Friday, April 2, 2010

My Sister

She made a comment the other day which I felt I needed to reply. She believes that my Grandmother who died is watching us from Heaven. The way she said it was Mama is watching us from above and is proud of us. Others jumped in and agreed so I made my comment and I said " Well if she is watching us from Above, who is watching us from Below "

My Neese then said my grandma? I then said " No " Then I said " Everyone always says people are watching us from above so I threw out there who is watching us from below. Then my sister tells me directly that Mamma is watching us.

Then I replied " I hope she isn't watching me when I'm naked " It's creepy to think that all that have ever died in the world is watching us as if they don't have anything better to do. The thought of my grandmother watching everything my wife and I do or what I do in my life is creepy.

Show me the scripture that says the dead rise and are watching us? You won't find it because it isn't there. So when I do get a chance to talk to my sister on the phone, I'm going to ask her. Show me the scripture that backs up what you are saying.

To say that people die and go to Heaven would mean really that Jesus didn't need to come to Earth. His Death didn't mean anything. Why did he die? What did he have to safe us from? People like Moses, Abel, and so many others worshiped God. One would think they for sure would have gone to Heaven right? Jesus in his own words said that no man has asended to Heaven.

This is out of his mouth. Also the teaching that people are tormented forever. If that is the case then God is a liar because he said all sins are forgiven when you die. God can do many things but the one thing he cannot do is lie. Sadly what has been taught is a lie thus the reason why many need to question what they were taught.

anyways...Till monday.

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