Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So many things have been crossing my mind. It's as if an entire weight is on my shoulders.I think of my mother and her health. I'm not looking forward to the day that she passes.

She is the only parent I have left and yes she can be a pain but I would rather deal with how she is than not dealing with her at all. Thing is, her smoking is catching up with her and even though she knows she should stop, she can't?

Let me get this straight. Alcohol is legal, Cigs are Legal, and yet every other drug is Illegal? Cigs should be Illegal. It kills more people than your yearly flu, it killed more than the H1N1 and yet there is no pandemic for smokes.

There is something wrong when something that small can slowly kill you. It's sad.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How should our children act?

Today you have children who act as if they know more than their parents. It's true the times are different but just because the times are different, everything is more or less the same.

There are always kids who will influence others. Perhaps it's happened where another would try and get you to drink or use drugs. Perhaps another has tried to convince you to go with another guy or if you are a boy go with a another girl.

Jesse himself started to do bad. He started to slack off and did not want to go too school. He would rather sleep in. We talked and he understood that even though in this system it's temporary, we still need to improve ourselves.

We still need to work hard to get to the next level. School supplies that as long as you work hard at it. The Goal of school and this is no secret is to educate yourself so that you can get a good job that will help you take care of yourself.

If you don't develop good habits in school, it will carry over when you start your real life. Real life starts when you are on your own and working to pay bills. It's never easy being a teenager and yes teenagers have issues but most of the issues we bring on ourselves. We tend to point the fingers at others when in truth, we put ourselves in that hole.

If a teacher gave an assignment and we didn't study or even prepare to complete the assignment, who's to blame if you failed the assignment? Not the teacher of course and because teachers are spread across so many kids meaning classroom sizes are huge, the teacher cannot reach everyone. You have to pay attention to what is said so you can understand what the teacher is saying.

Parents are there to guide and protect and they expect the children to listen. How does a witness children act? To sum it up in one word, respectful and if the children act up, as parents we talk to them and get them to calm down, look at the bigger picture as to why at times we as parents do the things we do.

Respect is a big thing that should come from both sides but at times as parents we have to put our foot down when the child doesn't see the wrong they do.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jesus vs God?

It's interesting because many in the world think Jesus is God. Many think that all a person needs to do is believe in Jesus and they are saved. Many also think that Jesus, God, and the holy spirit are one.

Is that what the bible teaches? If you believe that God has always been then based on that reasoning that would include Jesus since many believe Jesus is God. Here are just somethings to make a person think on why Jesus is not God and that they are Father and Son and one in the same.

1. The Bible repeatedly refers to Jesus as the Son of God.

2. John 14:28: If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. This is what Jesus said

3. Jesus said he is the Son of God, not Almighty God. If Jesus were God, who was he praying to while here on earth? Notice Matthew 14:23; 26:26-29. Jesus was not just pretending to talk to someone else!

4. When two of Jesus disciples asked him for special positions in his Kingdom, he answered at Matthew 20:23: This sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.
Was Jesus telling them a lie when he stated that he did not have the authority to grant their request?

Hardly! Rather, he humbly acknowledged that only God has the authority to make such decisions. Jesus even explained that there were some things that neither he nor the angels knew but that were known only by his Father. Notice Mark 13:32.

If Jesus was God himself, wouldn't he know when the end is going to take place?

5. Was Jesus lower than God only while he was a man here on earth? No. Even after his death and resurrection, Jesus is described in the Bible as being subordinate to God. The apostle Paul reminds us that God is supreme over Christ.

See 1st Corinthians 11:3. The Bible says that in the future when all things have been placed under Christ’s rule, then he himself, the Son, will place himself under God, who placed all things under him; and God will rule completely over all. See 1st Corinthians 15:28. This is Jesus in Heaven folks. Not as a man on Earth. Not Equal.

John 1:1 states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Since the Word is called God, some conclude that the Son and the Father must be part of the same God.

Bear in mind that this part of the Bible was originally written in Greek. Later, translators rendered the Greek text into other languages. A number of Bible translators, though, did not use the phrase “the Word was God.”

Bear in mind that this part of the Bible was originally written in Greek. Later, translators rendered the Greek text into other languages. A number of Bible translators, though, did not use the phrase “the Word was God.”

Most people do not know Biblical Greek. So how can you know what the apostle John really meant? Let me put it to you this way by means of an illustration.

A schoolteacher explains a subject to his students. Afterward, the students differ on how to understand the explanation. How can the students resolve the matter? They could ask the teacher for more information. No doubt, learning additional facts would help them to understand the subject better. Similarly, to grasp the meaning of John 1:1, you can look in the Gospel of John for more information on Jesus’ position. Learning additional facts on this subject will help you to draw the right conclusion.

For instance, consider what John further writes in chapter 1, verse 18: “No man has seen Almighty God at any time.” However, humans have seen Jesus, the Son, for John says: “The Word Jesus was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory.”

How, then, could the Son be part of Almighty God? John also states that the Word was “with God.” But how can an individual be with someone and at the same time be that person?

Moreover, as recorded at John 17:3, Jesus makes a clear distinction between himself and his heavenly Father. He calls his Father “the only true God.” And toward the end of his Gospel, John sums up matters by saying: “These have been written down that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.” (John 20:31) Notice that Jesus is called, not God, but the Son of God. This additional information provided in the Gospel of John shows how John 1:1 should be understood. Jesus, the Word, is “a god” in the sense that he has a high position but is not the same as Almighty God.

Think again about the example of the schoolteacher and the students. Imagine that some still have doubts, even after listening to the teacher’s additional explanation. What could they do? They could turn to another teacher for further information on the same subject. If the second teacher confirms the explanation of the first one, the doubts of most students may be put to rest.

Similarly, if you are not sure what the Bible writer John was really saying about the relationship between Jesus and Almighty God, you could turn to another Bible writer for further information. Consider what was written by Matthew, I mentioned this already but it drives home the point where in the book of Matthew it's stated: Regarding the end of this system of things, he quotes Jesus as saying: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” These words confirm that Jesus is not Almighty God.

Again, Jesus says that the Father knows more than the Son does. If Jesus were part of Almighty God, however, he would know the same facts as his Father. So, then, the Son and the Father cannot be equal. Yet, some will say: ‘Jesus had two natures. Here he speaks as a man.’ But even if that were so, what about the holy spirit? If it is part of the same God as the Father, why does Jesus not say that it knows what the Father knows?

Proof that Jesus and Jehovah are not the same, well, Jesus was created. If you took what I said here in a court of law, be open minded now, if you took what I said here in a court of Law and I presented my evidence on this matter, all I would have to do is show Colossians 1:15 and I would rest my case. Colossians chapter 1 verse 15 says: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

Jesus was created and Jehovah God the Almighty has always been. Your Honor, I rest my case.........

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Rapture

I spoke about this subject before but I don't recall if I ever posted information about the Rapture. Many people believe that they will go to heaven when they die. But some think that they will be caught away to heaven that is called the rapture.

The rapture is the sudden disappearance of millions and millions of people without so much as a trace of where they went! Some find it disturbing to think of leaving friends and family members behind to meet Jesus Christ. Yet, many believe that the rapture must occur. Will it take place?

The Bible shows that before the start of Christ’s promised Thousand Year Reign, there will be a period called the “great tribulation.” Said Jesus: “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 20:6) Some place the rapture ahead of the great tribulation. Others expect it during that time. Still others think that the rapture will come after that unparalleled distress.

The post tribulation view was predominant until the early 19th century. Then, in England there developed a movement headed by a former Church of Ireland clergyman, John Nelson Darby. He and like-minded Anglicans became known as the Brethren. From his Plymouth base, Darby traveled to preach in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. He asserted that Christ’s return would occur in two stages. It would begin with a secret rapture, in which the “saints” would be caught away before a seven-year period of tribulation devastated the earth. Then Christ would appear visibly, accompanied by these “saints,” and together they would rule on earth for a thousand years.

Darby stressed the need to be separate from the world, and those sharing his views eventually became known as the Exclusive Brethren. B. W. Newton headed a different faction that believed in the rapture but not in a pretribulation one. Post tribulation advocate Alexander Reese maintained that “the Secret-Rapture theories are a menace to the hope of Christ’s Coming.”

Pretribulationists believe that this difference in viewpoint is serious enough to affect “the nature of [their] hope in relation to the coming of Christ.” Others place confidence in a “partial rapture theory,” believing that those who are most loyal to Christ will be raptured first and the more worldly will be taken later.
Many evangelical groups herald an imminent rapture of faithful Christians.

God’s inspired Word, the Bible, is the standard by which we need to measure the truthfulness of all beliefs. (2 Timothy 1:13; 3:16, 17) Therefore, what does it say about the rapture?

The word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible. But those who believe in it cite the apostle Paul’s words at 1 Thessalonians 4:17 as the basis for their belief. Let's look at that scripture

Paul wrote:
“Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant concerning those who are sleeping in death; that you may not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope. For if our faith is that Jesus died and rose again, so, too, those who have fallen asleep in death through Jesus God will bring with him. For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death; because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Consequently keep comforting one another with these words.”—1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

The congregation in Thessalonica was relatively new when Paul addressed his first letter to Christians there in about 50 C.E. Members of the congregation were distressed that some of their number were “sleeping in death.” However, what Paul wrote comforted the Thessalonians with the resurrection hope.

As you grow in accurate knowledge and faith, you will discern the outworking of Jehovah God’s purpose to rid the universe of his foes and restore the earth to a paradise. By exercising faith, you may also be among the survivors of the great tribulation, privileged to welcome back the millions who will be resurrected to life on earth.

And what a joy it will be to live under God’s Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ and his corulers, who will have been ‘caught away to meet the Lord’ by being resurrected to life in the heavenly realm!

For obedient mankind in general, then, what is the true Scriptural hope? It is not a rapture. Instead, it is eternal life on earth under the rule of God’s Kingdom.

So always look to the scriptures for answers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Very Cool

Very nice video. Hard to see but I wish I could dance like that. LOL

Monday, April 19, 2010

Interesting Subject with an old School Friend

wat kink of church do u go to

5:53pm Gilbert
I'm a Jehovah's Witness now
I knock on doors and everything lol

5:53pm Jessica

5:53pm Gilbert
crazy huh, we study the bible daily

5:53pm Jessica
hey everone is diff

5:54pm Gilbert
very true, it's interesting because Witnesses were always made fun of
or called a cult

5:54pm Jessica

5:55pm Gilbert
Like when you watch tv, people would make fun of Witnesses
jokes or call them a cult because they are different

5:55pm Jessica
well isnt like mormans rite


oh ok

but it gets hard to talk about God because it turns into a debate

ya i no im a christian

Witnesses are also Christian

i read the new test

when they ask what I am, most of the time I say Christian

really thats good

yeah the new is a good translation
When I say that I'm a witness it throws people off sometimes
they act different,Like my uncle and I, when he asked why I was a witness

lol its a trip huh im nt a perfect christian and never claim to be

I had to explain
in truth no one can be a perfect christian
we are all imperfect
thus make mistakes

like now my prec is talking about the ten com it is vary interesting

it is, I'm going to head home, I'll chat with you later on

u should here him one day.

He tells it like it is he does nt hide anything

very true, does he believe we go to heaven

yes of course, do u

no,let me tell you why
Do you think Moses went to Heaven

really why

Do you think Moses is in heaven

yes he did

what about Abraham

ya he did

Why then did Jesus need to come to Earth then if all we had to do is be good
they came before Jesus

nt all of us go to heaven u have to ask him into ur heart

So let's say you did ask him in your heart
All the people that died before Jesus came to Earth, went to Heaven?
They didn't know of Jesus or that you had to ask him

becuz adam and eve sined so we a born into sin so christ came down do die on the cross so we can go to heaven

but that still doesn't explain Moses and everyone else who died before Jesus came down we are taught that when you die, you go to Heaven or hell
interesting isn't it hehe be open minded
If all a person had to do before jesus was be good and they would enter Heaven
Then there would be no need for Jesus to come down

becuz god was talking to them from heaven and they had a relationship w-god

but most would Agree that Moses was good But i'm sure besides Moses there was many who were good that were not mentioned in scritpure

either way if u have him in ur heart ur goin to heaven period
yes they were good people but still born into sin and did nt no god

ok but if you do believe in jesus then look at his words found at John3:13

k im looking now

no man ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.
which means moses didn't go only Jesus descended

it's hard to accept because it's what we are taught growing up it was hard for me to

mosses spirit decended into heaven

would you say then that Moses would know who he is then today?

thats a hard ques to anser cuz we dnt no if he is on earth 2day or if he is alrdy in heaven becuz in the bible spirtis r still here intill the rapture

in the book of Ecclesiates chapter 9 verse 5 it talks about the condition of the dead
their thoughts perish also think about this
if Death is a way for humans to get to Heaven and it's the only way
Why is god doing away with it Revelation chapter 21 verse 3 and 4
think of Lazarus did he go to heaven and where in the bible did he explain how heaven was, did jesus bring him back only to die again
those are the kinds of questions that a priest couldn't answer
I wanted to know about death and life.

If I go to heaven and I going to be able to be with my wife again, hold and hug, love and kiss, as a spirit
I wanted to know what kind of person goes to hell also If God is in control of this world why is it so bad out there remember I said cycle's break think of the pain family goes through when a loved one dies it's a never ending cycle
my kids will see me die they will see their kids die
never ending

im thinking lol


that's exactly how I was

think about this to

If our destiny is Heaven why would Jesus take us away from there

god is nt in control god gaves us free will

John 5:28,29

that is very true

he isn't in control

but do you know why

if you read the book of Job it explains why

think about this as well

In the beginning

God told Adam and Eve not to eat right from the Tree of Knowledge

he told them that if they did they would die

Do you think that they would be here today if they didn't eat from it?

Adam and Eve were created perfect

until they sinned

god would never go agaist himself god is in control but he gave us free will and i do think that they would still be here

because he gave us free will and didn't create robots
so they would be here today if they listened to that one requirement

but they didn't

they died

but not right then and there

they had children

abel cain


but because they were no longer perfect

they spread imperfection

thus the reason why we all die

since we are all their offspring

but it took a a man to come to earth to buy back what Adam and Eve lost

Thus comes in Jesus

he was perfect

and it took a perfect man

to save us

makes sense so far

Adam and Eve lost life

Jesus came to die to give us life

Interesting isn't it


when you look at things in that light and then think about it, it makes sense

because if we die and go to Heaven directly, there would be no reason for Jesus

but it took Jesus to give us life because only he as a perfect person like Adam was to give us life

so if our live is to die and go to Heaven, the cycle would never end

and it's cruel if you think about it

if you died tomorrow

and you are looking down at your children

what can you really do to help

if you could help you would

but so would many others

When my father died

My life was horrlble


My mothers life was horrible

god is in control but he gave us power over the world and he could just wipe us off the face of the world right now if he wanted to but all people are not going to heaven and just cause they are all good people they are not going to heaven because u need god in ur life

very true

but what if I was to say that we will stay on Earth and not go to Heaven

That is what Adam's purpose was

and Eve's

from the very beginning

and as mentioned if Death is the means to get to Heaven, then why is God doing away with it

very simple

in the future

we won't die at all

to sin sogod can come and safe us.

sin means missing the mark of perfection

we die because adam sinned

and since he did, we all die

but god had a purpose for creating the earth

sorry dealth was nt a way to heaven but since they sined dealth became the way to go to heaven do u believe god is here

on Earth?

on earth


Exodus chapter 33 verse 20

it says that no man can see God and live

ok but he is in spirit if u acepted him into ur heart becuz holy spirit is the god head


oh the trinity


is that what you meant




One God in three Persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Look at up New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299.

The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 C.E. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, of one substance with the Father. Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination. this can be found in Encyclopædia Britannica (1970), Volume 6, page 386.

so the The Trinitarian dogma is a late fourth-century invention. this isn't what christ taught nor those who followed him

i am just basing it off scripture


hey i got to go



Cool, I'll chat with you later

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today I sat down depressed over what has happened. I know my wife isn't the same. We both feel the empty inside as if we were slapped in the face by Adam and Eve and of course Satan himself.

When you lose a child most say God needed an Angel or God had some purpose. I could never understand even when I didn't know the truth just why God would need a baby. If a baby suffers a tragic death, they blame God. Jehovah isn't the cause of it all and to blame him is exactly what Satan wants. He wins when people point the finger at Jehovah.

Jehovah didn't cause me to lose my baby. It was this system. It was the selfishness of Adam and Eve who wanted to live life without Jehovah. They caused all of this. It's sad. We had a name if he was a boy: Baby Michael or Baby Abby.

Inside I'm crying but I'm keeping it together but I'm not as strong as I appear. My unborn child doesn't escape my thoughts. He or she is there. I wonder what his or her first word would have been. I wonder what kind of toys he or she would play with. Would he or she like Bugs Bunny like Dad?

To my unborn baby, I wish you had a chance to at least see your mom's smile. I never had a chance to meet you but Daddy loves you and you will always be in my heart.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well today

Wasn't a very good day. We found out that we lost the baby. Both of us are very upset. At the same time we understand what kind of world we live in. It's full of problems that no man or woman on Earth can solve.

No man or woman can bring my baby back. I'm not sure what to say.


Haiti earthquake was a magnitude 7.0 that hit on January 12, 2010.

Chile earthquake was a magnitude 8.8 that hit on February 27, 2010.

Taiwan earthquake was a magnitude 6.4 that hit on March 4, 2010

Manila earthquake was a magnitude 6.2 that hit on March 25, 2010

Mexico earthquake was a magnitude 7.2 that hit on April 4, 2010

Today China earthquake was a magnitude 6.9 - April 14, 2010

In between the earthquakes we had Volcano Eruptions. I'm shocked that San Francisco has yet to have it's earthquake. I'm expecting it to arrive sometime in May or June of this year as well as more eruptions. Of course I could be wrong and I'm not telling the future because no man can. It's more or less a connection of dots.

What is interesting though is the fact that this is the first time that I recall in History that Earthquakes 6.0 or higher have all hit in the same year. We are only 4 months into this year.

Matthew chapter 24 starting at verse 7 says:

For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

Then people will deliver YOU up to tribulation and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
Notice in the beginning that there will be food shortages, this is happening now
Notice that Nation will rise against Nation, this has already happened
Notice that there will be earthquakes in one place after another. Earthquakes have always happened but not like this.
How do we know that we are indeed living in the last days? Look at what's going on.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Monday

It's interesting what people do and what they don't do. What they compare and what they don't compare. What a person does in life to get or stay out of trouble.

I thought about the Church post and maybe Dad figured it out. Like before when the marriage was in trouble, what did Dad run to? God.

Most will seek God when they are in trouble, have marriage trouble, or even if they have a hangover.

It's sad that a person would only turn to God when it benefits them. I wish more would turn and STAY with God.

As for the lies preachers teach, well you can see right through it but sadly when common sense doesn't take place it only makes you wonder who is blinded by what is taught.

Simple question - If our future was Heaven why did Jesus need to come to Earth?

Simple question - If our future was Heaven, why not just create us in Heaven?

Simple question - If our future was Heaven, why make us suffer on Earth?

Simple question - If our future was Heaven, why make our children suffer?

Simple question - If our future was Heaven, why is there many who starve to death?
There is more to it than just saying we die and go to Heaven.

Simple question - Who exactly goes to hell?

Simple question - If we die and go to Heaven anyway, why was the Earth created?

Simple question - If God is more powerful than Satan, why all the suffering?

Simple question - Why do many use idols when the bible says not to?
Simple question - If Jesus is God, who was he praying to?

Simple question - Jesus never made himself an equal to God, why do people?

Simple question - Scripture tells us that Jesus was the first created? God has always been so if Jesus is God, then it would mean God was created? Who then created God?

Simple question - We are taught that if you are bad you go to hell but yet scriptures teach that all sins are forgiven when you die so again like the question above, who goes to hell?
Where are the dead?
Gen. 3:19: In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.

Eccl. 9:10: All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol.

What is the condition of the dead?
Eccl. 9:5: The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.

Ps. 146:4: His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.

John 11:11-14: Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep. Jesus said to them outspokenly: ‘Lazarus has died.’ Also see Psalm 13:3

Is there some part of man that lives on when the body dies?
Ezek. 18:4: The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.

Isa. 53:12: He poured out his soul to the very death.Compare Matthew 26:38.

Are the dead in any way able to help or to harm the living?
Eccl. 9:6: Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

Isa. 26:14: They are dead; they will not live. Impotent in death, they will not rise up.
Not to mention in the book of Revelation 21 verse 3 & 4 which reads: With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say, Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.
This is a promise from Jehovah and think about this. If our future is to die and go to Heaven, notice that it says that Death will be no more. How do we get to Heaven if Death is no more?

Also in Isaiah chapter 25 verse 8 it says that: He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken it.

That is a promise from Jehovah. Also think about this. If all die and go to Heaven, notice what is mentioned at John 5:28, 29:  Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

Notice the scripture points out that all those in the graves will come out. If we die and go to Heaven, why would we need to come out? And what is this judgment mentioned in that same scripture if we are already in Heaven?
These are the things Priests cannot answer correctly because the Truth is not in them. Remember when Jesus was on Earth, he taught the truth but there were others who were also on Earth who thought they were teaching the truth, thus Jesus gave identifying features of those who would be teaching the truth.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Passion of the Christ

A very painful reminder of what Jesus went through for us. I didn't want to watch the movie but I did and I cried. I cried very hard. Jesus was such a good man and teacher. His way of teaching reached the heart.

When you think of why Jesus had to come to Earth, it makes things a bit clearer than I learned growing up. Think about this. Jesus had the power to get himself down from the stake and yet he didn't.

He suffered so we can have life. But imagine how Jehovah felt. How would you feel if you watched your son or daughter die? Jehovah I can imagine was hurt.

Also, the cross itself. Why do so many get that wrong?

The use of the cross can be traced back to Mesopotamia, to two thousand years before Christ. Crosses even decorated Scandinavian rock engravings during the Bronze Age, centuries before Jesus was born.

Such non-Christians used the cross as a magic sign giving protection, bringing good luck. It is no wonder that the New Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the cross is found in both pre-Christian and non-Christian cultures, where it has largely a cosmic or natural signification. Why, then, have the churches chosen the cross as their most sacred symbol?

By the middle of the 3rd cent. A.D. pagans were received into the churches and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted.

In the two centuries after the death of Jesus it is doubtful that the Christians ever used the device of the cross. To the early Christians, the cross must have chiefly denoted death and evil, like the guillotine or the electric chair to later generations.

More important, no matter what device was used for the torture and execution of Jesus, no image or symbol of it should become an object of devotion or worship for Christians. Flee from idolatry: 1st Corinthians 10:14. Jesus himself gave the real identifying mark of his true followers. He said: By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.

The Apostle Paul says: "Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: ‘Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake."’ (Gal. 3:13) His quotation was from Deuteronomy, which mentions placing the corpse of an executed person on a "stake," then adds: "His dead body should not stay all night on the stake; but you should by all means bury him on that day, because something accursed of God is the one hung up; and you must not defile your soil."-Deut. 21:22, 23.

In fact, the Hebrews had no word for the traditional cross. To designate such an implement, they used "warp and woof," alluding to yarns running lengthwise in a fabric and others going across it on a loom. At Deuteronomy 21:22, 23, the Hebrew word translated "stake" is ‘ets, meaning primarily a tree or wood, specifically a wooden post. Executional crosses were not used by the Hebrews. The Aramaic word ‘a’, corresponding to the Hebrew term ‘ets, appears at Ezra 6:11, where it is said regarding violators of a Persian king’s decree: "A timber will be pulled out of his house and he will be impaled upon it." Obviously, a single timber would have no crossbeam.

In rendering Deuteronomy 21:22, 23 ("stake") and Ezra 6:11 ("timber"), translators of the Septuagint Version employed the Greek word xylon, the same term that Paul used at Galatians 3:13. It was also the one employed by Peter, when he said Jesus "bore our sins in his own body upon the stake." (1 Pet. 2:24) In fact, xy’lon is used several other times to refer to the "stake" on which Jesus was impaled. (Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29) This Greek word has the basic meaning of "wood." There is nothing to imply that in the case of Jesus’ impalement it meant a stake with a crossbeam. So, the evidence indicates that Jesus did not die on the traditional cross.

But as mentioned it's not how he died, it's what he died for and why he had to die. It should really build our faith.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

You never know

When it could be your last moment. I've said that to myself so many times. The first thing I do is look at my wife when I wake. When I'm away from her, I think of her smile. I am truly blessed.

But I worry all the time because in this system as mentioned you never know when it could be the last time you see the one you love. Death is an eye opener and it teaches a lesson for those who are alive.

I would do anything to keep my family together and Jehovah is the only one that has answered that question. I don't want to go too Heaven. Spirits cannot hug, cannot make love. Cannot kiss, cannot eat or smell. It would be cruel of God to send me and my wife to Heaven while my children suffer on Earth.

It would be cruel of him to take away the things I mentioned above. Let's say I died I went to Heaven. A year later my wife died and went to Heaven. We both see each other and fly toward each other and then go right through each other. We try to kiss each other but nothing. That would be cruel.

Then I look down to Earth at my children. I see them all hurt and I'm powerless to help. That would be cruel. For those who think we die and go to Heaven, think about this for a moment.

Let's say a Pedophile died and of course since sins are forgiven at death, he goes to Heaven. Now he can see everything. Every child boy or girl. Does that make sense?

Pedophile: an obsession with children as sex objects. Overt acts, including taking sexual explicit photographs, molesting children, and exposing one's genitalia to children are all crimes. The problem with these crimes is that pedophilia is also treated as a mental illness, and the pedophile is often released only to repeat the crimes or escalate the activity to the level of murder.

I'll have more on this tomorrow.

It's never easy

When you lose someone you love. Doesn't matter what it is really. Cat or Dog, they have become part of the family. I wish at times that I could feel that way toward a pet but sadly I don't and the reasons behind it has to do with when I lost my cat in death.

Oliver Sunshine was his name. He was my baby. I was around when Jesse was a boy. I was so close to him. He was my best friend. I know it's weird but it felt as if he knew what I felt.

When he died, I cried hard. That was my cat. Since then, It's been hard for me to get close to any pets. They are nice to have but my heart has yet to open to any pets. I refuse to get close to any other pets. You can't replace what you lost.

If I lost Jesse. I can't replace Jesse. If I lost my wife, I can't replace my wife. I lost my friend, he has never been replaced. The pets I have now, they are only here because of what they do.

Take for example Nala. Her sister we gave up. She kept going pee on the floor in the kitchen. Not acceptable so we had to give her up. Our dogs are trained to use paper in a specific spot in the house. One of the dogs started to pee on the floor, that was it.

I felt bad but my wife and I felt it was for the best. We kept Nala only because Nala is a guard dog. When the kids are in the back yard, Nala is out with them. If anyone comes near the fence, Nala barks letting us know that someone is there. It never fails. Last week, it was dark and we forgot to close the shed door so my wife did us a favor and went to close it.

There was someone in our yard. Jesse came to get me, I got Nala and we made our way to the back. At first sight, she started barking and ready to attack. The kid that came into our yard was looking for his football.

I told him that I was ready to jump on him but noticed he was a kid. So Nala is with us only because she protects.

We also have a Cat. His name is Nemo. Nemo is only with us because for a bit, we had a mice issue and it felt like it wasn't going away. So we purchased Nemo and Hairless cat. The kind of cat you see in the Austin Powers movies. Once he came into the house, All the mice were gone and never returned. He caught at least 4. The mice never returned.

Nemo has a purpose which is to keep mice away. That's why he's here. So pets have their place. I know the others feel different but my heart was sealed when my friend died so long ago and in truth, pets don't live as long as humans so I didn't want to feel that pain again of losing anyone.

So, I'm very sorry that meatball died. I know how you feel. You didn't lose a dog, you lost a friend a brother but don't be like me and close yourself off. I don't want to feel that pain but at the same time, I'm not enjoying the closeness a pet can bring.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Talk on Tuesday

Why Follow the Course of Hospitality?

I recall when I was younger, my mother told me when she was younger, the world was different. Children would play outside. Neighbors knew each and would visit each other. Everyone for the most part was friendly and often smiling. If a stranger needed help, someone was always there to help. If someone moved into the neighborhood, most would introduce themselves and maybe bring a nice treat to welcome them to the neighborhood. Showing Hospitality meant something back then.
And If we look even further to the past by way of the scriptures, there are many examples of those who showed Hospitality.

One that comes to mind was when Jesus was dining with one the of Pharisees. He entered into his home and reclined at the table. What happened next? Open your bibles to Luke chapter 7 verses 37, 38, and keep your bibles open, we will also read verse 44 through 46. That’s Luke chapter 7 verses 37 and 38.

And it reads: And, look! a woman who was known in the city to be a sinner learned that he was reclining at a meal in the house of the Pharisee, and she brought an alabaster case of perfumed oil, 38 and, taking a position behind at his feet, she wept and started to wet his feet with her tears and she would wipe them off with the hair of her head. Also, she tenderly kissed his feet and greased them with the perfumed oil.

Instead of being touched by what this woman had done, The Pharisees had said within himself that if This man speaking of Jesus, if he were a prophet, he would know who and what kind of woman it is that is touching him. What did Jesus say? Notice Verse 44 of Luke chapter 7

and it reads: With that he turned to the woman and said to Simon: “Do you behold this woman? I entered into your house; you gave me no water for my feet. But this woman wet my feet with her tears and wiped them off with her hair. 45 You gave me no kiss; but this woman, from the hour that I came in, did not leave off tenderly kissing my feet. 46 You did not grease my head with oil; but this woman greased my feet with perfumed oil.

Not only is this woman showing hospitality but also showing humility. Something that the Pharisee should have done. As we move deeper into this system, we can see that people have gone from bad to worse. Instead of being hospitable, people are angry, people are upset, people are ready to hurt you. Think about when we are in service. Have you ever gone to a door and had a great experience but a few doors down someone is screaming at you? People are going from Bad to worse and we can expect that in this system.

But must apply what the apostle Paul stated at Romans chapter 12 and verse 13. Please turn with me there. That’s Romans Chapter 12 and verse 13. And it reads Share with the holy ones according to their needs. Follow the course of hospitality. Hospitality could be defined as providing care and kindness to whoever is in need, This should not apply only among ourselves, but also to those in the world. By doing so, it will not only give praise to Jehovah but could by our conduct welcome a brother or sister into Jehovah’s Organization.
I'll have to ask for Arlene's permission to post her talk. Hmm, on the subject of mom or dad. There was a time where I didn't want to listen to reason because I always felt I was right. It wasn't until Jesse had opened my eyes years ago.

I still can be a little mean I admit that but it's normally because of what is going on or if Jesse is messing with Gabriel and I have to ask more than once for him to stop.

I became the kind of person where even my 7 year old can teach this old dog a new tricks. I remember when I was helping Gabriel with his homework. It was funny because I kept telling him this is how you do it. Problem was I wasn't paying attention to how it was supposed to be done and every time he tried to show me, I didn't listen.

Finally after I was done explaining, he asked if he could see the pencil. I said sure. He then told me in a calm voice. Let me see if this is how you do it. He then started to show me and it was at that point that I realized OMG, he's right. So since then I don't question him anymore and I let him explain it.

Daisy is a different story. I've never met a girl so demanding. She has to have her way and we need to break that cycle. I could add more but I'm getting upset. LOL

Neveah - She is so innocent and sweet, she is the opposite of Daisy. HEHEHE

Joshua - So cute and he can now see you clearly with both eyes. Every time I come up to play with him, he just laughs and laughs, he knows what's coming.

Gabriel - Well, check this out. They did a math test in school sometime ago. When Gabriel was in k.garden, he tested in math right. He scored the highest in his class by a wide margin. Out of 100, he scored 89 percent while all others scored only 8 percent. 89 Gabriel, The rest 8 percent. I kid you not. This year they had to start giving him 2nd/3rd grade math because he was bored of 1st grade math and found all the homework and tests given to easy. He's getting real good at multiplication ( Hope I spelled that right ) I'm very pleased with his rate of knowledge and how much information he takes in.

Jesse - Well, he's an interesting kid who can piss me off sometimes but there is a side to him that I think only you can see. I'm very proud of him. When I was his age, I was locked up. He is much more of a man that I was at that age. He has turned out well. I see good things for him.

My wife - 20 + years of being together. She is my life and what makes me the person I am. I love her so much. We are like children with each other at times. Right now, Daisy is in that sleep with me mom mode. When Daisy sleeps, I run to go get her so she can come next to me. She's mine now Daisy HAHAHA. Seriously, I wish more than have what I have. To be honest, they can but it takes putting God in your life. Not on any specific day like Easter or some other kind of holiday where you feel then you need to please God. Jesus spoke to God all the time. Morning, noon, night, all the time.

Unborn Child - WEll can't say much, he's or she's not here. LOL

Jesus Christ - What can I say about this man that hasn't been said. He gave up his life for us. That is fact, there is no drama about that fact. He came to die for us. Imagine the pain he went through. Picture them punching Jesus, spitting on him and he asks he father to forgive them. What a man. It's to bad the world doesn't know the real reasons why he had to come to Earth in the first place.

Jehovah - The person who gave us life. The person who sent his son. Imagine how he felt watching his son die. I know it was hard for him. Did Jehovah cry? There is no scripture that I found that suggests that he did but we know he does hurt. We know our actions can hurt him, we know what others do to us does hurt him. I love my father Jehovah very much and when I feel I disappoint him, I get depressed and pray. He is the last person I want to disappoint. I love him very much and often ask for his holy spirit to guide me and my thoughts.

Till Thursday.

talk today

and of course I'm as nervous as can be. I asked the Wife if she was nervous on her part, she said no. hehehe

Funny because I'm normally calm.

How's the mom and dad thing going?

Monday, April 5, 2010


Well, I forgot to mention that Arlene has a talk tomorrow as well. The title is What Should We Consider When Examining Christmas Traditions?. Mine is Why Follow the Course of Hospitality?

I'm kinda nervous considering I just finished the talk a day ago. I didn't even know I had the talk till Memorial day. So it's close. I like to go over it several times before I consider it done. Also I call my spiritual mother to hear it in case she has any pointers.

Speaking of my spiritual mother. She is very sick and I'm worried about her. I call her our spiritual mother because she helped us into the truth and never gave up on us when we didn't change our lives. Becky and Ernie mean so much to us.

So every talk I work on, I call her. We both go to different Kingdom Halls. I used to go too theirs but we transferred to another hall because the hall we were in, didn't have the room in case our kids acted up.

From what I was told, they do now but we have been in our current hall for along time so we stayed. I'm nervous for Arlene because she hasn't been on stage for sometime. I'm sure she will do fine. She said she isn't nervous but being nervous is natural because it's not easy getting in front of people but once you let loose you let loose.

So for Jesse. I will post more pictures of him. I need to get him a haircut first. Appearance is important. When people meet you the first time, that is the first thing they look at. Your appearance. So I told him that he needs to make sure that his appearance is proper and that his conduct reflects who he is.

I will have a talk with him. Till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Often times today was a day that people looked for eggs and you know how I feel about eggs. LOL

I didn't know what Easter meant or the reason behind it. It wasn't till later that I learned what was behind Easter. Easter supposedly commemorates the resurrection of Christ, but it is linked with false worship. The Encyclopædia Britannica (11th Edition) states: “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament.” Easter was not an early Christian observance and is not celebrated by Jehovah’s people today.

Easter was originally the spring festival in honor of the Teutonic goddess of light and spring known in Anglo-Saxon as Eastre. It's amazing what you learn as you get older. The name Easter is not even found in the Bible. It's also amazing how people run to church or their priests when it comes to holidays or if they did something wrong.

Notice Celebrities who get in trouble. When they do, they run to God. When a husband and wife split, they then run to God.

Till next time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Sister

She made a comment the other day which I felt I needed to reply. She believes that my Grandmother who died is watching us from Heaven. The way she said it was Mama is watching us from above and is proud of us. Others jumped in and agreed so I made my comment and I said " Well if she is watching us from Above, who is watching us from Below "

My Neese then said my grandma? I then said " No " Then I said " Everyone always says people are watching us from above so I threw out there who is watching us from below. Then my sister tells me directly that Mamma is watching us.

Then I replied " I hope she isn't watching me when I'm naked " It's creepy to think that all that have ever died in the world is watching us as if they don't have anything better to do. The thought of my grandmother watching everything my wife and I do or what I do in my life is creepy.

Show me the scripture that says the dead rise and are watching us? You won't find it because it isn't there. So when I do get a chance to talk to my sister on the phone, I'm going to ask her. Show me the scripture that backs up what you are saying.

To say that people die and go to Heaven would mean really that Jesus didn't need to come to Earth. His Death didn't mean anything. Why did he die? What did he have to safe us from? People like Moses, Abel, and so many others worshiped God. One would think they for sure would have gone to Heaven right? Jesus in his own words said that no man has asended to Heaven.

This is out of his mouth. Also the teaching that people are tormented forever. If that is the case then God is a liar because he said all sins are forgiven when you die. God can do many things but the one thing he cannot do is lie. Sadly what has been taught is a lie thus the reason why many need to question what they were taught.

anyways...Till monday.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Memorial was great and uplifting. Jesus went through so much for us to have life.

I'm working on a Talk that I Kinda got last minute about Hospitality. I'll post it here when it's complete.