Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I wish I could answer that question with a Yes but it's something we may have to discuss with the Elders but in truth I don't know if it's such a good idea to let him Travel so far without proper supervision.

Yes he will be 18 in a few short months and could make that choice himself but at the same time I have to protect him and remind him of the possibility of committing a sin and one that would be against all that he is and who he hopes to become in the future.

I don't have a problem with you visiting but it is something that I do have to discuss with my wife. Reason being that putting him in a situation where sin could happen would be like setting him up to fail in terms of his relationship with God.

I hope that makes sense. As mentioned I do honestly believe that you are the best thing that could have ever happened to him and I know 100 percent that he would be an even better man because he would have someone to support him in a way that we cannot.

A wife to a husband can be summed up in a known expression which most men say which is " My Better Half "

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