Friday, June 25, 2010

Kingdom Hall People

I've never heard that term used to describe Jehovah's Witnesses. You can view my previous posts. I've touched on many subjects and I've had lots to say. Yes I am one of those Kingdom Hall people.

Before I became one I used to be a catholic. I've researched various religions and even at one time in my life worshiped Satan when I was younger. I never considered myself a good person when I was younger.

But as I aged I figured well, God is stronger and I hope he forgives me but my life style did not reflect the changes I needed to make. Several times I attempted to kill myself till I received a knock at the door which changed my life.

More than years later I'm still a Witness but I'm also very opened minded and I question everything. It has to make sense to me in order for me to devote my time and energy.

I've read the negative before about witnesses and I've read and seen the positive. In truth it was the only religion that made any sense. It was the only one that explained why Jesus came to earth in the first place.

It was the only one that talked about the purpose for the Earth. It never made any sense that we lived to die to end up in Heaven. Kinda like Santa who comes down and gives gifts and flies in the sky.

So I went with what made the most sense to me. Santa - never seem him. God - never seen him but I do see evidence that he is there. All I need to do is look at creation itself.

But I do suggest that you read my previous posts or go to Http:// to read more about what we believe in.

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