holidays that are of pagan origin? If Jesus was to inspect what is going on with every single religion in the world do you think he would be disappointed? He was disappointed then and he would be disappointed now. He would be disappointed by those who claim to love him and yet shoot his brother. He would be disappointed by those who claim to love him and yet would go to a strip club to watch another woman bare her fruits. He would be disappointed by those who claim to love him but yet is stealing, yet is killing, yet is using foul language, yet is punching his brother, yet is punching and kicking his sister causing her to have marks on her face, yet would be disappointed by teaching things he has never and would never teach, has never taught and would be upset at those who are teaching things that conflict with what is taught in the bible. It's clear Jesus would be disappointed.
Just because the worlds standards have lowered it does not mean that God's standards have lowered. It does not mean that God is going to allow his followers to do what Satan allows. God has high standards and yet his standards are not burdensome as mentioned in 1st John chapter 5 verse 3. It's not burdensome. It's us who makes it difficult on ourselves. It's us who fail God it's not the other way around. He has been and always will be there to give us guidance. He will always be there to give us direction, he will always show us the path in which we should walk. It's us who fail him.
It's easy to to blame God on the condition of the world but if you do not understand why it's the way it is then clearly you have not studied scripture. If you don't understand why we die, then you have not studied scripture, if you do not know who we should point our finger at then again you have not studied scripture. The scripture tells us that SATAN the devil is cause of the issues we see in the world today. God loves you but God loves those who he Disciplines does he not. And if you are truly listening to his word then you would listen to God's word and what it tells us. I mentioned Jesus and how he viewed the religious leaders of his day, Lets say if Jesus stood right in front of you and asked you how are you doing? He doesn't mean in health or whatever, he's asking in a spiritual sense how are you doing?
If you are doing things in life that he would not approve of do you think that he would be disappointed? If you say yes he would then change brother while there is still time to change. The scriptures tell us that we cannot slave for two masters. You cannot claim to serve God and yet your acts are what the Devil approves of. You cannot claim to serve God and yet treat your children as if they are dogs, as if your wife is a dog, as if your husband is a dog, as if your brother is a dog, as if your sister is a dog, as if your parents are dogs, You cannot claim to serve God if you are doing things in your life that God does not and would not and cannot approve of. Jonestown and what happened there did not need to happen but people often are lead down a path they do not question.
Before I became who I am today, I questioned everything because what I was taught as a boy conflicted with what I was learning as a man. My eyes were opened as since I received accurate knowledge I wondered what was preventing those from hearing and opening their own eyes. 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 is clear when it states that Satan has blinded minds and that the good news about the Christ might not shine through. You cannot slave for two masters....If Jesus did indeed make a surprise inspection today, what would you say to him? And are you living up to God's standards or living up to the worlds standard whose really doesn't have any standards. Till tomorrow....
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