A few posts ago I mentioned the kind of Friends my wife had. When we were younger, my wife had many worldly friends. One time I went out somewhere with my friends and my wife went out with her friend Stacy.
It was about maybe 12:00am or 1:00am and she didn't arrive home. I was very worried. I called my brother and asked him to come with me. I drove to my mom's house and off we went. This was before she was my wife by the way. Anyway, I went around to area's I knew that Stacy might be and went I ran into those that knew Stacy I would ask them if they seen Stacy.
Well, I ended up on a Street called Natoma where I found her Drunk in a car talking with a Guy. Stacy was with another guy outside the car. I looked in the car and she was talking to this guy. I said somethings to her and the guy and told her to get in the car.
My brother who has never been in trouble his entire life had a gun with him just in case. As I grabbed my future wife out the car, Stacy ran up because the guy's friend was about to pull out a knife and stab me.
My wife got in the car, she was very drunk. I asked Stacy How could you not protect her, she doesn't know what she is doing. Stacy replied " She is her own person, she can do what she wants "
I was very upset. This was the kind of friends we had. My wife could have been raped, taken advantage of, maybe even because of that night got pregnant. I could have been killed which would have changed the entire course of my life today. All this because her so called Friend did not protect her.
Think he learned her lesson? Read on....
The next day, I was very hurt over what happened. She did apologize and I told her that I cannot trust her being with Stacy anymore. I thought Stacy would protect her because they grew up with each other. Stacy's mother knew my family on a intimate level. So we all kinda grew up with each other.
I couldn't believe that she would do this to her so called best friend. I couldn't believe that she would do this to me. That was Stacy. Think she learned her Lesson? No because when you are younger for some odd reason you think you know it all and you think that things will never happen to you. You think that bad things only happen to other people.
I remember the day. I received a call from the hospital and my future wife got into an accident. It wasn't because a car hit her. It was because her friend who was driving was drunk, she was drunk and they hit a bus head on.
I will talk more about her friends in another post but the point being in all of this is the choices we made could have cost us our very lives. Sad but true. Oh this won't happen to me. That won't happen to me. I won't do that. There you are again trying to reason with yourself that nothing will ever happen to you but you don't have to be drunk for something bad to happen. Remember that my friend was killed because of who he associated with. They thought he was a gang member and he had nothing to do with anything.
Our choices of friends tell a great deal of who we are. Oh I know this person uses foul language but I don't so it's fine to be around them. See how you are reasoning with yourself. The scriptures tell us that Bad association spoils useful habits. It's safe to say that you don't know more than God. Our knowledge is very very limited compared to his. Bad association spoils useful habits. Thus the reason why those who are True Christians meaning Christ like spend very limited time with those who can spoil our useful habits.
My choices in life almost got me killed many times. I've already been stabbed once that could have ended my life. My wife could have been killed because of her choices. It may never happen to you or it may, depends if you see it coming before it happens meaning you can see the chain of events.
You go to a party, your friend who is driving drinks a little, you don't notice that she has had to much. You jump in the car with her, she crashes and dies but you live. You are missing an arm or leg. Maybe you can't see out of one eye. Your friends hits a car who passengers hold maybe 2 kids. They are both killed.
It does happen. Imagine you are Jaqueline. She got hit by a Drunk Driver.

Below is her with her family

The Car Jacqueline was riding was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male student on his way home after drinking a couple of hard packs with his friends. His FRIENDS. WHat do you think happened?

Sad isn't it. Scroll up and look again at her picture.
This is what she looks like today.

Look Again!!!!!!!!!!!

Sad isn't it........Oh wait it can never happen to you........
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