Monday, December 15, 2008

The Basic.

What kind of person am I?

I read this post that talked about me without directly saying it. It's interesting to note that everything that I have said after leaving the guild and game has come to pass but even before while I was still apart of that guild, I was warned by Vato.

I was blind and could not see. Sadly others who are still apart of that mess cannot see as well and it's to bad because sooner or later they will wake up. I mentioned what it took to be a success. I have learned from my mistakes and while it is a team effort, the guild does not move forward unless leadership is moving forward.

It takes someone who is doing something in order to move an entire guild forward. I also mentioned that unless you are progressing you will lose members. I mentioned that unless you are being respectful you will lose members.

The last few days I have spoken to many and to those who did not allow a game to come between friendship I thank you. Some folks I know and wish I never did know cannot understand the difference. They cannot separate the game and friendship.

It's interesting also that Blmp who has been a good friend over the years continues to be a good friend simply because he is mature enough to understand the difference between a game and friendship. I have spoken to many that left Bonded. I understand the difference. Should I get upset at you because you want to better yourself. You would have stayed with Bonded if I provided progression.

The saying I will never leave I love it here was simply a lie. Think of it in terms of football. If a player leaves the team to sign with another, do you think those from his former team never speak to him again? Do you think that his former coaches never speak to him again? Of course they do and isn't football a game as well?

There are childish folks in this world who have yet to grow up. There are those who cannot think for themselves and there are those who SHOULD be in charge ( a shaman I know ) but isn't. He's a healer by the way.

What makes a good leader? Well someone who thinks of others before himself. Someone who will enforce his own rules. Someone who respects all his members and tries to include them. Someone who puts those in power that deserves it and is active in their role. Someone who recruits what is needed instead of inviting everyone and their mothers. Someone who will push their goals and respect the ideas of others in terms of progression. Someone who will step down if they aren't cutting it.

It was also mentioned about myself that I have the " it's all about me " which is far from the truth and instead of listening to this person who doesn't have a clue, listen to those who recently left and you can see that my view isn't so one sided as he may think. At least I can look in the mirror and judge myself and correct myself and I can admit when I'm wrong and correct mistakes that I've made. I have yet to see him do any of that. I have been thinking of others but like in football it was time to change teams simply because we were never going to win a superbowl.

In my view it's not the players it's the coaches that need to be replaced. Sadly this person is more like Al Davis who wants to be in control of everything even though he doesn't have any clue. He failed back then and will fail again. Some people just aren't made to lead or be in a position of power. In my view that spot should be and should have always been a healer that I know, a shaman healer.

Speaking of which I had the honor of speaking to him and even though I know he felt upset at me, he is a very humble and open to reason instead of closed to conversation. I used to get upset when people left the guild. It took him doing it to me in order for me to understand my mistake and really does he really have a legit reason to be upset at me? No because if you recall I was getting stressed out. I didn't leave the guild, I quit the game. I didn't join another guild I quit the game. I was waking up nights, having trouble sleep. I had to quit because of what it was doing to me on a personal level but does he understand that? NO of course not

So I create this blog to give my thoughts on various issues but in the beginning I talk about my father who died. What does he do? He gets on the Wow Forums and bashes my blog while I'm talking about my dead father. He hid himself behind an Alt called MeeSoo. He thought I didn't remember that it was him even though he himself told me years ago when he was bashing Ezdagor. I'm talking about my dead father and he talks crap about my blog. In the beginning I asked what kind of person am I? I should ask what kind of person is he?

All I have to say is that I wish I never knew him and sad over the fact that others who are with him are blinded even though people from his own guild agree with most of what I'm saying.

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