Here is an updated pic of my oldest son. Wasn't the best shot, I got him from the side. After a week of being off and returning to work today I feel a bit tired. My wife is amazing. I don't know how she does it. This is what the bible calls this kind of woman a capable wife. Notice Proverbs chapter 31 starting at verse 10. It describes the capable wife. My wife really takes care of her family. I'm very blessed to have her. To see what she gone through to have Joshua is the very reason why women should be respected.
Today, you have men who take advantage of woman. You have men who abuse their woman. You have men who step on their woman. Even if you don't have children, you MEN came from a woman. Men today even forget they have children and thus the woman have to play both roles. See how strong they can be!!
I came from a home that didn't really have a father and my mother had to play father/mother. Although I don't agree how she did it, I'm still here today alive.
Notice how Jesus was with women. His compassion for people was reflected in the way he dealt with women. On one occasion a woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for 12 years searched for Jesus in a crowd. Her condition made her ceremonially unclean, so she should not have been there. But she was so desperate that she slipped in behind Jesus. When she touched his garment, she was instantly healed!
Even though he was on his way to the home of Jairus, whose daughter was gravely ill, Jesus stopped. Having felt power go out of him, he looked around for the one who had touched him. Finally, the woman came and fell down before him trembling. Would Jesus scold her for being in the crowd or for touching his garment without his permission? On the contrary, she found him very warm and kind. “Daughter,” he said, “your faith has made you well.” This was the only time Jesus directly addressed a woman as “daughter.” How that word must have put her heart at ease!
Ever since the introduction of sin in Eden, women in many cultures have been relegated to a position of dishonor. But that is not the kind of treatment that Jehovah originally intended for them to experience. No matter what cultural views toward women may prevail, the record of both the Hebrew and the Christian Greek Scriptures clearly shows that godly women should be treated with honor and respect. It is their God-given due.
I love my wife very much. Anyway, have a great day. See ya tomorrow!!!
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