Monday, November 23, 2009


Well tonight is Jesse's talk. I'm very excited and I'm sure I will get Audio this time. This is Jesse's talk:
What Is the Scriptural Hope of the “Great Crowd”?

Imagine what the world would have been like if Adam & Eve never sinned. It’s hard to picture because this world is the only world we have known. The world that we are attempting to get to is the world that they lost but for a moment, just try and picture the kind of world it would have been today.

You can see children playing with the lion. You can see all united in love. There is united worship. There is no violence. No death. There is no one getting sick. Matter of fact, you don’t even know what the word sick is. What were Adam and Eve thinking? To say they had it all is an understatement.

Adam & Eve were required to show their love for God by Obeying a simple command. Please open your bibles to Romans chapter 5 and verse 12. That’s Romans chapter 5 and verse 12. And it reads: Through one man sin Entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because all had sinned.

Because we are the descendants of Disobedient Adam, we share in his sin. Because of that Act in the Garden of Eden, the world we live in today is the world we have known, and it’s getting bad to worse as we move deeper into this system.
What kind of world do we have today? All you have to do is open a newspaper, turn on the tv, turn on the radio, go to school, go to work, or even walk outside, to hear, smell, see all the filth that goes on in our world today. Is this what Jehovah wanted for us? Is this what he created for us? No, what Jehovah wanted for us is completely different than what we have today. This was not his purpose for us or the Earth.

Open your Bibles to Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27 & 28. That’s Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 & 28. And it reads: And God Proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him, male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them and God said to them: Be fruitful and become many and fill the Earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the Earth.

As we can see from the account in Genesis, Jehovah has a purpose and thankfully this has not changed. He lovingly sent his only begotten son to die in our behalf so we can experience what was lost by Adam and Eve. Death-dealing scourges such as cancer, heart disease, and old age will vanish due to the application of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. We could be part of that Great Crowd mentioned in Revelation Chapter 7 verse 9 that no man is able to number.

But it requires that we maintain good spiritual habits such as meeting attendance, field service, regular study, personal study, home study, meditate and apply what is learned. Remember there are two roads. One that leads off to destruction and the other is the road to life. The road to life is cramped but it’s the road we want to be on. Psalms chapter 37 verse 34 says to Hope in Jehovah and keep his way and if we do so, we can have hope that we will be part of that Great Crowd.
We did add a scripture but this is about as close to the final version as it gets. Also my talk which is the week of Dec 7th, I found that our C/O will be there which makes me nervous because I have never given a talk in front of a circuit overseer. I don't get nervous until the day of the talk but as soon as I found out the C/O was going to be there, I started to look at my talk and made some edits and removed some and will add some. I got nervous.

I was given this talk so quickly based on the last talk I gave. I thanked all for thanking me but I reminded them that Jehovah really should get all the credit. I ask for his holy spirit so much during preparation and I think I pray about 10 to 15 times before I get on stage. I always ask that he give me the courage to deliver the talk in a way where it will encourage others to continue on the cramped road that we are on. Anyway, I hope to have audio of his talk and I'll find a way to upload it to here. Have a great day....

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