Now that I'm not on vacation I don't know how much time I can devote to this blog simply because I'm not sure how busy I will be. I've looked at the comments and a few things that I've mentioned before that I'll mention again and I hope that nobody takes offense to it. I've been in that kind of world, the world that you are in now. The world that you want me to go back into. Thanks but no thanks. I've been there and done that. When I discuss what I believe in keep in mind that there are several who are looking at this page who are curious and others who may want to just bash what I believe to be true. In truth I'll say what I mentioned to someone else that if you don't like what's on Tv just simply change the channel.
Because I've been a witness for so many years and because the people I've met I've grown the love and the unity we have in our worship. There is no need for me to look any further. Like I said in my illustration. If you were given a job identify counterfeit money what would you study? You would study real money and thus know what fake money looks like. What is true to me and what has worked for me and my family has been our religion. Like I said, I can show you what I believe in by my works meaning my actions. Can you say that about yours? If you can then all the power to you. What you believe in is truth to you. As mentioned this is truth to me. You can as simply put, change the channel. My son mentioned to me that he is going to do the best he can to improve his relationship with God.
God doesn't force anyone to serve him and I've always felt like we shouldn't force anyone. That's not really love is it? As parents we can only teach our children but they must be their own person. Last week I mentioned to my son everything that was said to me. He also reads this. I told him that he is free to choose what-ever he wishes? Can you say the same and what he wanted to do was to stay a Witness. That was his choice. Can you say the same? See I felt that if I pushed him and pushed him, forced him to do my will instead of allowing him to choose for himself that I would lose him. He's 15 about to turn 16. Based on his actions as of late I know that he is becoming a man. But there are still dangers out there that I feel I must protect him from. As a father I must do that. At the same time I can only do so much. There are lessons that he must learn on this own. Also there are things that children might do or come up with that is better than what the parent can offer.
I know for me my son has mentioned things that I didn't want to hear at first but after thinking about it, it turned out he was right. Do we listen to our children? The way I see it is this because I personally went through this. If you look at a few posts ago. You will see that my brother did not speak to my mother for over 10 years. My little brother hasn't spoken to my mom in over 7 years. All of it was for different reasons but the main reason is simply because my mother kept pushing and pushing till finally both my brothers had enough. I learned that it's ok to be strict with your children you want to keep them on the right path but some lessons as mentioned they need to learn on their own. And because of that lesson I've learned to listen to my son. Last thing I want is to push him away. In all honesty I don't want him to go anywhere but I know that someday he might.
So for religion, he made his choice and gave up much in order to serve God. He doesn't do drugs, he is trying to control his language. He prays daily and does his study. He is excited to teach others what he has been taught. He is putting God first and putting everything else second. In my eyes that's exactly how it should be and as mentioned if you are putting God first it would be evident in your life. Just because I study daily and just because I try and teach others that's no reason in my view to bash anyone. I don't take offense to it because really it's not my message that I'm trying to spread and again Jesus was even called names because of what he taught. So I thank you all for all of the comments I will try and answer all of them as fast as I can. Today is my study for my book study tomorrow and starting soon I will post more information on what the bible teaches. If you like the channel hang around and if you don't there is always the remote to change the channel.
My goal is to help all and open the eyes of those who can't see the light. If this isn't for you then by all means you have every right not to come here. What I discuss is directly from the scriptures. The Bible itself. I would be foolish to think that there aren't any sites out there that will speak against witnesses. Matter of fact you will find on the net sites that will talk bad about every single religion on earth so finding sites to try and reason with those who worship isn't anything new. What you have to be is well versed in scripture and be able to identify if a religion is practicing what they preach based on scriptures not human thinking but what is found in the scriptures
For Example when I talked about sin itself and how death all started through Adam. I was asked to prove that point and thus I showed them the scripture found at Romans chapter 5 verse 12 where it states that " That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned " Thus we all die because of Adam's mistake. So based on that scripture alone you have to admit we die now because of Adam. Correct? If you agree then we can move on.
Update: Great please note that I will try and answer as much as I can for all of those asking. It's possible you may have to email me at anyway, we all agree that sin entered into the world through Adam. Now, what did God say to Adam and Eve if they ate from the tree? What would happen to them? It's clear what was said, he said they would die would they not? So common sense, if they didn't eat wouldn't it be reasonable to say that they would be alive today? If you answered yes then you would be correct. Since sin entered into the world through one man and that one man caused all of us to die then wouldn't it also be reasonable to say that even people like Moses or Noah, would be alive today? If you answered yes then you would be correct. If I'm not correct so far please stop me now but if I'm correct so far then continue reading. Now if we all agree that they would be alive today then what was God's original purpose for them? Didn't he say be fruitful and become many? Didn't he want them to transform the earth into a place like the garden of Eden but world wide. After all if one place on the earth at that time was a garden like paradise wouldn't it be reasonable to think that God would want the entire earth that way with offspring of Adam and Eve? He did say be fruitful meaning have children to fill the earth did he not?
Since I guess we can agree so far on the beginning let me go a bit after it. Since Adam and Eve did not listen, sin came into the world. Can we agree on that? Since now Adam now sinned which means of course missing the mark of perfection because when he was created he was perfect anyway, since it was mentioned to him that he would die if he ate and he did eat, now it's safe to say that he would die. He didn't fall flat on his face and die, we know this because he had sons and daughters. Cain and Abel. Anyway, so common sense tells us if they listened to God they would be alive today but since they didn't they are dead and since they sinned they passed sin to all humans thus we all die but did God's plan change? Fill the earth, did that plan change? If you say yes it did well then all of us shouldn't be alive today. So if you say yes then you have the wrong answer.
Now because they sinned it took a man and not just any man to balance out what Adam has lost and because Adam was perfect it also took a perfect man and since there was no man after Adam that could be perfect that's where Jesus came in. NO you say well tell me why Jesus needed to come in the first place? Because unless Adam and Eve sinned there would be no reason for him to come right? Are you with me so far? Makes sense doesn't it? Some may argue that Jesus came to save us which is a true statement. Some will say he came in order for us to have a way to get to heaven but is that the case and was that God's Original purpose. As mentioned in the beginning it wasn't his purpose for us to Go to heaven. He would have said so. If all you needed to do was worship God and you go to heaven then it would be safe to say that Moses and Noah went to Heaven would it not? If that's the case then there would be no need for Jesus to come to Earth but because again sin spread through one man and Moses and Noah were after Adam thus they died as well. They needed Jesus just like you and I but you will find no where in the bible that Moses and Noah went to Heaven. Interesting isn't it. So where did they go...Where do all the dead go....And this and many other teachings are different than what you have been taught. It's directly from the scriptures + add a little common sense and prayer and you will find your answers. Anyway, if you wish to know more then visit the site.
Http:// all scripture based.
Have a great weekend!!!
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