Hello World!!! Can you hear me!!! Is there anybody out there!!!
I recall when I was younger hearing that by Pink Floyd. You young ones may not know who he is but that's ok. I'm sure there is music today that you listen to that I'm sure I will not know.
I do hear some interesting names such as Little Wayne or Lady Gaga. Back in the day we have some classic names such as The Stylistics or The Temptations. What is a Gaga anyway? Even today's words are interesting. I heard a co-worker say that someone was Ghost Riding the Whip? I was afraid to ask....Although I did find out that it had something to do with cars.
I guess I'm showing my age a bit but I wondered what happened to language? Back in my day we called it Jive or some even used G-language. G-language was replacing the beginning letter of each word so for example if I said " take care " it would be gake gare. Weird huh....
Anyway, not much to add today but will talk a bit more about friendships tomorrow.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday is here at last and service tomorrow. It's such a honor to talk about God. I with others felt the same. Well I know at least 7 million plus do. Being apart of this spiritual family means so much to me. I'm sure many brothers and sisters world wide feel the same way.
At times we can feel tired. We may feel that this system has gone on to long. Maybe some of us feel like quitting. It's only natural to feel this way at times because this system can cause you to feel this way. Satan can cause you to feel this way. Those that are against the truth can make you feel this way.
Think of it this way. Jehovah is a loving God that has allowed all of this to continue. I mentioned this before that during our convention, that so many were baptized. Those are brothers and sisters who are apart of our spiritual family. If Jehovah would have ended it 2 years ago, we wouldn't have gained them.
I saw this elderly brother walking slowly toward the pool to be baptized. He had to be helped up the 6 stairs that were there. I cried. This man is giving his all to be apart of this organization and showing Jehovah, No no Telling Jehovah. I love you.
That is worth the wait and there is more work to be done. There are more brothers and more sisters that are out there that should be apart of this family. That willb be apart of this spiritual family. Right now, I can think of one who is waiting to be one of our sisters. I love her very much, although I don't ever recall telling her that but I do and if she reads this, well she knows now. LOL
There are those in the way that can prevent many to become apart of this spiritual family. Jehovah knows this and even if its just one person even if Jehovah is waiting for one more person, we should all be thankful. That is our brother, that is our sister.
There's nothing wrong with being tired. We all are tired in one way or another. We all go through issues but we need to remain focused on the future. We need to be there for each other and we must continue the preaching work till it is done. Till we are told its done and brothers/sisters we are close to being complete.
Notice what Jesus explained: “Then two men will be working in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; two women will be grinding grain into flour at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned.
Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.”
At times we can feel tired. We may feel that this system has gone on to long. Maybe some of us feel like quitting. It's only natural to feel this way at times because this system can cause you to feel this way. Satan can cause you to feel this way. Those that are against the truth can make you feel this way.
Think of it this way. Jehovah is a loving God that has allowed all of this to continue. I mentioned this before that during our convention, that so many were baptized. Those are brothers and sisters who are apart of our spiritual family. If Jehovah would have ended it 2 years ago, we wouldn't have gained them.
I saw this elderly brother walking slowly toward the pool to be baptized. He had to be helped up the 6 stairs that were there. I cried. This man is giving his all to be apart of this organization and showing Jehovah, No no Telling Jehovah. I love you.
That is worth the wait and there is more work to be done. There are more brothers and more sisters that are out there that should be apart of this family. That willb be apart of this spiritual family. Right now, I can think of one who is waiting to be one of our sisters. I love her very much, although I don't ever recall telling her that but I do and if she reads this, well she knows now. LOL
There are those in the way that can prevent many to become apart of this spiritual family. Jehovah knows this and even if its just one person even if Jehovah is waiting for one more person, we should all be thankful. That is our brother, that is our sister.
There's nothing wrong with being tired. We all are tired in one way or another. We all go through issues but we need to remain focused on the future. We need to be there for each other and we must continue the preaching work till it is done. Till we are told its done and brothers/sisters we are close to being complete.
Notice what Jesus explained: “Then two men will be working in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; two women will be grinding grain into flour at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned.
Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.”
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Continuing on with the topic of Friends, I reviewed my notes and noticed that I didn't mention one important fact about those that I called my friends. All of them at one time or another made passes at my wife.
I almost forgot about that. There is a lot of truth in the saying that ‘the only way to have a friend is to be one.’ Sometimes persons feel it keenly when they are ‘left out’ of things by other young persons whom they may admire. Or they may have had friends only to lose them. They feel very hurt about this. Possibly they do not realize that friendship is a two-way street.
So we do well to ask ourselves: What am I doing to be friendly to others? How much sincere and unselfish interest do I take in others, and what do I do to contribute to their happiness and their good? What qualities am I cultivating that would make others feel that they would really like to have me as a friend?
The kind of friends you get depends largely on the way you go about trying to find them. Some seek to win friends by spending money on them, or by inviting them to share in the enjoyment of material possessions, such as a cd's, dvd's etc... True, this may draw some to you but notice what's mentioned in the book of Proverbs “Many are the friends of the rich person,” and that “everybody is a companion to the man making gifts.”
Yes, many people act friendly when a person spends his money freely. But when the money runs out so do the “friends.” Worthwhile friends cannot be “bought,” either by the use of material possessions, or by flattery or by always giving in to what the other wants. Any friend that can be bought is never worth the price, however much it might be. True friends are attracted by what you are, by your qualities, not by what they can get out of you.
So, while it is good to have a friendly disposition toward people, if you want genuine friends you need to be selective about those you choose as close and confidential companions. It is a basic principle of social relations that you tend to become like those around you if you associate with them long enough. Your choice of friends tells a lot about what kind of person you are or are likely to become. Your close friends are bound to have a “molding” effect on you.
Do you choose friends who are honest and decent, who are considerate, who have respect for God and his Word and who have the courage to do what is right? Or are you attracted by persons who pride themselves on being able to “outsmart” others, and who, in place of genuine courage, take blind risks just to show off? Are they ready to risk sharing in immorality, or to steal or take drugs and then brag that they are ‘getting away with it’? If they try to “hook” you into going along with them in something that can harm you, can they rightly be called “friends”?
Remember, if you are a close companion of such persons, you will either have to go along with them or have to disagree with them. To disagree with them will probably end the “friendship ” sooner or later. Why? Because they will look on disagreement as criticism or reproof. Usually such persons like to ridicule others, but they can’t take reproof themselves.
Proverbs 9:8 talks about that kind of person and then, in contrast, adds: “Give a reproof to a wise person and he will love you.” Real friends can talk frankly to each other and help each other to improve or to correct themselves where needed. When you have a really good companion who thinks straight and talks straight, you have a treasure beyond price. True friends are like diamonds—precious but rare. In sad contrast, false friends are like common stones—found everywhere. I'm a poet and didn't know it.
Many young people today, because of having no faith in a personal Creator or in his Word, take the attitude of “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.” That was the way men of ancient times felt who were sentenced to fight wild beasts in the arena. They had no faith in Jehovah God and his power to give life again to those faithful to him.
As a teenager, you are really just getting started in life. So, do you want to adopt the attitude those condemned prisoners had toward life? After describing that viewpoint of just ‘living for today,’ the apostle Paul went on to say: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Corinthians 15:32, 33) Think about the truthfulness of that. If you seek close companionship with persons who think only of the present, you can be sure they will ruin your hopes and efforts toward gaining a lasting happy future.
Sometimes a young person may say that he or she associates with another of questionable ways and reputation so as to help that one. To want to help others is a fine thing. But if you go along with them in their selfish pleasures, how much help are you giving them? For example, if you saw a child in a mud puddle, would you take some soap out into the puddle and try to clean the child with it? You would only get yourself dirty as a result. You would first have to try to encourage the child to come out of the mud puddle before you could hope to do anything about cleaning him up at close range.
Actually, to accept a person with bad habits as a close associate will often have a bad effect on that person (as well as on yourself). Why? Because it may encourage him or her to keep on in the same way, feeling that he can always rely on your backing him up. Wouldn’t it be of far greater help to limit your association to times when you can really aid the person by pointing out good counsel and by inviting him to accompany you to places where that counsel is explained?
Think about that. Tomorrow I will go a bit more into this, till then have a great day.
I almost forgot about that. There is a lot of truth in the saying that ‘the only way to have a friend is to be one.’ Sometimes persons feel it keenly when they are ‘left out’ of things by other young persons whom they may admire. Or they may have had friends only to lose them. They feel very hurt about this. Possibly they do not realize that friendship is a two-way street.
So we do well to ask ourselves: What am I doing to be friendly to others? How much sincere and unselfish interest do I take in others, and what do I do to contribute to their happiness and their good? What qualities am I cultivating that would make others feel that they would really like to have me as a friend?
The kind of friends you get depends largely on the way you go about trying to find them. Some seek to win friends by spending money on them, or by inviting them to share in the enjoyment of material possessions, such as a cd's, dvd's etc... True, this may draw some to you but notice what's mentioned in the book of Proverbs “Many are the friends of the rich person,” and that “everybody is a companion to the man making gifts.”
Yes, many people act friendly when a person spends his money freely. But when the money runs out so do the “friends.” Worthwhile friends cannot be “bought,” either by the use of material possessions, or by flattery or by always giving in to what the other wants. Any friend that can be bought is never worth the price, however much it might be. True friends are attracted by what you are, by your qualities, not by what they can get out of you.
So, while it is good to have a friendly disposition toward people, if you want genuine friends you need to be selective about those you choose as close and confidential companions. It is a basic principle of social relations that you tend to become like those around you if you associate with them long enough. Your choice of friends tells a lot about what kind of person you are or are likely to become. Your close friends are bound to have a “molding” effect on you.
Do you choose friends who are honest and decent, who are considerate, who have respect for God and his Word and who have the courage to do what is right? Or are you attracted by persons who pride themselves on being able to “outsmart” others, and who, in place of genuine courage, take blind risks just to show off? Are they ready to risk sharing in immorality, or to steal or take drugs and then brag that they are ‘getting away with it’? If they try to “hook” you into going along with them in something that can harm you, can they rightly be called “friends”?
Remember, if you are a close companion of such persons, you will either have to go along with them or have to disagree with them. To disagree with them will probably end the “friendship ” sooner or later. Why? Because they will look on disagreement as criticism or reproof. Usually such persons like to ridicule others, but they can’t take reproof themselves.
Proverbs 9:8 talks about that kind of person and then, in contrast, adds: “Give a reproof to a wise person and he will love you.” Real friends can talk frankly to each other and help each other to improve or to correct themselves where needed. When you have a really good companion who thinks straight and talks straight, you have a treasure beyond price. True friends are like diamonds—precious but rare. In sad contrast, false friends are like common stones—found everywhere. I'm a poet and didn't know it.
Many young people today, because of having no faith in a personal Creator or in his Word, take the attitude of “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.” That was the way men of ancient times felt who were sentenced to fight wild beasts in the arena. They had no faith in Jehovah God and his power to give life again to those faithful to him.
As a teenager, you are really just getting started in life. So, do you want to adopt the attitude those condemned prisoners had toward life? After describing that viewpoint of just ‘living for today,’ the apostle Paul went on to say: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Corinthians 15:32, 33) Think about the truthfulness of that. If you seek close companionship with persons who think only of the present, you can be sure they will ruin your hopes and efforts toward gaining a lasting happy future.
Sometimes a young person may say that he or she associates with another of questionable ways and reputation so as to help that one. To want to help others is a fine thing. But if you go along with them in their selfish pleasures, how much help are you giving them? For example, if you saw a child in a mud puddle, would you take some soap out into the puddle and try to clean the child with it? You would only get yourself dirty as a result. You would first have to try to encourage the child to come out of the mud puddle before you could hope to do anything about cleaning him up at close range.
Actually, to accept a person with bad habits as a close associate will often have a bad effect on that person (as well as on yourself). Why? Because it may encourage him or her to keep on in the same way, feeling that he can always rely on your backing him up. Wouldn’t it be of far greater help to limit your association to times when you can really aid the person by pointing out good counsel and by inviting him to accompany you to places where that counsel is explained?
Think about that. Tomorrow I will go a bit more into this, till then have a great day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The talk went very well. While I was up there, I didn't change things on the fly. Meaning I removed certain words while adding others. I also learned and I didn't know why this didn't come to me sooner but if you bookmark what scriptures you need to go too, you will save seconds thus giving you more seconds of talk time. At times it can take maybe 5 seconds or more to look for a scripture and forget finding Titus quickly.
I added at least 7 seconds of talk time. It was great. I had a great time but noticed that I don't have any talks coming up - (
After the talk an elder who was listening was very moved and told me that he felt very encouraged by my talk. I told him that I'm only saying what I've been taught and that I pray daily for Jehovah's spirit to guide my thinking and help me to help others.
I also mentioned that I write everyday. He was shocked because he didn't know that I wrote almost daily. hehehe
Tomorrow I will still talk about our friends of course. Till then..have a great day.
I added at least 7 seconds of talk time. It was great. I had a great time but noticed that I don't have any talks coming up - (
After the talk an elder who was listening was very moved and told me that he felt very encouraged by my talk. I told him that I'm only saying what I've been taught and that I pray daily for Jehovah's spirit to guide my thinking and help me to help others.
I also mentioned that I write everyday. He was shocked because he didn't know that I wrote almost daily. hehehe
Tomorrow I will still talk about our friends of course. Till then..have a great day.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
As mentioned on last weeks post. I would have given my life for my friends. That's how close of a connection I thought we had. When I learned the truth, it all changed. When you learn the truth it feels as if your eyes have been opened. You wonder why you haven't heard of this before. It's an amazing feeling.
I wanted to share what learned. It didn't work out because when you learn the truth, you have to change your life. You have to change your speech. You have to change your conduct. You have to change the way you think and act. My friends didn't understand that.
Was it the witnesses doing that to me? Did they force me? Of course not. I just looked at things this way. If I had a chance to meet Jesus. How would I act? What would I say? How would I look? I knew that I had to change.
If that meant that they wouldn't be my friends anymore then so be it. I had to choose what I wanted in life. As time went on I didn't see them because I didn't go to places that I would normally hang out.
I knew that if I wanted to please Jehovah, that I would have to distance myself from any negative influences. Drugs, smoking, Alcohol, speech, and how I dressed all changed.
My wife did the same thing. Her friends were a bad influence on her. I'll talk about that later.
Today, I see some of my old friends from time to time. Things are different now. Most of them are still the same meaning doing the same things. Some of them are in jail while others are dead. I can't help but think that could have been me!
We all have friends that we see every now and then who are not witnesses. Difference is we don't do what they do and we limit our association with them so that they cannot influence me or my family in any way.
When I was in that kind of life, most of my time was spent in Jail. I haven't been in trouble with the law since I was 22. I am now 36. I am so thankful that Jehovah came into my life. He changed me and my family.
For example and this is today. My oldest son is very responsible. He takes his service to Jehovah seriously. He makes it to all meetings even if my wife and I cannot go. I told him this morning when I dropped him off at school that he is more responsible that most adults I know.
He knows what needs to be done and takes care of it. This is his last year of High School. We have plans but they involve spiritual matters. We talk about his future and who they involve in terms of his future wife and where he will stay.
We look forward to the future but we know and he knows that it will only be successful if Jehovah is included and not just included but first in his life. He knows this. I'm very proud....Till tomorrow.
I wanted to share what learned. It didn't work out because when you learn the truth, you have to change your life. You have to change your speech. You have to change your conduct. You have to change the way you think and act. My friends didn't understand that.
Was it the witnesses doing that to me? Did they force me? Of course not. I just looked at things this way. If I had a chance to meet Jesus. How would I act? What would I say? How would I look? I knew that I had to change.
If that meant that they wouldn't be my friends anymore then so be it. I had to choose what I wanted in life. As time went on I didn't see them because I didn't go to places that I would normally hang out.
I knew that if I wanted to please Jehovah, that I would have to distance myself from any negative influences. Drugs, smoking, Alcohol, speech, and how I dressed all changed.
My wife did the same thing. Her friends were a bad influence on her. I'll talk about that later.
Today, I see some of my old friends from time to time. Things are different now. Most of them are still the same meaning doing the same things. Some of them are in jail while others are dead. I can't help but think that could have been me!
We all have friends that we see every now and then who are not witnesses. Difference is we don't do what they do and we limit our association with them so that they cannot influence me or my family in any way.
When I was in that kind of life, most of my time was spent in Jail. I haven't been in trouble with the law since I was 22. I am now 36. I am so thankful that Jehovah came into my life. He changed me and my family.
For example and this is today. My oldest son is very responsible. He takes his service to Jehovah seriously. He makes it to all meetings even if my wife and I cannot go. I told him this morning when I dropped him off at school that he is more responsible that most adults I know.
He knows what needs to be done and takes care of it. This is his last year of High School. We have plans but they involve spiritual matters. We talk about his future and who they involve in terms of his future wife and where he will stay.
We look forward to the future but we know and he knows that it will only be successful if Jehovah is included and not just included but first in his life. He knows this. I'm very proud....Till tomorrow.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Here is the talk that I'm going to give tomorrow.
Everyone has days when they feel they can't cope. Sometimes there's a specific reason - money worries, difficulties with health, problems at work. Maybe we feel sad or lonely. We may wonder if anyone loves us. Other times it's harder to put your finger on the cause. It's all too easy to get caught in a spiral of unhappiness, and feel there's no escape, feel that there’s no one to comfort you.
Open your bibles to Psalm chapter 27:10. Notice what is mentioned there. That’s Psalm chapter 27 and verse 10 – and it reads: In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, Even Jehovah himself would take me up.
Isn’t that comforting to know? No matter what happens Jehovah himself would take us up. Question is, do we pray to Jehovah? Do we pray for his holy spirit? Do we forget that he is there to listen to us when we have these problems? Isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 states that Jehovah will not forget us so let’s not forget Jehovah.
In this system Satan will make trouble for us. We will be tested. Jesus himself was tested but even though Jesus was tested, he knew that Jehovah loved him. He knew that Jehovah allows his servants to be tested. It’s the same with us today, which is why like Jesus, we need to rely on Jehovah.
An example of this is when Jesus told, a story about a shepherd who had a hundred sheep but, one of them got lost. It’s possible that the sheep wanted to see what was on the other side of the hill. So off the sheep went but because it wondered off, the sheep was now lost. Imagine how that sheep felt when it realized that it was all alone.
What did the shepherd do? Let’s read that account, please open your bibles to Matthew 18:12-14 and notice what it mentioned there. That’s Matthew chapter 18 verse 12 through 14 and it reads:
Who is that shepherd in this story? Jesus said it was Jehovah. Jehovah is the great shepherd who cares for his people. He does not want any of us to be hurt or destroyed. He knows what we need and he knows we need help. If we ever find ourselves sad or alone, what can we do? We can talk to Jehovah. We can let him know what we are going through. When children have problems they talk to their parents don’t they? When a husband or wife has problems they talk to each other don’t they? We can talk to Jehovah just like we talk to each other. He wants us to talk to him. We need to talk to him. We cannot get through this system without him.
Doesn’t it give you great comfort in knowing that the creator of all things loves us and that he wants us to follow him? He wants us to be one of his sheep? In this system we will always have issues. Problems will come and go and some may remain. Recall Psalm 55: 22 says to: Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you.
So rely on Jehovah, pray to Jehovah, throw your burdens upon Jehovah, and that’s where you will find true comfort.
It's titled " Where to find Comfort "
The story I posted to be continued, I will continue that story tomorrow. Till then, have a great day.
Everyone has days when they feel they can't cope. Sometimes there's a specific reason - money worries, difficulties with health, problems at work. Maybe we feel sad or lonely. We may wonder if anyone loves us. Other times it's harder to put your finger on the cause. It's all too easy to get caught in a spiral of unhappiness, and feel there's no escape, feel that there’s no one to comfort you.
Open your bibles to Psalm chapter 27:10. Notice what is mentioned there. That’s Psalm chapter 27 and verse 10 – and it reads: In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, Even Jehovah himself would take me up.
Isn’t that comforting to know? No matter what happens Jehovah himself would take us up. Question is, do we pray to Jehovah? Do we pray for his holy spirit? Do we forget that he is there to listen to us when we have these problems? Isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 states that Jehovah will not forget us so let’s not forget Jehovah.
In this system Satan will make trouble for us. We will be tested. Jesus himself was tested but even though Jesus was tested, he knew that Jehovah loved him. He knew that Jehovah allows his servants to be tested. It’s the same with us today, which is why like Jesus, we need to rely on Jehovah.
An example of this is when Jesus told, a story about a shepherd who had a hundred sheep but, one of them got lost. It’s possible that the sheep wanted to see what was on the other side of the hill. So off the sheep went but because it wondered off, the sheep was now lost. Imagine how that sheep felt when it realized that it was all alone.
What did the shepherd do? Let’s read that account, please open your bibles to Matthew 18:12-14 and notice what it mentioned there. That’s Matthew chapter 18 verse 12 through 14 and it reads:
Who is that shepherd in this story? Jesus said it was Jehovah. Jehovah is the great shepherd who cares for his people. He does not want any of us to be hurt or destroyed. He knows what we need and he knows we need help. If we ever find ourselves sad or alone, what can we do? We can talk to Jehovah. We can let him know what we are going through. When children have problems they talk to their parents don’t they? When a husband or wife has problems they talk to each other don’t they? We can talk to Jehovah just like we talk to each other. He wants us to talk to him. We need to talk to him. We cannot get through this system without him.
Doesn’t it give you great comfort in knowing that the creator of all things loves us and that he wants us to follow him? He wants us to be one of his sheep? In this system we will always have issues. Problems will come and go and some may remain. Recall Psalm 55: 22 says to: Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you.
So rely on Jehovah, pray to Jehovah, throw your burdens upon Jehovah, and that’s where you will find true comfort.
It's titled " Where to find Comfort "
The story I posted to be continued, I will continue that story tomorrow. Till then, have a great day.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Who really is our friends? Before I became a witness, I had the kind of friends that if we saw something you had on and liked, we will take it. I had no fear of dying. I didn't care. The friends I had, I would have taken a bullet for. I have been shot at because of my friends. I had a knife to my throat. I've been stabbed in the back before.
That is the life I had and I thought that was the life. I expected to die before I reached the age of 18. That was the plan. That is what I expected because people around me were dying. Friends that I had since I was young gone just like that. To me though that was normal. I expected to go the same way.
Even when I put that gun to my head to end it all, I didn't care. I had problems with no solutions, no real answers. When I became a witness things changed for me. I couldn't do the same things I used to do. I couldn't hurt anyone anymore over a color or whatever.
It wasn't about where we were from anymore. What street I claimed. It was all about being a Jehovah's Witness. That was my goal. It was about pleasing Jehovah. It wasn't about looking for someone to hit with my fists. It was about pleasing Jehovah. I saw with my own eyes the truth and it was right in my face. The bible.....Jehovah's means of communication. He saw something in my heart and that moved me to react. I changed. I went from smoking to quitting cold turkey. I went from doing drugs to stop doing drugs. I went from getting drunk everyday to drinking in moderation.
I did this for Jehovah because I knew that's what he wanted. He showed me through his words just how much he loves me and my actions showed just how much I loved him. It wasn't over night of course. I had to make many changes but everything I learned I had to tell someone LOOK WE DO HAVE A FUTURE. I ran to tell my friends, same friends who I would have taken a bullet for.
Funny.....they didn't want me around anymore. I loved these guys as if they were my own brothers. How can you get offended and not want me around because I talked about God? I didn't understand but I knew the choice I had to make. Well, they made it simple.
I stayed with Jehovah. Because of that, I became a better father to Jesse when he was younger. I became a better husband to my wife. My friends started to talk behind my back. At first I didn't want to say I was a Jehovah's Witness. I just said I was Christian.
After they realized that I wouldn't do the things they do, they stopped coming by and even stopped calling me. I would have died for any of these guys. I guess they didn't feel the same.
to be continued......................................
That is the life I had and I thought that was the life. I expected to die before I reached the age of 18. That was the plan. That is what I expected because people around me were dying. Friends that I had since I was young gone just like that. To me though that was normal. I expected to go the same way.
Even when I put that gun to my head to end it all, I didn't care. I had problems with no solutions, no real answers. When I became a witness things changed for me. I couldn't do the same things I used to do. I couldn't hurt anyone anymore over a color or whatever.
It wasn't about where we were from anymore. What street I claimed. It was all about being a Jehovah's Witness. That was my goal. It was about pleasing Jehovah. It wasn't about looking for someone to hit with my fists. It was about pleasing Jehovah. I saw with my own eyes the truth and it was right in my face. The bible.....Jehovah's means of communication. He saw something in my heart and that moved me to react. I changed. I went from smoking to quitting cold turkey. I went from doing drugs to stop doing drugs. I went from getting drunk everyday to drinking in moderation.
I did this for Jehovah because I knew that's what he wanted. He showed me through his words just how much he loves me and my actions showed just how much I loved him. It wasn't over night of course. I had to make many changes but everything I learned I had to tell someone LOOK WE DO HAVE A FUTURE. I ran to tell my friends, same friends who I would have taken a bullet for.
Funny.....they didn't want me around anymore. I loved these guys as if they were my own brothers. How can you get offended and not want me around because I talked about God? I didn't understand but I knew the choice I had to make. Well, they made it simple.
I stayed with Jehovah. Because of that, I became a better father to Jesse when he was younger. I became a better husband to my wife. My friends started to talk behind my back. At first I didn't want to say I was a Jehovah's Witness. I just said I was Christian.
After they realized that I wouldn't do the things they do, they stopped coming by and even stopped calling me. I would have died for any of these guys. I guess they didn't feel the same.
to be continued......................................
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Morning or Afternoon. Sorry again for the delay in posting. I've been very very busy. Above is a picture of Jesse giving his talk yesterday. It was great and he did a great job. I was very proud as I always am. I was sitting with my other kids in the back room so there was distance and thus the reason for the distance look. I couldn't help but take a picture.
My talk is next week. Its titled Where to Find Comfort. I already finished it but started to edit some of the words while adding others. I will post it tomorrow. Till tomorrow, have a great day.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Call me Old
Well, maybe not to old but I mean old fashioned. When I was younger I knew that the woman I married would be it. When I said I do, that meant till death do us part. I'm a very devoted husband. I love my wife very much. Marriage is sacred but today many in this world do not treat it that way. Its a game to many. They can turn off love as if it was a light switch.
Today I love you, tomorrow I don't. He loves me, he loves me not remember that? Marriage is not a game. Its to be taken very seriously. Jesus gave an illustration about two men. A wise man who built his house on solid rock and a foolish one who built on sandy soil. When a storm arose, and flood waters and winds lashed the houses, the one on the solid rock stood, but the one on the sand fell.
What is the point of his illustration. He wasn't teaching people how to build houses. Look at the point. He was emphasizing the need to build lives on a fine foundation. This is true of marriage. If we build our marriage on a rocklike foundation, it will stand the stresses of life but again many in this world build on sand so to speak.
I have been with my wife for 21 years. I was 15 years old. About half my life. Yes we were young and stupid because we did do stupid things but I will be 100 percent honest. If it was not for Jehovah, we would not be together today but even before I came into the truth, I knew that the girl I married would be it for me. Yes call me old fashioned.
There are many things that should be viewed as precious. As a father of two girls and I won't have to worry about it for sometime, virginity is also sacred but like marriage, many in the world don't view it that way. Being a virgin in the past was a honor but today if you are a virgin the world views you as if something was wrong?
As far as God is concerned, virginity in a young man or woman is not only normal but clean and holy! But I love him, but I love her....
Let me tell you from experience, because I saw it all growing up. There is a girl we know. Her name is Stacy. Stacy had intercourse with her boyfriend at a very young age. She ended up pregnant. Everything was ok with their relationship till Stacy found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with another.
They broke up and after a few months, Stacy found another guy who she really loved. She got pregnant again. The guy didn't cheat on her, he left her. Their relationship lasted for about 2 or 3 months, I can't remember but now she has two children from two different guys and all of this was under the age of 17.
This sounds like a story you hear often because it is a story you hear often. We know this other girl her name is Bernadette. She was a nice person but loved to flirt. I don't know if she was a virgin but I do know of a story surfaced about her and rape. She went out with this guy who she thought loved her. They went to Dolores Park one day. Her and her boyfriend along with three of his friends. After some drinking she got drunk. Her boyfriend and the other guys ended up raping her.
She didn't realize what she was doing and the entire time they were together which was about 1 month, she thought that he loved her. She did call the police and they were arrested. She ended up finding another guy who sold drugs. The guy got her hooked up drugs and she started selling herself on the street.
The last time I saw her which was maybe 4 years ago. She didn't look like the guy I knew. She was very skinny. Her face looked like death and she was on the corner of 17th and mission which is known for drugs prostitutes. I felt very bad for her but of course growing up where I did, I saw tons of that. One of my best friends when I was younger, his sister became a prostitute. Very sad.
All of this starts somewhere and before you know it, you could end up dead or end up like Bernadette or even Stacy. Maybe some of you reading now are doing through this. The saying " I wish I knew then what I know now " I've said that many times and I tell my son because he is 16 what I know now. Jesse is waiting for marriage. He respects Jehovah. He respects his parents. He is saving himself to share that special moment with his wife. When I told my co-worker about Jesse being a virgin. He's response was " Wow, that's amazing "
It's not that amazing with Jehovah's people. We respect the value of marriage. Call it old fashioned but Jehovah's words even today are not out dated.
A wise man once said " It's wisdom to listen to someone who is wise "
Till tomorrow...Have a great day.
Today I love you, tomorrow I don't. He loves me, he loves me not remember that? Marriage is not a game. Its to be taken very seriously. Jesus gave an illustration about two men. A wise man who built his house on solid rock and a foolish one who built on sandy soil. When a storm arose, and flood waters and winds lashed the houses, the one on the solid rock stood, but the one on the sand fell.
What is the point of his illustration. He wasn't teaching people how to build houses. Look at the point. He was emphasizing the need to build lives on a fine foundation. This is true of marriage. If we build our marriage on a rocklike foundation, it will stand the stresses of life but again many in this world build on sand so to speak.
I have been with my wife for 21 years. I was 15 years old. About half my life. Yes we were young and stupid because we did do stupid things but I will be 100 percent honest. If it was not for Jehovah, we would not be together today but even before I came into the truth, I knew that the girl I married would be it for me. Yes call me old fashioned.
There are many things that should be viewed as precious. As a father of two girls and I won't have to worry about it for sometime, virginity is also sacred but like marriage, many in the world don't view it that way. Being a virgin in the past was a honor but today if you are a virgin the world views you as if something was wrong?
As far as God is concerned, virginity in a young man or woman is not only normal but clean and holy! But I love him, but I love her....
Let me tell you from experience, because I saw it all growing up. There is a girl we know. Her name is Stacy. Stacy had intercourse with her boyfriend at a very young age. She ended up pregnant. Everything was ok with their relationship till Stacy found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with another.
They broke up and after a few months, Stacy found another guy who she really loved. She got pregnant again. The guy didn't cheat on her, he left her. Their relationship lasted for about 2 or 3 months, I can't remember but now she has two children from two different guys and all of this was under the age of 17.
This sounds like a story you hear often because it is a story you hear often. We know this other girl her name is Bernadette. She was a nice person but loved to flirt. I don't know if she was a virgin but I do know of a story surfaced about her and rape. She went out with this guy who she thought loved her. They went to Dolores Park one day. Her and her boyfriend along with three of his friends. After some drinking she got drunk. Her boyfriend and the other guys ended up raping her.
She didn't realize what she was doing and the entire time they were together which was about 1 month, she thought that he loved her. She did call the police and they were arrested. She ended up finding another guy who sold drugs. The guy got her hooked up drugs and she started selling herself on the street.
The last time I saw her which was maybe 4 years ago. She didn't look like the guy I knew. She was very skinny. Her face looked like death and she was on the corner of 17th and mission which is known for drugs prostitutes. I felt very bad for her but of course growing up where I did, I saw tons of that. One of my best friends when I was younger, his sister became a prostitute. Very sad.
All of this starts somewhere and before you know it, you could end up dead or end up like Bernadette or even Stacy. Maybe some of you reading now are doing through this. The saying " I wish I knew then what I know now " I've said that many times and I tell my son because he is 16 what I know now. Jesse is waiting for marriage. He respects Jehovah. He respects his parents. He is saving himself to share that special moment with his wife. When I told my co-worker about Jesse being a virgin. He's response was " Wow, that's amazing "
It's not that amazing with Jehovah's people. We respect the value of marriage. Call it old fashioned but Jehovah's words even today are not out dated.
A wise man once said " It's wisdom to listen to someone who is wise "
Till tomorrow...Have a great day.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thank you for the response on the Chuck Norris post yesterday. There are two sides to every story. From my own experience growing up, we were very poor. We ate rice everyday and at times did not eat at all. Well, that only happened a few times if I recall. My mom could not read nor spell. Her education was limited to the very basics.
Because of her bad hands, she could not write well. She got us into the Big Brothers or Sisters program which matches up kids to adults. I'm guessing it's adults who cannot have children or adults who want to make a difference because of those who aren't well off.
I do know that my brother is very close to his Big Brother and remains close till this very day. My brother and I don't have the same father. He was missing that father figure and because my father was dead well, we really didn't have anyone and there only so much that my mother could do.
Most of what I know now is because of what others taught me and of course what I picked up along the way. So I do thank you for your post and I did read what you posted. Most of what you will see here on this blog is what I call Spiritual Food.
From time to time, maybe even once a week or whenever, I will touch on other subjects. I've covered such topics as Fluoride, Chemtrails, 9/11, US dollar, Inflation, Spanish I mean Swine Flu, Etc...
I've spoken about my private life and have even received emails asking if I know about possible events for the future. I have replied to emails by using scripture which promises a coming paradise. Yes I know the future. All Witnesses do. If you really think about it. Many religions do as well. It depends on what your view of the end is. Some may think that the World is going to End. Maybe in a ball of fire.
Others think that when Armageddon happens we will all go to the other world. What we teach is what is found directly in scripture. You can see it in your bible. So yes I do know the future. Jehovah himself told us what is going to happen and we can be confident that it will.
I will touch on other subjects from time to time but this blog will always remain a place to encourage new readers to learn about who we are. Who witnesses are. In truth, many don't like who we are. I remember talking to someone who loved the message. I showed him scripture and he loved it. He was so excited to hear it. Loved the fact that there will be no more wars, loved the fact that the dead would be returning to Earth.
Then he ask after being so excited about what he heard. Are you Jehovah's Witnesses? I said yes. He then said, no thank you and closed his door. I have had questions asked, I have had brothers asking me if I had any idea's on talks they will be giving and trust me, it encourages me. That's why this Blog has remained updated each day but the weekends. Brothers and sisters who have emailed me has encouraged me so much that I cannot help but post. Not to mention those who are reading. I encourage all to see our website which is
From that site you can learn about who witnesses are before you close to door on us. Till tomorrow. Thank you.
Because of her bad hands, she could not write well. She got us into the Big Brothers or Sisters program which matches up kids to adults. I'm guessing it's adults who cannot have children or adults who want to make a difference because of those who aren't well off.
I do know that my brother is very close to his Big Brother and remains close till this very day. My brother and I don't have the same father. He was missing that father figure and because my father was dead well, we really didn't have anyone and there only so much that my mother could do.
Most of what I know now is because of what others taught me and of course what I picked up along the way. So I do thank you for your post and I did read what you posted. Most of what you will see here on this blog is what I call Spiritual Food.
From time to time, maybe even once a week or whenever, I will touch on other subjects. I've covered such topics as Fluoride, Chemtrails, 9/11, US dollar, Inflation, Spanish I mean Swine Flu, Etc...
I've spoken about my private life and have even received emails asking if I know about possible events for the future. I have replied to emails by using scripture which promises a coming paradise. Yes I know the future. All Witnesses do. If you really think about it. Many religions do as well. It depends on what your view of the end is. Some may think that the World is going to End. Maybe in a ball of fire.
Others think that when Armageddon happens we will all go to the other world. What we teach is what is found directly in scripture. You can see it in your bible. So yes I do know the future. Jehovah himself told us what is going to happen and we can be confident that it will.
I will touch on other subjects from time to time but this blog will always remain a place to encourage new readers to learn about who we are. Who witnesses are. In truth, many don't like who we are. I remember talking to someone who loved the message. I showed him scripture and he loved it. He was so excited to hear it. Loved the fact that there will be no more wars, loved the fact that the dead would be returning to Earth.
Then he ask after being so excited about what he heard. Are you Jehovah's Witnesses? I said yes. He then said, no thank you and closed his door. I have had questions asked, I have had brothers asking me if I had any idea's on talks they will be giving and trust me, it encourages me. That's why this Blog has remained updated each day but the weekends. Brothers and sisters who have emailed me has encouraged me so much that I cannot help but post. Not to mention those who are reading. I encourage all to see our website which is
From that site you can learn about who witnesses are before you close to door on us. Till tomorrow. Thank you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Chuck Norris : Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare
I read this today and thought it was very interesting.
Health care reforms are turning into health care revolts. Americans are turning up the heat on congressmen in town hall meetings across the U.S.
While watching these political hot August nights, I decided to research the reasons so many are opposed to Obamacare to separate the facts from the fantasy. What I discovered is that there are indeed dirty little secrets buried deep within the 1,000-plus page health care bill.
Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.
It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.
The bill says that the government agents, "well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."
Are you kidding me?! With whose parental principles and values? Their own? Certain experts'? From what field and theory of childhood development? As if there are one-size-fits-all parenting techniques! Do we really believe they would contextualize and personalize every form of parenting in their education, or would they merely universally indoctrinate with their own?
Are we to assume the state's mediators would understand every parent's social or religious core values on parenting? Or would they teach some secular-progressive and religiously neutered version of parental values and wisdom? And if they were to consult and coach those who expect babies, would they ever decide circumstances to be not beneficial for the children and encourage abortions?
One government rebuttal is that this program would be "voluntary." Is that right? Does that imply that this agency would just sit back passively until some parent needing parenting skills said, "I don't think I'll call my parents, priest or friends or read a plethora of books, but I'll go down to the local government offices"? To the contrary, the bill points to specific targeted groups and problems, on Page 840: The state "shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families."
Are we further to conclude by those words that low-income families know less about parenting? Are middle- and upper-class parents really better parents? Less neglectful of their children? Less needful of parental help and training? Is this "prioritized" training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice?
Bottom line: Is all this what you want or expect in a universal health care bill being rushed through Congress? Do you want government agents coming into your home and telling you how to parent your children? When did government health care turn into government child care?
Government needs less of a role in running our children's lives and more of a role in supporting parents' decisions for their children. Children belong to their parents, not the government. And the parents ought to have the right -- and government support -- to parent them without the fed's mandates, education or intervention in our homes.
Kids are very important to my wife, Gena, and me. That's why we've spent the past 17 years developing our nonprofit KICKSTART program in public schools in Texas. It builds up their self-esteem and teaches them respect and discipline. Of course, whether or not they participate in the program is their and their parents' choice.
How contrary is Obamacare's home intrusion and indoctrination family services, in which state agents prioritize houses to enter and enforce their universal values and principles upon the hearts and minds of families across America?
Government's real motives and rationale are quite simple, though rarely, if ever, stated. If one wants to control the future ebbs and flows of a country, one must have command over future generations. That is done by seizing parental and educational power, legislating preferred educational methods and materials, and limiting private educational options. It is so simple that any socialist can understand it. As Josef Stalin once stated, "Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."
Before so-called universal health care turns into universal hell care, write or call your representative today and protest his voting Obamacare into law. Remind him that what is needed in Washington is a truly bipartisan group that is allowed an ample amount of time to work on a compromise health care law that wouldn't raise taxes (for anyone), regulate personal medical choices, ration health care or restrict American citizens.
As written by Chuck Norris himself. Interesting isn't it. What if they start to teach my children about dating? We have our own values on dating. Scriptures tell us that we must obey God's laws rather than man so will it be against the law to teach our values to my own children?
It's very interesting to see where we are headed. Note our special assembly day in our KM which is " the time left is reduced "
Health care reforms are turning into health care revolts. Americans are turning up the heat on congressmen in town hall meetings across the U.S.
While watching these political hot August nights, I decided to research the reasons so many are opposed to Obamacare to separate the facts from the fantasy. What I discovered is that there are indeed dirty little secrets buried deep within the 1,000-plus page health care bill.
Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.
It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.
The bill says that the government agents, "well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."
Are you kidding me?! With whose parental principles and values? Their own? Certain experts'? From what field and theory of childhood development? As if there are one-size-fits-all parenting techniques! Do we really believe they would contextualize and personalize every form of parenting in their education, or would they merely universally indoctrinate with their own?
Are we to assume the state's mediators would understand every parent's social or religious core values on parenting? Or would they teach some secular-progressive and religiously neutered version of parental values and wisdom? And if they were to consult and coach those who expect babies, would they ever decide circumstances to be not beneficial for the children and encourage abortions?
One government rebuttal is that this program would be "voluntary." Is that right? Does that imply that this agency would just sit back passively until some parent needing parenting skills said, "I don't think I'll call my parents, priest or friends or read a plethora of books, but I'll go down to the local government offices"? To the contrary, the bill points to specific targeted groups and problems, on Page 840: The state "shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families."
Are we further to conclude by those words that low-income families know less about parenting? Are middle- and upper-class parents really better parents? Less neglectful of their children? Less needful of parental help and training? Is this "prioritized" training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice?
Bottom line: Is all this what you want or expect in a universal health care bill being rushed through Congress? Do you want government agents coming into your home and telling you how to parent your children? When did government health care turn into government child care?
Government needs less of a role in running our children's lives and more of a role in supporting parents' decisions for their children. Children belong to their parents, not the government. And the parents ought to have the right -- and government support -- to parent them without the fed's mandates, education or intervention in our homes.
Kids are very important to my wife, Gena, and me. That's why we've spent the past 17 years developing our nonprofit KICKSTART program in public schools in Texas. It builds up their self-esteem and teaches them respect and discipline. Of course, whether or not they participate in the program is their and their parents' choice.
How contrary is Obamacare's home intrusion and indoctrination family services, in which state agents prioritize houses to enter and enforce their universal values and principles upon the hearts and minds of families across America?
Government's real motives and rationale are quite simple, though rarely, if ever, stated. If one wants to control the future ebbs and flows of a country, one must have command over future generations. That is done by seizing parental and educational power, legislating preferred educational methods and materials, and limiting private educational options. It is so simple that any socialist can understand it. As Josef Stalin once stated, "Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."
Before so-called universal health care turns into universal hell care, write or call your representative today and protest his voting Obamacare into law. Remind him that what is needed in Washington is a truly bipartisan group that is allowed an ample amount of time to work on a compromise health care law that wouldn't raise taxes (for anyone), regulate personal medical choices, ration health care or restrict American citizens.
As written by Chuck Norris himself. Interesting isn't it. What if they start to teach my children about dating? We have our own values on dating. Scriptures tell us that we must obey God's laws rather than man so will it be against the law to teach our values to my own children?
It's very interesting to see where we are headed. Note our special assembly day in our KM which is " the time left is reduced "
Monday, August 10, 2009

Here is an updated pic of my oldest son. Wasn't the best shot, I got him from the side. After a week of being off and returning to work today I feel a bit tired. My wife is amazing. I don't know how she does it. This is what the bible calls this kind of woman a capable wife. Notice Proverbs chapter 31 starting at verse 10. It describes the capable wife. My wife really takes care of her family. I'm very blessed to have her. To see what she gone through to have Joshua is the very reason why women should be respected.
Today, you have men who take advantage of woman. You have men who abuse their woman. You have men who step on their woman. Even if you don't have children, you MEN came from a woman. Men today even forget they have children and thus the woman have to play both roles. See how strong they can be!!
I came from a home that didn't really have a father and my mother had to play father/mother. Although I don't agree how she did it, I'm still here today alive.
Notice how Jesus was with women. His compassion for people was reflected in the way he dealt with women. On one occasion a woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for 12 years searched for Jesus in a crowd. Her condition made her ceremonially unclean, so she should not have been there. But she was so desperate that she slipped in behind Jesus. When she touched his garment, she was instantly healed!
Even though he was on his way to the home of Jairus, whose daughter was gravely ill, Jesus stopped. Having felt power go out of him, he looked around for the one who had touched him. Finally, the woman came and fell down before him trembling. Would Jesus scold her for being in the crowd or for touching his garment without his permission? On the contrary, she found him very warm and kind. “Daughter,” he said, “your faith has made you well.” This was the only time Jesus directly addressed a woman as “daughter.” How that word must have put her heart at ease!
Ever since the introduction of sin in Eden, women in many cultures have been relegated to a position of dishonor. But that is not the kind of treatment that Jehovah originally intended for them to experience. No matter what cultural views toward women may prevail, the record of both the Hebrew and the Christian Greek Scriptures clearly shows that godly women should be treated with honor and respect. It is their God-given due.
I love my wife very much. Anyway, have a great day. See ya tomorrow!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
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