This weekend in San Francisco we had Thunder and Lighting. It was very scary. I've never been used to it. As a child I recall times when I would sit by the window and pray that everyone was safe. I would pray for hours.
I was nervous about getting hit and others getting hit by lighting. I learned as a got older that the chances are low. Last week I posted 50 questions which I feel should be asked. Many to believe the official story and that's fine you can believe the official story but please don't get upset for those who have questions.
If the questions were answered along time ago people wouldn't continue to ask. Till this day, the questions posted have yet to be answered. I'm sure there are more questions other than what was posted.
No one in Government takes time out to answer so expect the questions to continue. Is there anything that could be done about it? I'm sure there won't be but one thing is clear. That day changed everything.
There have been times where I would hear brothers gives talks and blame what happened on Osama and while he may have had a hand in it, I felt that the brother giving his talk didn't do all the research. Research shows that there is evidence that our own Government was behind it.
Don't deny it without looking at the evidence. 3000 + people died that day and since that day millions have died and continue to die as a result of what happened on 9/11. It isn't wrong to question anything. It's wrong that questions haven't been answered.
I'm not alone in these thoughts and I know I'm not crazy. Anyway, till tomorrow. Have a great day.
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