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Since I posted but I strongly felt the need to. Someone I know had posted a video about Jehovah's Witnesses and posted This " Came across this video series, 7 x 10 minute short films, wow is all I can say .. Pyramids ? Really ? Pretty crazy they adjust policy/prophecy every few years. Very informative, well documented, with supporting video, pictures, and PUBLISHED information"
I was going to hit the reply button only because the video is no where near accurate. Of course many will say what ever they want to say and in truth, they have a right to say whatever they wish but the truth is this. Please research before you believe anything you watch. I strongly recommend that you even research witnesses. Our Website is Http://www.watchtower.org. Everything we believe in is there. Now, let me address what was mentioned in the video.
Most brothers and sisters today know about what's going on in the world. They know about FreeMasons. They know about the Immunati, Skull and Bones. Club of Rome. Yes brothers are very aware of them. The question is, is Brother Russell a FreeMason. Was he ever a FreeMason. Does the fact that his gravestone is near a Pyramid and that the Pyramid prove that he was indeed a Freemason? This is where research comes into play.
There are many people who insist that Russell is buried under a pyramid monument; a few claim that he is buried in a pyramid tomb. This is often stated in the context of fostering other false claims that Russell was “into” some form of spiritism and/or pagan/heathen idolatry or occultism. Often this claim is associated with the false claim again that Russell was a member of the Mason’s organization, and it is thought that in some way such a pyramid must be Masonic, or in some way evil, sinister, etc. They speak of Russell’s pyramid tombstone, pyramid grave marker, pyramid gravestone, as though Russell was either buried in or under a pyramid.
When Russell died it was a normal gravestone. Not to mentioned that Russell himself never claimed to be “The Laodicean Messenger”. What many misrepresent as being Russell’s gravestone, pyramid tomb or tombstone, grave marker, etc., is the pyramid monument that Joseph Rutherford had constructed in the year 1919, years after Russell died.
First, the pyramid monument is not Russell’s gravestone, tombstone, or grave marker. Rutherford had this monument constructed in the middle of the plot owned by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, not just to honor Russell, but to honor all who died while working at the Watch Tower headquarters. There are many names inscribed on that monument, not just Russell’s. Of course many videos don't show or say that. Nevertheless, there is no one buried in or under that monument.
It was also claimed that Bohnet a close associate, before Russell had died, received authorization from Charles Taze Russell for the building of such a monument. Russell’s written instructions, however, never mentions the building of such a monument, so it may be that Russell never actually authorized such a monument. Such an extravagant use of funds would seem to be out of harmony with the character of Russell; on the other hand, Rutherford came to be known for his flamboyant methods.
Whether Russell was buried in or under a pyramid, however, is not as important as realizing why many wish to have Russell buried under such a monument, that is, to further the false claims that Russell was an occultist, or that Russell was into some kind of spiritistism, Satanism, demonism, etc. In reality, the Biblical study of the Great Pryamid has nothing to do with such.
Other than the extravagance, however, There is nothing concerning Rutherford’s monument to be objectionable, although many, by use of imaginative fanaticism, seem to see “occultism”, “Masonic symbolisms”, “astrology”, “spiritism”, and many other evil things regarding Rutherford’s monument, as well as in or on the books and publications of Charles Taze Russell. It is not that the graphical symbols, such as the “cross and crown”, are actually “Masonic”, or “occultic”, etc., but this is what many are being led to believe through imaginative assumptions that they are; and what is being imagined is then presented to be fact and proof, for instance, that Russell was a member of the Masons, and/or that Russell was, as they usually put it, “into” some kind of occult/spiritistic/demonic/evil/devious/deceptive “practice” and/or “plot”.
If you go to wikipedia which of course isn't always the best source it clears states at the end of the page that Russell himself said he was NOT a FreeMason and that being a FreeMason would conflict with being a Christian. Here is the link
Now another Myth. End of the world 1914. Did brother Russell really say that the world would end? Folks have you ever read what Brother Russell wrote about 1914? It was in The Bible Students Monthly, January, 1914, issue. The article relates his viewpoint concerning “the end of the world,” and how he was not expecting the “end of the world” in 1914. Indeed, the article further shows that Russell was not expecting the second coming of Jesus in 1914, as some have claimed. Indeed, some have quoted the large bold headline out its context, which reads “End of World in 1914,” and claimed that Russell was preaching that the world would end in 1914. In fact, the smaller bold headline underneath the large headline continues by saying, “Not the View of Pastor Russell.” Thus, in fact, the tract denies that Brother Russell was expecting “the end of the world” in 1914. What was said was that the Gentile Times will end in 1914.
So why all the false info and what exactly is true? 1914 clearly stated that it was the end of the Gentile times. Not the end of the world but a beginning of Christ is King.
Hmm what about 1975. That is another date. Many point to a Watchtower or Watchtowers leading up to 1975 that mentioned that Witnesses clearly said the End will come? Watch Tower Society literature did not state dogmatically that 1975 would definitely mark the end but in 1980 the Watch Tower Society admitted its responsibility in building up hope regarding that year. One of the Watchtowers dated 1968, August 15 issue page 494, I hope I got that right but the subheading is 1975! . . . AND FAR BEYOND!
Many point to that issue as proof that it was said that the End will happen then. It was reasoned that in that year the 6000 year of man would be up and that the 7th day rest would begin or something like that. But note what was mentioned in that same article and I Quote" Even if one cannot see beyond 1975, is this any reason to be less active? The apostles could not see even this far; they knew nothing about 1975. All they could see was a short time ahead in which to finish the work assigned to them. Hence, there was a ring of alarm and a cry of urgency in all their writings.
And rightly so. If they had delayed or dillydallied and had been complacent with the idea the end was some thousands of years off they would never have finished running the race set before them. No, they ran hard and they ran fast, and they won! It was a life or death matter with them.
So too with Jehovah’s faithful witnesses in this latter half of the twentieth century. They have the true Christian point of view. Their strenuous evangelistic activity is not something peculiar to this present decade. They have not dedicated their lives to serve Jehovah only until 1975. Christians have been running this way ever since Christ Jesus blazed the trail and commanded his disciples. “Follow me!” So keep this same mental attitude in you that was in Christ Jesus. Let nothing slow you down or cause you to tire and give out. Those who will flee Babylon the Great and this Satanic system of things are now running for their lives, headed for God’s kingdom, and they will not stop at 1975. O no! They will keep on in this glorious way that leads to everlasting life, praising and serving Jehovah for ever and ever! End Quote"
Did you notice the line that said They ahve not dedicated their lives to serve Jehovah till 1975. Also notice in that same paragraph that it says that they will not stop at 1975 so if it was clear that it was said that it would end then why write the article that was dated in 1968 concerning 1975 telling brothers that they would not stop at 1975 being servants of Jehovah. So that's clear to me that Yes there was a possibility that it could have ended but in that same Watchtower it stated that nobody knows but in Truth I can say that it will end in ten years, should that mean that I would stop being a witness and wait till the ninth year to be a good servant? Common sense folks....
Now about changing what is said. Witnesses don't look at it that way but understand exactly how change happens. Do you consider Peter, Luke, John or any of them good servants? When Jesus was asked when the end will come and what will be the sign of your presence do you really think they understood what Jesus meant?
Even Judas thought that Jesus came for another reason and was wrong. What about John when he saw the visions of the beasts in Revelation. Do you think he understood what he saw? Scripture calls it a sacred secret or new light or food at the proper time. John did not understand what he saw at that time. He wrote what he saw. As we get closer to this end, when ever it ends there is a clearer understanding of scripture.
You might ask, why this late in this system. Why get new light or new understanding. Folks listen in the past Witnesses smoked that changed. Witnesses had idols, that changed. Things change based on light that is received meaning a clearer understanding of scripture. For those reading you won't get it and will continue to bash witnesses and that's ok if you do. You have that right but I will point this out
Based on scripture
1. Do witnesses commit fornication? If they do it's token service and they are hiding something because those who follow the bible like witnesses do will not commit fornication. If you do, can you really say you follow God? No that means witnesses are giving token service. Token meaning in front of the brothers you are one way and behind the brothers backs you are someone they don't even know. But if you practice fornication in General. You really would bash witnesses when you don't even follow that command from God? Remember Jehovah can see all...Think about that the next time you are about to commit fornication and then on Sunday say I love God.
2. Is Jesus God? Many point to John 1:1 as proof that Jesus is God or even Isaiah 9:6 but yet I can point to tons and tons of scripture that prove otherwise and yet the only one that is ever mentioned is John 1:1. Well, it does say the word is God but I'm sure you can at least Agree Satan himself is a God. Oh what, can there only be one God? Look at 2nd cor 4.4 where Satan is Called the GOD of this system of things which clearly means that God is nothing more than a Title. Satan isn't even the name he was given when he was created. He made himself Satan but yet he is a God. Can't argue with scripture.
3. Heaven do we all die and go there? Do you think Moses as good as he was went to Heaven? What about Noah. Think he went to Heaven? If you say Yes then let me ask you, what was the purpose of Jesus coming to the Earth if it was already possible to get to Heaven? To be saved? Saved from what? If we already had the option there before Jesus came to Earth then really there was no point in him coming at all. Jesus said it clearly when he stated at John chapter 11 verses 24 though 27 where Jesus was talking to Martha. Notice what he said and I quote " Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?” She said to him: “Yes, Lord; I have believed that you are the Christ the Son of God, the One coming into the world.
Folks Do you believe this? He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies will come to life. Stop there and think about that. Did people die in Jesus time? Yes. Did everybody? No. Are they alive today? NO. Now, Jesus said and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all? Who is he taking about and if death is our only way to get into Heaven well it sounds like believing in Jesus will take that option away. Sigh........... The proof is in the pudding........
Folks I have to stop now because I've been writing for about two hours non stop and I need a break. I'm very sorry it's so long but I'm very very passionate about my faith. I am a Jehovah's Witness. I love Jehovah and Jesus for what they both have done for me, my family, my brothers and sisters in the congregation and those who have yet to enter this family of united brothers and sisters.
/exit building.......
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