Monday, April 19, 2010

Interesting Subject with an old School Friend

wat kink of church do u go to

5:53pm Gilbert
I'm a Jehovah's Witness now
I knock on doors and everything lol

5:53pm Jessica

5:53pm Gilbert
crazy huh, we study the bible daily

5:53pm Jessica
hey everone is diff

5:54pm Gilbert
very true, it's interesting because Witnesses were always made fun of
or called a cult

5:54pm Jessica

5:55pm Gilbert
Like when you watch tv, people would make fun of Witnesses
jokes or call them a cult because they are different

5:55pm Jessica
well isnt like mormans rite


oh ok

but it gets hard to talk about God because it turns into a debate

ya i no im a christian

Witnesses are also Christian

i read the new test

when they ask what I am, most of the time I say Christian

really thats good

yeah the new is a good translation
When I say that I'm a witness it throws people off sometimes
they act different,Like my uncle and I, when he asked why I was a witness

lol its a trip huh im nt a perfect christian and never claim to be

I had to explain
in truth no one can be a perfect christian
we are all imperfect
thus make mistakes

like now my prec is talking about the ten com it is vary interesting

it is, I'm going to head home, I'll chat with you later on

u should here him one day.

He tells it like it is he does nt hide anything

very true, does he believe we go to heaven

yes of course, do u

no,let me tell you why
Do you think Moses went to Heaven

really why

Do you think Moses is in heaven

yes he did

what about Abraham

ya he did

Why then did Jesus need to come to Earth then if all we had to do is be good
they came before Jesus

nt all of us go to heaven u have to ask him into ur heart

So let's say you did ask him in your heart
All the people that died before Jesus came to Earth, went to Heaven?
They didn't know of Jesus or that you had to ask him

becuz adam and eve sined so we a born into sin so christ came down do die on the cross so we can go to heaven

but that still doesn't explain Moses and everyone else who died before Jesus came down we are taught that when you die, you go to Heaven or hell
interesting isn't it hehe be open minded
If all a person had to do before jesus was be good and they would enter Heaven
Then there would be no need for Jesus to come down

becuz god was talking to them from heaven and they had a relationship w-god

but most would Agree that Moses was good But i'm sure besides Moses there was many who were good that were not mentioned in scritpure

either way if u have him in ur heart ur goin to heaven period
yes they were good people but still born into sin and did nt no god

ok but if you do believe in jesus then look at his words found at John3:13

k im looking now

no man ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.
which means moses didn't go only Jesus descended

it's hard to accept because it's what we are taught growing up it was hard for me to

mosses spirit decended into heaven

would you say then that Moses would know who he is then today?

thats a hard ques to anser cuz we dnt no if he is on earth 2day or if he is alrdy in heaven becuz in the bible spirtis r still here intill the rapture

in the book of Ecclesiates chapter 9 verse 5 it talks about the condition of the dead
their thoughts perish also think about this
if Death is a way for humans to get to Heaven and it's the only way
Why is god doing away with it Revelation chapter 21 verse 3 and 4
think of Lazarus did he go to heaven and where in the bible did he explain how heaven was, did jesus bring him back only to die again
those are the kinds of questions that a priest couldn't answer
I wanted to know about death and life.

If I go to heaven and I going to be able to be with my wife again, hold and hug, love and kiss, as a spirit
I wanted to know what kind of person goes to hell also If God is in control of this world why is it so bad out there remember I said cycle's break think of the pain family goes through when a loved one dies it's a never ending cycle
my kids will see me die they will see their kids die
never ending

im thinking lol


that's exactly how I was

think about this to

If our destiny is Heaven why would Jesus take us away from there

god is nt in control god gaves us free will

John 5:28,29

that is very true

he isn't in control

but do you know why

if you read the book of Job it explains why

think about this as well

In the beginning

God told Adam and Eve not to eat right from the Tree of Knowledge

he told them that if they did they would die

Do you think that they would be here today if they didn't eat from it?

Adam and Eve were created perfect

until they sinned

god would never go agaist himself god is in control but he gave us free will and i do think that they would still be here

because he gave us free will and didn't create robots
so they would be here today if they listened to that one requirement

but they didn't

they died

but not right then and there

they had children

abel cain


but because they were no longer perfect

they spread imperfection

thus the reason why we all die

since we are all their offspring

but it took a a man to come to earth to buy back what Adam and Eve lost

Thus comes in Jesus

he was perfect

and it took a perfect man

to save us

makes sense so far

Adam and Eve lost life

Jesus came to die to give us life

Interesting isn't it


when you look at things in that light and then think about it, it makes sense

because if we die and go to Heaven directly, there would be no reason for Jesus

but it took Jesus to give us life because only he as a perfect person like Adam was to give us life

so if our live is to die and go to Heaven, the cycle would never end

and it's cruel if you think about it

if you died tomorrow

and you are looking down at your children

what can you really do to help

if you could help you would

but so would many others

When my father died

My life was horrlble


My mothers life was horrible

god is in control but he gave us power over the world and he could just wipe us off the face of the world right now if he wanted to but all people are not going to heaven and just cause they are all good people they are not going to heaven because u need god in ur life

very true

but what if I was to say that we will stay on Earth and not go to Heaven

That is what Adam's purpose was

and Eve's

from the very beginning

and as mentioned if Death is the means to get to Heaven, then why is God doing away with it

very simple

in the future

we won't die at all

to sin sogod can come and safe us.

sin means missing the mark of perfection

we die because adam sinned

and since he did, we all die

but god had a purpose for creating the earth

sorry dealth was nt a way to heaven but since they sined dealth became the way to go to heaven do u believe god is here

on Earth?

on earth


Exodus chapter 33 verse 20

it says that no man can see God and live

ok but he is in spirit if u acepted him into ur heart becuz holy spirit is the god head


oh the trinity


is that what you meant




One God in three Persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Look at up New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299.

The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 C.E. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, of one substance with the Father. Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination. this can be found in Encyclopædia Britannica (1970), Volume 6, page 386.

so the The Trinitarian dogma is a late fourth-century invention. this isn't what christ taught nor those who followed him

i am just basing it off scripture


hey i got to go



Cool, I'll chat with you later

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