Welcome to another day of life. In life we all make mistakes. We all will make mistake. Nobody on this planet is perfect and because we make mistakes those who we hurt the most have to be ready to hear sorry often. When a person says sorry that means that the action that the person has done is not repeated. When a person says sorry and yet do it again does that show that they are really sorry for what they did?
What about the person who you had to apologize to? Are they to much of a pain in the butt to even want to apologize to? Do they make it hard for you to apologize? I'll admit in the past when I've done wrong and I had to apologize to my wife about my actions she made it so difficult that I almost never wanted to say sorry. It didn't matter if the action was repeated or not, it was just hard to say sorry. If she did something wrong and said sorry I'm over it in a few minutes. As time moved on she learned what she was doing and changed her ways. I can apologize now without her rubbing it in my face. Or at least that's how I felt.
So because we make mistakes and mistakes will happen it's important that everyone have a forgiving heart. Think about this for a moment. Think of all the mistakes you have made in life. What if God didn't forgive you? What if God said, I had enough and told you to your face that you are not forgiven. Wouldn't it make you feel bad to the point where maybe you couldn't stop crying? Think of everything God has forgiven that you have done. What if you had a husband or wife that committed Adultery? Wouldn't you like to be forgiven by God? What if you committed fornication? Wouldn't you like to be forgiven by God. In today's world many and I mean many have forgotten what it means to have a forgiving heart. Many don't take serious what they have learned from the scriptures.
That is why the kingdom of the heavens has become like a man, a king, that wanted to settle accounts with his slaves. When he started to settle them, there was brought in a man who owed him ten thousand talents But because he did not have the means to pay it back, his master ordered him and his wife and his children and all the things he had to be sold and payment to be made. Therefore the slave fell down and began to do obeisance to him, saying, ‘Be patient with me and I will pay back everything to you.’ Moved to pity at this, the master of that slave let him off and canceled his debt. But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves that was owing him a hundred talents; and, grabbing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay back whatever you owe.’
Therefore his fellow slave fell down and began to entreat him, saying, ‘Be patient with me and I will pay you back.’ However, he was not willing, but went off and had him thrown into prison until he should pay back what was owing. When, therefore, his fellow slaves saw the things that had happened, they became very much grieved, and they went and made clear to their master all the things that had happened. Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘Wicked slave, I canceled all that debt for you, when you entreated me. Ought you not, in turn, to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you?’ With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay back all that was owing. In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with YOU if YOU do not forgive each one his brother from YOUR hearts.
So if you expect forgiveness from God, shouldn't you also be forgiving of others? Look at the example of Jesus. His enemies had arrested him, illegally tried him, convicted him, mocked him, spat on him, flogged him with a whip with many thongs that likely had bits of bone and metal embedded in them, and finally left him nailed to a stake for hours. The Romans were involved in much of this. Yet, as Jesus was dying on that torture stake, he said to his heavenly Father about the soldiers who had impaled him: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
Isn't that an amazing display of forgiveness? Why can't you be the same? Why do you make it hard for someone to say I'm sorry please forgive me. Of course those who are hard in their hearts will look at this post and say that's not me and of course continue on their worldly ways. As for me, I will try and do my best to follow the examples given to me by those found in the scriptures. So with that, let me end by posting this scripture which is found at Isaiah chapter 55 verse 6-7 which states
Search for God, YOU people, while he may be found. Call to him while he proves to be near. Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts; and let him return to God, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.
Till tomorrow folks, have a great day
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Happy Monday
Well last night I didn't get a good nights sleep. There are a few things going on in my life at the moment that I will share. First I want to say that I'm very proud of Jesse. Jesse took the steps needed in order to move forward spiritually. It wasn't easy for him to change and yes he did cry at times but his goals in life is putting God first in everything he does. In life you can get sidetracked. You can get involved with other wants. Be it temptation or what this world has to offer. He saw the road he was headed toward. He wanted off that road but wasn't sure how to get back on the road to life. He made the moves in order to correct himself spiritually.
It got me thinking. Can anyone do the same? Give up everything to please God. That means putting your wife, your children, and yourself second. Can anyone do that? For those who aren't into religion you can stop reading till tomorrow. Those that are, continue. I mean putting your mother, your father second. Matthew 10:37 says He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. It's clear that you cannot put God second in your life. You have to put God first and that's exactly what Jesse is doing.
I didn't go to Jesse and say you have to do these things. I have no right to tell him how he should worship God. I have no right to tell him how he needs to find God. God is bigger than I am. Who am I to stop Jesse when it comes to his faith or what relationship he has with God. Not that I want to stop him, I'm very proud of him. It reminded me of my brother who stated that I was being brainwashed. I wasn't being brainwashed. I allowed the scriptures to change me. I got to know God personally through his word the bible. I learned over the years what he requires and what I need to do in order to live up to his standards. No one was going to stop me. Not my mother, father, brother, or sister. Nobody was going to stop me from serving God the way I felt was right for me.
Yes my mother took me to church. I didn't feel spiritually connected to it. I felt and I hope I don't offend, I felt as if they did not have accurate knowledge. Then I thought about those in the time of Jesus. They were religious were they not? Jesus exposed them at Matthew 23:29-36. He called them hypocrites, serpents, and offspring of vipers. He stated that because even though they claimed to be religious, they did not practice what they preached and we can see the same today. That brings to question, does all religions please God? When Jesus was on Earth it didn't. So it's safe to say that not all religions please God. Keep in mind the scripture found at Matthew 7:17-23 where it states Not everyone saying to me Lord,Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.
This is what Jesus said so it shows that not all religions please God. It's clear based on two facts. One Jesus said it and two which day is he talking about? Of course its a day that has yet to arrive but what Jesus is also saying is that many will come to him that day thinking that they were doing right even though they were doing wrong. You cannot please God only on Sundays. Doing right by God starts from the moment you awake, from the moment you sleep. Putting God first means you live by his standards 24hrs a day. Jesus did it, his followers did it, and we can do it to and that's what Jesse is trying to do.
So with religion and based on the scripture posted, a person would have to look at each religion and see who is living by bible standards. A few simple things you can look at
1. If you smoke and are claiming to worship God? Are you in the right one?
2. Do you say bad words? Well would Jesus use bad words? No then you shouldn't
3. Do you lie, steal, cheat on your wife?
4. Do you bow down to images such as crosses or idols? Scripture tells us not to
5. Are you involved with war? Meaning Killing other people?
6. Do you have more than one God?
7. Do you believe in hell?
8. Do you honor your wife, does she respect her husband?
9. Do you hurt your children?
I can go on and on but the point is if you practice these things, things that Jesus would not approve of based on scripture, can you honestly say that you are serving God the way he wants to be served or are you serving God the way you want to serve him? Instead of bashing on me, think about what is posted for a moment and be honest with yourself.
It was a big step that Jesse took. I saw him become a man before my very eyes. He humbled himself and took the right steps to correct himself. Yes he is hurting and yes he gave up much but he is putting God first. Putting God first if you are a child also means that you honor your mother and father. Be respectful. Your conduct can also show if you are serving God. If you are a child and are screaming at your parents, can you honestly say that God approves of that? Would you yell and scream at your heavenly father? As imperfect as we are we make mistakes. As parents we make mistakes. It doesn't mean we don't love you. It doesn't mean that we don't want the best for you. Keep that in mind. Till tomorrow
It got me thinking. Can anyone do the same? Give up everything to please God. That means putting your wife, your children, and yourself second. Can anyone do that? For those who aren't into religion you can stop reading till tomorrow. Those that are, continue. I mean putting your mother, your father second. Matthew 10:37 says He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. It's clear that you cannot put God second in your life. You have to put God first and that's exactly what Jesse is doing.
I didn't go to Jesse and say you have to do these things. I have no right to tell him how he should worship God. I have no right to tell him how he needs to find God. God is bigger than I am. Who am I to stop Jesse when it comes to his faith or what relationship he has with God. Not that I want to stop him, I'm very proud of him. It reminded me of my brother who stated that I was being brainwashed. I wasn't being brainwashed. I allowed the scriptures to change me. I got to know God personally through his word the bible. I learned over the years what he requires and what I need to do in order to live up to his standards. No one was going to stop me. Not my mother, father, brother, or sister. Nobody was going to stop me from serving God the way I felt was right for me.
Yes my mother took me to church. I didn't feel spiritually connected to it. I felt and I hope I don't offend, I felt as if they did not have accurate knowledge. Then I thought about those in the time of Jesus. They were religious were they not? Jesus exposed them at Matthew 23:29-36. He called them hypocrites, serpents, and offspring of vipers. He stated that because even though they claimed to be religious, they did not practice what they preached and we can see the same today. That brings to question, does all religions please God? When Jesus was on Earth it didn't. So it's safe to say that not all religions please God. Keep in mind the scripture found at Matthew 7:17-23 where it states Not everyone saying to me Lord,Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.
This is what Jesus said so it shows that not all religions please God. It's clear based on two facts. One Jesus said it and two which day is he talking about? Of course its a day that has yet to arrive but what Jesus is also saying is that many will come to him that day thinking that they were doing right even though they were doing wrong. You cannot please God only on Sundays. Doing right by God starts from the moment you awake, from the moment you sleep. Putting God first means you live by his standards 24hrs a day. Jesus did it, his followers did it, and we can do it to and that's what Jesse is trying to do.
So with religion and based on the scripture posted, a person would have to look at each religion and see who is living by bible standards. A few simple things you can look at
1. If you smoke and are claiming to worship God? Are you in the right one?
2. Do you say bad words? Well would Jesus use bad words? No then you shouldn't
3. Do you lie, steal, cheat on your wife?
4. Do you bow down to images such as crosses or idols? Scripture tells us not to
5. Are you involved with war? Meaning Killing other people?
6. Do you have more than one God?
7. Do you believe in hell?
8. Do you honor your wife, does she respect her husband?
9. Do you hurt your children?
I can go on and on but the point is if you practice these things, things that Jesus would not approve of based on scripture, can you honestly say that you are serving God the way he wants to be served or are you serving God the way you want to serve him? Instead of bashing on me, think about what is posted for a moment and be honest with yourself.
It was a big step that Jesse took. I saw him become a man before my very eyes. He humbled himself and took the right steps to correct himself. Yes he is hurting and yes he gave up much but he is putting God first. Putting God first if you are a child also means that you honor your mother and father. Be respectful. Your conduct can also show if you are serving God. If you are a child and are screaming at your parents, can you honestly say that God approves of that? Would you yell and scream at your heavenly father? As imperfect as we are we make mistakes. As parents we make mistakes. It doesn't mean we don't love you. It doesn't mean that we don't want the best for you. Keep that in mind. Till tomorrow
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pictures: “Lego Block” Prison Cells Readied In Utah

Pictures of concrete prison cells being unloaded from wagons in Utah earlier this month have surfaced on the internet, causing a storm of debate over their purpose.
The cells are designed specifically so they can be snapped together side by side and on top of each other like lego blocks to form rows and columns.Each block looks to contain 2 cells of little more than six feet square each.
Those suspecting a sinister use for the cells have described them as portable prisons and argued that they may be being readied to deal with mass civil unrest in America.The surfacing of the pictures dovetails with news that U.S. troops returning from duty in Iraq will be carrying out homeland patrols in America from October 1st in complete violation of Posse Comitatus for the purposes of helping with civil unrest and crowd control.Others have also linked the discovery of the cells to a similar story of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins recently uncovered in Georgia.
The less conspiracy minded have asserted that the precast concrete facilities have been in production since the 1980s and represent what is known as “modular construction,which is also used sometimes to build hotels and other permanent structures.They integrate everything at the factory (lighting/plumbing/security hardware) and ship it directly to where ever the prison/jail/correctional facility/internment camp is at. Lift cells up, drop in place, splice a few wires and pipes, and voila! Instant prison.
What is not up for debate however is that the United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population, but it now has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners.
According to the prison studies center, the US has 751 people in prison or jail for every 100,000 in population. That means that if you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up. Those figures dwarf any other nation, including China which is four times more populous than the US.However, from these pictures it is apparent that there still aren’t enough cells, and more cheap and quick prisons are being built with taxpayer dollars.
Another fact not up for debate is that there is a coordinated federal government program to build civilian detention camps at undisclosed locations throughout the United States, in conjunction with the Army and the Pentagon.There is no debate over the fact that the prison industry in the land of the free is out of control.
Very Scary time we live in........
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical In Drinking Water Can Stay Says Government
The Environmental Protection Agency says there is no need to act on the fact that a toxic rocket fuel ingredient, which has been proven to lead to a loss of IQ and an increase in behavioral and perception problems, has long been present in drinking water across the U.S.
In a remarkable reversal of it’s position, the EPA, has ditched six years of effort into persuading the government that perchlorate contamination poses a serious risk to the public and should be regulated.Perchlorate, has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels high enough to interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses, reports AP. The toxic chemical has also been found in lettuce and other foods.
It is used by defense and aerospace contractors in conjunction with the Pentagon in rockets and missiles.Blogger Rick Attig at the Oregonian succinctly explains why the EPA has suddenly decided to back down and drop it’s efforts to address perchlorate contamination:
It’s obvious what’s going on here. The administration wants nothing to do with a cleanup that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars or more. Nor does the Pentagon want to expose its friendly defense contractors to the costs of cleaning up the contamination they are responsible for leaving behind to seep into drinking water in at least 35 states and the District of Columbia.Attig also points out that the Bush administration and the Pentagon are preparing to fix the science to justify not regulating perchlorate by setting the maximum contamination level at 15 times the figure the EPA suggested in 2002.
The revelations first appeared in a Washington Post report Sunday, after the paper received a near final EPA “preliminary regulatory determination” document.
That document revealed that the government opted not to use a National Academy of Science formula for determining safe levels of perchlorate in drinking water, the model preferred by the nation’s top scientists, instead opting to use a computer model developed by the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology.
No conflict of interest there then.
The report also revealed that the White House deleted references to scientific studies which highlighted the link between perchlorate’s impact on thyroid function and an irreversible loss of IQ and perception in young people from babies to those in the 20s.
The document estimates that up to 16.6 million Americans are exposed to perchlorate at a level many scientists consider unsafe; independent researchers, using federal and state data, put the number at 20 million to 40 million.
Robert Zoeller, a University of Massachusetts professor who specializes in thyroid hormone and brain development, told reporters that the government amendments to the EPA proposal “have distorted the science to such an extent that they can justify not regulating” the toxic chemical.
“Infants and children will continue to be damaged, and that damage is significant.” Zoeller said.
Perchlorate is just one toxic horror readily found in the drinking water of people all over America. We have previously reported on studies that have found that numerous pharmaceutical drugs, from antidepressants like prozac to sex hormones, currently contaminate the water supplies of millions.
In addition millions more are being being mass-medicated against their will in many water districts by way of sodium fluoride, which is classed as a poison, being added to water supplies without their consent. The latest scientific reports have pointed to strong evidence of the waste chemical’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
Despite these facts, the government continues to aim to have 75% of American water fluoridated by 2010.
It is now clearly the responsibility of people everywhere to lobby representatives at the state and local levels to implement their own drinking water regulations in response to the combination of negligence, cronyism and downright criminal actions of the federal government on this matter.
Several states have already acted on their own. In 2007, California adopted a drinking water standard of 6 parts per billion for perchlorate, while Massachusetts has set a drinking water standard of 2 parts per billion. Meanwhile other towns and cities across the country have voted to remove fluoride from their water.
Given that states like Pennsylvania have passed laws making it illegal to remove fluoride from a community’s drinking water supply once such fluoridation is started, It is essential that action is taken on this matter before others follow suit.
In a remarkable reversal of it’s position, the EPA, has ditched six years of effort into persuading the government that perchlorate contamination poses a serious risk to the public and should be regulated.Perchlorate, has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels high enough to interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses, reports AP. The toxic chemical has also been found in lettuce and other foods.
It is used by defense and aerospace contractors in conjunction with the Pentagon in rockets and missiles.Blogger Rick Attig at the Oregonian succinctly explains why the EPA has suddenly decided to back down and drop it’s efforts to address perchlorate contamination:
It’s obvious what’s going on here. The administration wants nothing to do with a cleanup that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars or more. Nor does the Pentagon want to expose its friendly defense contractors to the costs of cleaning up the contamination they are responsible for leaving behind to seep into drinking water in at least 35 states and the District of Columbia.Attig also points out that the Bush administration and the Pentagon are preparing to fix the science to justify not regulating perchlorate by setting the maximum contamination level at 15 times the figure the EPA suggested in 2002.
The revelations first appeared in a Washington Post report Sunday, after the paper received a near final EPA “preliminary regulatory determination” document.
That document revealed that the government opted not to use a National Academy of Science formula for determining safe levels of perchlorate in drinking water, the model preferred by the nation’s top scientists, instead opting to use a computer model developed by the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology.
No conflict of interest there then.
The report also revealed that the White House deleted references to scientific studies which highlighted the link between perchlorate’s impact on thyroid function and an irreversible loss of IQ and perception in young people from babies to those in the 20s.
The document estimates that up to 16.6 million Americans are exposed to perchlorate at a level many scientists consider unsafe; independent researchers, using federal and state data, put the number at 20 million to 40 million.
Robert Zoeller, a University of Massachusetts professor who specializes in thyroid hormone and brain development, told reporters that the government amendments to the EPA proposal “have distorted the science to such an extent that they can justify not regulating” the toxic chemical.
“Infants and children will continue to be damaged, and that damage is significant.” Zoeller said.
Perchlorate is just one toxic horror readily found in the drinking water of people all over America. We have previously reported on studies that have found that numerous pharmaceutical drugs, from antidepressants like prozac to sex hormones, currently contaminate the water supplies of millions.
In addition millions more are being being mass-medicated against their will in many water districts by way of sodium fluoride, which is classed as a poison, being added to water supplies without their consent. The latest scientific reports have pointed to strong evidence of the waste chemical’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
Despite these facts, the government continues to aim to have 75% of American water fluoridated by 2010.
It is now clearly the responsibility of people everywhere to lobby representatives at the state and local levels to implement their own drinking water regulations in response to the combination of negligence, cronyism and downright criminal actions of the federal government on this matter.
Several states have already acted on their own. In 2007, California adopted a drinking water standard of 6 parts per billion for perchlorate, while Massachusetts has set a drinking water standard of 2 parts per billion. Meanwhile other towns and cities across the country have voted to remove fluoride from their water.
Given that states like Pennsylvania have passed laws making it illegal to remove fluoride from a community’s drinking water supply once such fluoridation is started, It is essential that action is taken on this matter before others follow suit.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Few things for Friday
Well I finally had the long talk with mom about dad and it appears that I had the entire story wrong. If you read my blog you would know that there was always a question about who my father was. My Father is Mario Rivera. My father pictured here to the right smoking

was the only father I knew but as mentioned there was always a question as to if he indeed was my father. I spoke to my mother finally at length about the entire thing. It was stated to me when I was younger that my mother got pregnant and then my father went to prison. My mom shed light on that. She stated that wasn't true at all. My father was staying with his sister at the time. My mother said the both of them had on and off again type of relationship because of his drug habit. She would visit him over his sister's house. That's where she got pregnant. Because my skin came out light like my mother and not semi dark like my father, that's why some believed the story that got started by my father's grandmother. The only reason it got started was because my mom got into a heated argument over something stupid and then she said it.
My mom promised me up and down that there was no other and that she remained single for about 4 to 5 years till she met my little brothers father. I felt better. I always had questions but now feel like I can lay that part of my life to rest. Have a great weekend folks.

was the only father I knew but as mentioned there was always a question as to if he indeed was my father. I spoke to my mother finally at length about the entire thing. It was stated to me when I was younger that my mother got pregnant and then my father went to prison. My mom shed light on that. She stated that wasn't true at all. My father was staying with his sister at the time. My mother said the both of them had on and off again type of relationship because of his drug habit. She would visit him over his sister's house. That's where she got pregnant. Because my skin came out light like my mother and not semi dark like my father, that's why some believed the story that got started by my father's grandmother. The only reason it got started was because my mom got into a heated argument over something stupid and then she said it.
My mom promised me up and down that there was no other and that she remained single for about 4 to 5 years till she met my little brothers father. I felt better. I always had questions but now feel like I can lay that part of my life to rest. Have a great weekend folks.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Nov 13th
That's right folks that is the release date for WOTLK. I said it was going to be released Nov 30th. I'm going to shoot my source. What we do know is that the patch which is 3.02 is going to be released mid Oct. When TBC was about to release, we reserved two copies both for Trinidad and I. We both went to the Midnight release which was great. We met several alliance players and several horde players. It was great to hear their stories.
I spoke to Derek B the other day. I want to say Congratz to DBG for all they have done so far in ZA. Keep up the good work guys. Don't look back and keep moving forward. As for me, I have returned to the game in some ways. I have played with my little one. You know it's interesting what you can get out of it and how you can use the game to teach. I didn't think about it the last time we were playing but I noticed him finishing a quest and counting how many he still needed to complete it. For example: Lets say he needed 10 of something and he had two. I would ask him how many more did he need. He would put up his fingers and come up with the answer. It's also teaching him how to read better because of doing quests. Also he learned direction meaning North, South, East, and West. Not to mention that we also use the game if he doesn't listen to what we say meaning we tell him that he cannot play if he acts a certain way.
The game is still very addictive but can be controlled. If you are the kind of person that gets addicted to games then I suggest that you do not play this game. Otherwise have fun in life. As for me, as mentioned I have come on and played and have found enjoyment in the game. I think it was mentioned by Rebel or even Zag that at times you just need a break and I think that's what I needed. Everything I said before still stands true concerning progression and how a guild can get there but never lose sight of having fun. If you are getting stressed out, then take a break. Nobody is going to kill you and don't let a game kill you. I mentioned also about friends are only your friends in game, well that statement is still true as well but at least I know I have some good associates and there are a few that I do consider friends and those people know who they are.
Also, another release happened on Sunday which I will get today and that's Rockband 2. I love Rockband so I am getting this game today. I will post my review in the next few days.
I spoke to Derek B the other day. I want to say Congratz to DBG for all they have done so far in ZA. Keep up the good work guys. Don't look back and keep moving forward. As for me, I have returned to the game in some ways. I have played with my little one. You know it's interesting what you can get out of it and how you can use the game to teach. I didn't think about it the last time we were playing but I noticed him finishing a quest and counting how many he still needed to complete it. For example: Lets say he needed 10 of something and he had two. I would ask him how many more did he need. He would put up his fingers and come up with the answer. It's also teaching him how to read better because of doing quests. Also he learned direction meaning North, South, East, and West. Not to mention that we also use the game if he doesn't listen to what we say meaning we tell him that he cannot play if he acts a certain way.
The game is still very addictive but can be controlled. If you are the kind of person that gets addicted to games then I suggest that you do not play this game. Otherwise have fun in life. As for me, as mentioned I have come on and played and have found enjoyment in the game. I think it was mentioned by Rebel or even Zag that at times you just need a break and I think that's what I needed. Everything I said before still stands true concerning progression and how a guild can get there but never lose sight of having fun. If you are getting stressed out, then take a break. Nobody is going to kill you and don't let a game kill you. I mentioned also about friends are only your friends in game, well that statement is still true as well but at least I know I have some good associates and there are a few that I do consider friends and those people know who they are.
Also, another release happened on Sunday which I will get today and that's Rockband 2. I love Rockband so I am getting this game today. I will post my review in the next few days.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
On this day, more than 3000 died. Today people continue to die because the EPA said the air was ok and since then millions of people have died in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of what happened on 9/11. So much death. It's very sad thinking of the men, woman, and children who have died.
Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, there is no consensus outside the United States that Islamist militants from al Qaeda were responsible, according to an international poll published Wednesday.The survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries believe al Qaeda was behind the attacks on New York and Washington that killed about 3,000 people in 2001.
U.S. officials squarely blame al Qaeda, whose leader Osama bin Laden has boasted of organizing the suicide attacks by his followers using hijacked commercial airliners.
On average, 46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.
The poll was conducted by WorldPublicOpinion.org, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland in the United States.
In Europe, al Qaeda was cited by 56 percent of Britons and Italians, 63 percent of French and 64 percent of Germans. The U.S. government was to blame, according to 23 percent of Germans and 15 percent of Italians.
Respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda, the poll found.Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories. The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians.
In Mexico, 30 percent cited the U.S. government and 33 percent named al Qaeda.
The only countries with overwhelming majorities blaming al Qaeda were Kenya with 77 percent and Nigeria with 71 percent.
Interviews were conducted in China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, the Palestinian Territories, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and Ukraine. This poll was taken between July 15 and Aug. 31, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 to 4 percent.
There are those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job while others just can't believe that our own Government would do such a thing. For today, let's put all that aside and pay our respects to those 3000+ that have died because of 9/11 and the millions who have died as a result.
Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, there is no consensus outside the United States that Islamist militants from al Qaeda were responsible, according to an international poll published Wednesday.The survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries believe al Qaeda was behind the attacks on New York and Washington that killed about 3,000 people in 2001.
U.S. officials squarely blame al Qaeda, whose leader Osama bin Laden has boasted of organizing the suicide attacks by his followers using hijacked commercial airliners.
On average, 46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.
The poll was conducted by WorldPublicOpinion.org, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland in the United States.
In Europe, al Qaeda was cited by 56 percent of Britons and Italians, 63 percent of French and 64 percent of Germans. The U.S. government was to blame, according to 23 percent of Germans and 15 percent of Italians.
Respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda, the poll found.Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories. The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians.
In Mexico, 30 percent cited the U.S. government and 33 percent named al Qaeda.
The only countries with overwhelming majorities blaming al Qaeda were Kenya with 77 percent and Nigeria with 71 percent.
Interviews were conducted in China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, the Palestinian Territories, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and Ukraine. This poll was taken between July 15 and Aug. 31, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 to 4 percent.
There are those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job while others just can't believe that our own Government would do such a thing. For today, let's put all that aside and pay our respects to those 3000+ that have died because of 9/11 and the millions who have died as a result.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Almost there
Meaning Friday folks. I was reading this Article just yesterday and had to post it here. I would have done it this morning but I've been so busy at work. I figured since a few take smoke breaks during the day, this is my smoke break. Anyway, the article I read yesterday was a guild who went from Kara to Illidan in six weeks!!
In the Article it mentioned that several of their members were still in Blue while fighting Illidan himself. Simply amazing. Ninety-five percent of their guild had never seen any T6 content before. Who's the Guild? Havoc!! This is their history on how their guild got started. Their Guild Leader injured his arm and was forced to give up his position as a Marine officer. Rather than look down on the situation, he took advantage of it. He looked at is as a golden opportunity. He thus returned to his old guild Rage but found that Rage had died due to officers moving on or others losing interest but a decent amount remained and he volunteered to lead and reform the Guild, thus the birth of Havoc.
His expectations were made very clear from the beginning: this would be the best guild anyone had ever seen. At the time, the Horde guilds were far more advanced, with the leading guild already relatively deep into T6. He knew it would take work to surpass them in a short amount of time and claim the server first Illidan kill.
He decided we would raid five days a week, four hours a day and have very strict policies on attendance and performance. The guild officers were responsible for making sure their classes showed up flasked and buffed and performed as well as they could. In addition, he made everyone read numerous strategies on each boss fight ahead of time, as well as watch videos on YouTube.
I think this strictness is what attracted people to their guild. They have an aura of professionalism that most guilds lack. They recruited many members from other guilds, several of whom were far undergeared for the content they expected them to participate in but nonetheless performed very well.
On raid nights, they believed there was no such thing as a wasted wipe. Meaning, that every time they didn't kill a boss, there was something to be learned about the encounter -- something that was done wrong or could have been done better, either by an individual or as a group. This process of finding the problems and weeding them out, in combination with a determined raid group and a fairly heavy schedule, is what led to rapid progression. Everything was not perfect, and several of the members we recruited early on were eventually were weeded out due to poor performance. However, due to the number of applications we received, we were eventually able to form our core group that would remain together and push to Illidan and thus since the reform, this guild under new leadership was able to go from Kara to Black Temple in six weeks. Simply Amazing but again it requires that you give up life in order to progress. Not to mention that they only have 33 members.
Great Story and Congratz guys!!
In the Article it mentioned that several of their members were still in Blue while fighting Illidan himself. Simply amazing. Ninety-five percent of their guild had never seen any T6 content before. Who's the Guild? Havoc!! This is their history on how their guild got started. Their Guild Leader injured his arm and was forced to give up his position as a Marine officer. Rather than look down on the situation, he took advantage of it. He looked at is as a golden opportunity. He thus returned to his old guild Rage but found that Rage had died due to officers moving on or others losing interest but a decent amount remained and he volunteered to lead and reform the Guild, thus the birth of Havoc.
His expectations were made very clear from the beginning: this would be the best guild anyone had ever seen. At the time, the Horde guilds were far more advanced, with the leading guild already relatively deep into T6. He knew it would take work to surpass them in a short amount of time and claim the server first Illidan kill.
He decided we would raid five days a week, four hours a day and have very strict policies on attendance and performance. The guild officers were responsible for making sure their classes showed up flasked and buffed and performed as well as they could. In addition, he made everyone read numerous strategies on each boss fight ahead of time, as well as watch videos on YouTube.
I think this strictness is what attracted people to their guild. They have an aura of professionalism that most guilds lack. They recruited many members from other guilds, several of whom were far undergeared for the content they expected them to participate in but nonetheless performed very well.
On raid nights, they believed there was no such thing as a wasted wipe. Meaning, that every time they didn't kill a boss, there was something to be learned about the encounter -- something that was done wrong or could have been done better, either by an individual or as a group. This process of finding the problems and weeding them out, in combination with a determined raid group and a fairly heavy schedule, is what led to rapid progression. Everything was not perfect, and several of the members we recruited early on were eventually were weeded out due to poor performance. However, due to the number of applications we received, we were eventually able to form our core group that would remain together and push to Illidan and thus since the reform, this guild under new leadership was able to go from Kara to Black Temple in six weeks. Simply Amazing but again it requires that you give up life in order to progress. Not to mention that they only have 33 members.
Great Story and Congratz guys!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Each time I see that video it just gets to me. I think of my mother and how much she smokes. I hope that I never get the call from her saying she has cancer. I want to thank the guy that made the video. I used to smoke back in the day. I have never been addicted to anything.
Drugs - gave it up never looked back
Cigs - gave it up never looked back
Alcohol - used to be an alcoholic, I do drink but it's every two, three, or even six months before another drink and it's only two to four beers. I don't get drunk.
I always had to be in control and did not want anything to control me. In some ways we are all controlled in life but I mean drugs & alcohol. My cousin died at 33 from alcohol. My little brothers father if you remember died from Alcohol. To me, that's not the way I want to die. Anyway, I found out why my mom's house was shot up.
This is what happened. The night it happened Candito was over Chris's house. Chris is the girlfriend of my niece. Anyway, they were over there taking drugs. Smoking weed and taking pills. Anyway, as the night went on Chris and Candito got into it. I'm not sure why but they did but they did and I'm sure it was over something stupid. He then stormed out the house grabbed his gun and shot at my mom's house. After all the bullets were fired he threw the gun at the window. He told my mom he would pay for it. Look at these stories
It can happen but I asked the question? Should my mother go to the police?
tell me...Dycerulz@gmail.com
Drugs - gave it up never looked back
Cigs - gave it up never looked back
Alcohol - used to be an alcoholic, I do drink but it's every two, three, or even six months before another drink and it's only two to four beers. I don't get drunk.
I always had to be in control and did not want anything to control me. In some ways we are all controlled in life but I mean drugs & alcohol. My cousin died at 33 from alcohol. My little brothers father if you remember died from Alcohol. To me, that's not the way I want to die. Anyway, I found out why my mom's house was shot up.
This is what happened. The night it happened Candito was over Chris's house. Chris is the girlfriend of my niece. Anyway, they were over there taking drugs. Smoking weed and taking pills. Anyway, as the night went on Chris and Candito got into it. I'm not sure why but they did but they did and I'm sure it was over something stupid. He then stormed out the house grabbed his gun and shot at my mom's house. After all the bullets were fired he threw the gun at the window. He told my mom he would pay for it. Look at these stories
It can happen but I asked the question? Should my mother go to the police?
tell me...Dycerulz@gmail.com
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thanks, Tobacco: You Killed My Mom
My mother smokes. I wish she would stop. When I watch this video, I cry because I know what's going to take place soon.....
If you are a smoker, please do whatever it takes to stop. This could be you in the future.
If you are a smoker, please do whatever it takes to stop. This could be you in the future.
Scientists Geo-Engineer Atmosphere

U.S. government scientists are bombarding the skies with the acid-rain causing pollutant sulphur dioxide in an attempt to fight global warming by geo-engineering the planet, despite the fact that injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere carries with it a host of both known and unknown dangers.
The proposal to disperse sulphur dioxide in an attempt to reflect sunlight was again raised in a London Guardian article this week entitled, Geoengineering: The radical ideas to combat global warming, in which Ken Caldeira, a leading climate scientist based at the Carnegie Institution in Stanford, California, promotes the idea of injecting the atmosphere with aerosols.
One approach is to insert scatterers into the stratosphere, states the article. Caldeira cites an idea to deploy jumbo jets into the upper atmosphere and deposit clouds of tiny particles there, such as sulphur dioxide. Dispersing around 1m tonnes of sulphur dioxide per year across 10m square kilometres of the atmosphere would be enough to reflect away sufficient amounts of sunlight.
Experiments similar to Caldeira’s proposal are already being carried out by U.S. government -backed scientists, such as those at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, S.C, who this year conducted studies which involved shooting huge amounts of particulate matter, in this case “porous-walled glass microspheres, into the stratosphere.
The project, which reached its conclusion this past April, is closely tied to an idea by Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen, who “proposed sending aircraft 747s to dump huge quantities of sulfur particles into the far-reaches of the stratosphere to cool down the atmosphere. Such programs merely scratch the surface of what is likely to be a gargantuan and overarching black-budget funded project to geo-engineer the planet, with little or no care for the unknown environmental consequences this could engender.
What is known about what happens when the environment is loaded with sulphur dioxide is bad enough, since the compound is the main component of acid rain, which according to the EPA “Causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to the damage of trees at high elevations (for example, red spruce trees above 2,000 feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation’s cultural heritage.”
The health effects of bombarding the skies with sulphur dioxide alone are enough to raise serious questions about whether such programs should even be allowed to proceed.
The following health effects are linked with exposure to sulphur.
- Neurological effects and behavioural changes
- Disturbance of blood circulation
- Heart damage
- Effects on eyes and eyesight
- Reproductive failure
- Damage to immune systems
- Stomach and gastrointestinal disorder
- Damage to liver and kidney functions
- Hearing defects
- Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism
- Dermatological effects
- Suffocation and lung embolism
According to the LennTech website, “Laboratory tests with test animals have indicated that sulfur can cause serious vascular damage in veins of the brains, the heart and the kidneys. These tests have also indicated that certain forms of sulfur can cause foetal damage and congenital effects. Mothers can even carry sulfur poisoning over to their children through mother milk. Finally, sulfur can damage the internal enzyme systems of animals.
Fred Singer, president of the Science Environmental Policy Project and a skeptic of man-made global warming theories, warns that the consequences of tinkering with the planet’s delicate eco-system could have far-reaching dangers.If you do this on a continuous basis, you would depress the ozone layer and cause all kinds of other problems that people would rather avoid,” said Singer. Even Greenpeace’s chief UK scientist - a staunch advocate of the man-made global warming explanation - Doug Parr has slammed attempts to geo-engineer the planet as “outlandish” and “dangerous”.
Stephen Schneider of Stanford University, who recently proposed a bizarre plan to send spaceships into the upper atmosphere that would be used to block out the Sun, admits that geo-engineering could cause “conflicts between nations if geoengineering projects go wrong.” Given all the immediate dangers associated with bombarding the atmosphere with sulphur dioxide, along with the unknown dangers of other geo-engineering projects, many people are concerned that “chemtrails” could be a secret component of the same agenda to alter the Earth’s eco-system.
Reports of chemtrails, jet plumes emitted from planes that hang in the air for hours and do not dissipate, often blanketing the sky in criss-cross patterns, have increased dramatically over the last 10 years. Many have speculated that they are part of a government program to alter climate, inoculate humans against certain pathogens, or even to toxify humans as part of a population reduction agenda.
In conducting Google searches, one finds discussion, such as this example, of using sulphur dioxide as a jet fuel additive to be dispersed over the world during routine commercial flights.“I suggest that both the sulphur dioxide and the silica particles could be delivered into the stratosphere by dissolving an additive in jet aviation fuel,” writes engineer John Gorman, who has conducted experiments to test the feasibility of such a scenario.“We would want to burn fuel containing the additive specifically when the aircraft was cruising in the lower stratosphere,” he adds.
Earlier this year, KSLA news investigation found that a substance that fell to earth from a high altitude chemtrail contained high levels of Barium (6.8 ppm) and Lead (8.2 ppm) as well as trace amounts of other chemicals including arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium and silver. Of these, all but one are metals, some are toxic while several are rarely or never found in nature.
The newscast focuses on Barium, which its research shows is a “hallmark of chemtrails.” KSLA found Barium levels in its samples at 6.8 ppm or “more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.” The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality confirmed that the high levels of Barium were “very unusual,” but commented that “proving the source was a whole other matter” in its discussion with KSLA.
KSLA also asked Mark Ryan, Director of the Poison Control Center, about the effects of Barium on the human body. Ryan commented that “short term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains and that long term exposure causes blood pressure problems.” The Poison Control Center further reported that long-term exposure, as with any harmful substance, would contribute to weakening the immune system, which many speculate is the purpose of such man-made chemical trails.
Indeed, barium oxide has cropped up repeatedly as a contaminant from suspected geoengineering experimentation.KSLA also put aerosolized-chemical testing in its historical context, citing a voluminous number of unclassified tests exposed in 1977 Senate hearings. The tests included experimenting with biochemical compounds on the public. KSLA reports that “239 populated areas were contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.”
One of the accepted truisms of scientific study is the fact that if scientists are proposing an idea, then those scientists with access to the bottomless pit of black-budget secret government funding are already doing it.It is highly likely that chemtrails are merely one manifestation of “geo-engineering” that is taking place without proper debate, notification or any form of legality, and with a callous disregard for the potential dangers to both our health and our environment.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Almost the weekend
Friday is almost here Woot. First I must say Congratz to both Kytus and Kaerah who are about to get married. As mentioned on their forums, the first thing I thought of was a prenup. What is a good age to get married anyway? Some mention 25 or older while others may think 18 is old enough. A family member just recently asked if my mother can sign a paper so she can get married. She's 15.
First - She is way to young. She has her entire life. Why ruin it. It's very possible to fall in love at that age but you are to young, to immature to even think of marriage at that age. What happens if you get pregnant? All your dreams are gone or at least put on hold because life is no longer about you. It's all about the baby now and of course you wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure so what do you do? You pass off your child to your mother while you go off and continue being a child. Children should not have children!!!
Don't have children unless you are ready and stable. I have four kids and if any of them have kids well, I'll help but you are the father YOU are the mother. You need to raise your own kids. That means NO you cannot go out to the movies with your friends and expect me to stay at home watching the kids. Kids don't understand what they have to give up. Things that they used to do, they can no longer do. Let me paint a picture for those who do not have children.
A Newborn baby eats every four hours which means you need to get up during the night to feed him or her. I don't. YOU DO. The baby needs to be changed which means get ready to smell some of the most foul smelling poop ever. It's not easy raising a child. Someone like Palin daughter who is 17 and is having a baby. Trust me when I say this, she won't have a problem WHY? Because they are another class compared to most and what do I mean by that? I mean they have money. They can hire someone to raise the kid but for normal folk like us we have to work hard.
The ideal age to get married is at least 27 if not more.
Make sure you have accomplished your dreams
Make sure your mate has accomplished their dreams.
After all that is done, then think of marriage, then think of kids.
Speaking of Kids - Next Month is another big event that I'm very pleased about. That is of course the arrival of a baby boy. I think it was mentioned Oct. 9th if I'm not mistaken don't hate if I'm wrong about the date and you only told me 100TIMES....Anywayz...Till tomorrow....
First - She is way to young. She has her entire life. Why ruin it. It's very possible to fall in love at that age but you are to young, to immature to even think of marriage at that age. What happens if you get pregnant? All your dreams are gone or at least put on hold because life is no longer about you. It's all about the baby now and of course you wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure so what do you do? You pass off your child to your mother while you go off and continue being a child. Children should not have children!!!
Don't have children unless you are ready and stable. I have four kids and if any of them have kids well, I'll help but you are the father YOU are the mother. You need to raise your own kids. That means NO you cannot go out to the movies with your friends and expect me to stay at home watching the kids. Kids don't understand what they have to give up. Things that they used to do, they can no longer do. Let me paint a picture for those who do not have children.
A Newborn baby eats every four hours which means you need to get up during the night to feed him or her. I don't. YOU DO. The baby needs to be changed which means get ready to smell some of the most foul smelling poop ever. It's not easy raising a child. Someone like Palin daughter who is 17 and is having a baby. Trust me when I say this, she won't have a problem WHY? Because they are another class compared to most and what do I mean by that? I mean they have money. They can hire someone to raise the kid but for normal folk like us we have to work hard.
The ideal age to get married is at least 27 if not more.
Make sure you have accomplished your dreams
Make sure your mate has accomplished their dreams.
After all that is done, then think of marriage, then think of kids.
Speaking of Kids - Next Month is another big event that I'm very pleased about. That is of course the arrival of a baby boy. I think it was mentioned Oct. 9th if I'm not mistaken don't hate if I'm wrong about the date and you only told me 100TIMES....Anywayz...Till tomorrow....
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well, Kinda. Sorry for the long delays. Been very busy and I haven't had much change to update so I was mainly posting videos but I'm back in a sense from the long weekend with some interesting info.
This is what was said to me and maybe you agree with it, maybe you don't. If you call the police because your life is in danger, is it snitching? Let's say you know who did it and could have them arrested, is it snitching if your life is in danger? Well, this is what happened. It was around 2:30am in the morning, maybe later, can't remember but, I hear gun shots. Maybe about 4 to 5 gun shots. BANG BANG BANG. I looked to my wife and said, those are gun shots. She said " Are you sure " Been around guns all my life and fired a few there is a difference between fireworks and firearms.
I told her yes. Those are gun shots. I didn't know it at the time but I found out the next day just who it was that was fired on and just who did the shooting as well. I received a call from my mother later on that day. I'm guessing it was around 10am. She told me that she was scared. I asked why? She told me that someone fired into her house. I was shocked but I was even more shocked when I found out who it was. This is what happened.
It was early in the morning. My mother was awake and bullets started to fly into her house. Everyone in the house put their heads to the floor or tried to hide behind whatever. Then he threw the gun into the house breaking the window and then he left. Who was the guy? It was my sister's husband or soon to be X-husband who just got out of prison maybe 3 to 4 months ago. Why did he shoot her house? I'm not sure but he came back the next day to ask my mom for the gun. His name or he goes by the name Candito or something like that. He told my mom that he is going to kill everyone. My mom told me and I told her to call the police. My mom did not give the gun back to him. I told her you have to call the police. She doesn't want to be labeled as a snitch. Are you kidding me? My life is in danger but my rep is more important.
I'm going to find out why but what's important here are three things.
1. I hope certain folks that I know don't find out what happened.
2. Why did he shoot in the first place
3. Why wouldn't anyone in the right mind call the police
I don't know but that was my weekend. As I find out more, I'll post here.
This is what was said to me and maybe you agree with it, maybe you don't. If you call the police because your life is in danger, is it snitching? Let's say you know who did it and could have them arrested, is it snitching if your life is in danger? Well, this is what happened. It was around 2:30am in the morning, maybe later, can't remember but, I hear gun shots. Maybe about 4 to 5 gun shots. BANG BANG BANG. I looked to my wife and said, those are gun shots. She said " Are you sure " Been around guns all my life and fired a few there is a difference between fireworks and firearms.
I told her yes. Those are gun shots. I didn't know it at the time but I found out the next day just who it was that was fired on and just who did the shooting as well. I received a call from my mother later on that day. I'm guessing it was around 10am. She told me that she was scared. I asked why? She told me that someone fired into her house. I was shocked but I was even more shocked when I found out who it was. This is what happened.
It was early in the morning. My mother was awake and bullets started to fly into her house. Everyone in the house put their heads to the floor or tried to hide behind whatever. Then he threw the gun into the house breaking the window and then he left. Who was the guy? It was my sister's husband or soon to be X-husband who just got out of prison maybe 3 to 4 months ago. Why did he shoot her house? I'm not sure but he came back the next day to ask my mom for the gun. His name or he goes by the name Candito or something like that. He told my mom that he is going to kill everyone. My mom told me and I told her to call the police. My mom did not give the gun back to him. I told her you have to call the police. She doesn't want to be labeled as a snitch. Are you kidding me? My life is in danger but my rep is more important.
I'm going to find out why but what's important here are three things.
1. I hope certain folks that I know don't find out what happened.
2. Why did he shoot in the first place
3. Why wouldn't anyone in the right mind call the police
I don't know but that was my weekend. As I find out more, I'll post here.
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