Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to keep spiritually minded

I was going to write this tomorrow since today is my anniversary but I couldn't help but type this because of what happened today but before I get to that, to keep spiritually minded, we have to watch what we say.

We hear it all around us. It comes from work, school, friends, parents, TV, Music, and children. It's foul language. It's everywhere and you will hear it no matter what. You will hear it as soon as you walk out the house. You will hear it inside the house. It could even be in your thoughts. That's how much you hear it. Maybe you think of it internally if you are upset with someone.

Maybe it comes out of your mouth. Have I ever said bad words? Of course I have. Everyone I know at one time used foul language. Ephesians 4:29 first urges us: “Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth.” That's not easy

One reason is that profanity is so common. It's all around us. We may not fully be able to avoid hearing foul words, but we can and should make a conscious effort not to absorb these. They have no place in our minds or mouths.

Underlying Paul’s warning is a Greek word that relates to spoiled fish or decayed fruit. Visualize this: You observe a man get impatient and then outright furious. Finally he explodes, and you see a putrefied fish come out of his mouth. You then see stinking, decayed fruit tumble out, splashing all nearby. Who is he? How terrible if he were any of us! Yet, such an image could fit if we let rotten sayings proceed out of our mouth.

Another application of Ephesians 4:29 is for us to avoid being constantly critical. Granted, all of us have opinions and tastes about things we do not like or accept, but have you been around someone who seems to have a negative comment (or many comments) about every person, place, or thing mentioned? His or her speech tears down, depresses, or destroys.

He or she may not realize how much he resembles the critical ones Malachi described. How shocked he might be if a bystander told him that a putrefied fish or decaying fruit was slipping out of his mouth! While it is easy to recognize when someone else constantly makes negative or critical comments, ask yourself, ‘Do I tend to be like that? Really, do I?

It would be wise to reflect occasionally on the spirit of our words. Are they primarily negative, critical? Do we sound like Job’s three false comforters? Why not find a positive aspect to mention? If a conversation is mainly critical, why not steer it into upbuilding matters?

Malachi presented this contrast: “Those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.” (Malachi 3:16) Did you notice how God responded to upbuilding speech?

What was the likely effect of such conversation on associates? We can personally learn a lesson regarding our daily speech. How much finer for us and others if our typical conversation reflects our ‘sacrifice of praise to God.’

So what happened today. Just because it's my anniversary, I still had responsibilities. I had to take my kids to school like I do each morning. I went to pickup Jesse. There is this Teenager who goes to our Kingdom Hall. Her sister who is also a Teenager was Baptized this year.

I first saw the one that was Baptized and she came up to my car and said Hello. We talked a bit and off she went. I was still waiting for Jesse to come out. All of a Sudden the sister comes running up to this guy saying every foul word in the book. She didn't notice I was there. When she did, I can tell that she wished that I wasn't there.

She still said HI but from a distance. Jesse finally came out and off I went. The first thing that I thought of was her comment that she made during Tuesday meeting and Sunday and she is one of those who often comments at the meetings but here she was using all kinds of foul language as if Jehovah can't hear it.

I was shocked and I felt very offended. It's no wonder that this girl has been around the truth but has yet to make that commitment. She goes out in service and preaches to others. They call this Token worship. Two sides of a coin. One side is when you are in front of your brothers and sisters. You act a certain way, you talk a certain way. You are well dressed. You smile and appear to be happy.

The other side of the coin is what I saw today. What do you do when you are not at the meetings. What do you do when you are not in front of your brothers or sisters. How do you speak in front of others when the brothers or sisters aren't around?

I felt bad. It really comes down to this since we are so close to the end. Those that know the truth and believe this is the truth, please give it your all. Do what you can. Jehovah knows how much you can do. Don't be a hypocrite. It's a waste of time since Jehovah's standards never change. It's your standards that need to change. You need to raise your standards to meet his and his standards are not difficult to reach.

There have been many in the past and many today that are living up to Jehovah's standards. We do our best and always have in mind that we can do more. It doesn't make sense to pretend that Jesus or Jehovah can't hear you. They can hear and see you. They see what you do. If you truly believed that then you would raise your standards.

Words are very powerful. Use caution....Scriptures tell us that if any can control is tongue, this one is perfect meaning that in this system we may slip and say bad words. IF we do, the very first thing we do is apologize to Jehovah. In the past when I slipped with my words that was the first thing I did, apologize and improve.

I will leave this up for Friday. Be safe and have a great weekend.

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