Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Thoughts.

Many whom I've spoken to lately are scared and rightly so. I've posted many things that many found hard to believe. I touched on many subjects. Religion has been my main focus but not the only thing on my mind.

My life is about what I believe in. My life is about the commitment I made to God. Is it hard? Of course it is. Can just anyone be in the same religion yes they can but often times excuses are made as to why they can't.

Some may reason that it's just to hard. They may say it's controlling. Look at it from this view point. Parents often tell their children to avoid the bad stuff in life true or false? If children say bad words, its the Parents who tell them why its bad. If they children show interest in drugs, its parents who warn them of drugs.

If a child start to drink the parents alcohol, its the parents who warn their children of the dangers of drinking. Now, if your parents are looking out for you in every aspect of your life to protect you from dangers, would you say they are controlling?

Wouldn't it make sense then that Jehovah our Father in Heaven is doing the same thing as any parent would? Protecting us from dangers in life? Take smoking for example. Let's say a Parent smokes but does not want his child to smoke. When the child reaches a certain age, the Parent is ok with the Child smoking. What changed? The parent just lowered his standard. Let's say the parent told his child not to say bad words. Now the child is a teenager and every other word is a bad word. Who lowered their Standard? The Parent.

Jehovah does not lower and has not lowered his Standards for us and because we change our standards, its us who does not listen to Jehovah. It's not that he's controlling, it's that we do not live up to his standards. OH but wait, you might hear something like " this religion is to controlling " Everything that is mentioned is from the bible. It's God's words - Like that Parent who is trying to protect his children, it's God's words that are directly from the bible who is trying to protect us. He tells us how we should live, what we should avoid, and what we should be doing in life.

After all, did he not create us? Should he not set rules and expect us to follow them? What can you say to God if he said not to get drunk but yet you did? Would you say that God is controlling? Who didn't listen to him? Who's standards have lowered...........

I finished my talk yesterday which I found out it is indeed on Tuesday......Here it is below.
I'm doing to describe a person and see if you can identify who I'm talking about. I will give three clues. Badge, Blue uniform, and black and white car. Can you identify who I'm speaking of? If you thinking police officer then you are correct. Let me give you another. Huge Red truck, loud siren, fire. Can you identify who I'm speaking of? If you are thinking firefighter, then you are correct.

If you had to Identify a true Christian today, what clues would you give? Please open your bibles to John 13:35. Notice what is mentioned there. That's John chapter 13 verse 35.

John 13:35 reads: By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.

Is it not true that world-wide Jehovah’s Witnesses have this love mentioned at John 13:35. True Christians treat one another as brothers and sisters. They treat each other with respect and compassion. They have the best interest for their fellow believers.

True worshipers of God show love, not only in words, but also in their actions. We can leave this kingdom hall, go to another hall, in another city, in another state, in another country and be welcomed with open arms. Those in the world who claim to be Christian, claim to have love but at the same time they kill one another. They hurt one another, they rob from one another.

We can illustrate this way, Two gang members attend church. One from one gang and another from a rival gang but after leaving church 2 hours later, one see’s the other. They shoot at each other. One of them dies. Does this show by their actions that they have the kind of love mentioned at John 13:35? Can they qualify as a disciple of Christ? As mentioned True worshipers not only show love by words but show love by their actions.

Another mark for identifying a true Christians is respect for God’s Word. Think of Jesus. When Jesus was on Earth he set the pattern in this by showing the highest respect for the inspired Scriptures. He quoted scripture as the final authority on matters. He continually referred to his hearers to God’s Word, encouraging them to read it and to apply it.

He showed his deep respect for the Bible by living in accord with its teachings every day.
Today, when you hear statements by clergymen who refer to parts of the Bible as “myths, would you say that they are encouraging respect for God’s Word? Since all scripture is inspired of God, teaching, reproving, setting things straight, wouldn’t a true Christian follow all scripture and not parts of it?

God’s Word shows that there are persons who may have the Bible and even study it but whose works prove that they disown the God they claim to know.

Turn with me to Titus chapter 1 verse 16. Notice what is mentioned there.

Titus 1 verse 16 reads: They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.

The form of worship that they practice is not pleasing to God, because they do not allow his Word to exercise genuine power in their lives. To Identify a True Christian one has to live his or her life doing what is pleasing to God.

Another Identifying Feature is a command that Jesus gave at Matthew chapter 24:14 which reads

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. This is important because this is what Jesus said his followers would be doing. Preaching the Good news of God's Kingdom. Let me give you the clues again and see if you can Identify who I'm speaking of

1. have love among yourselves as mentioned in John 13:35
2. Having deep respect for the Bible by living in accord with its teachings every day
3. Preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom as mentioned in Matthew 24:14.

Can you identify whom I'm speaking of? If you said Jehovah’s Witnesses, you are correct.
the part is a 5 minute talk that if timed right its about 4min and 45sec...Anyways have a great day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Possible Talk Next Tuesday

The Theme is How True Christians Are Identified Today. I saw possible because I haven't been told yet but I have been told that's its possible I will have a talk this coming Tuesday. If not this Tuesday, it's next week which the theme will be Misplaced Loyalty and Its Dangers.

But if it is " How True Christians Are Identified Today "

Please keep in mind this is a work in progress. I would start off by saying this:

I'm doing to describe a person and see if you can identify who I'm talking about. I will give three clues. Badge, Blue uniform, and black and white car. Can you identify who I'm speaking of? If you thinking police officer then you are correct. Let me give you another. Huge Red truck, loud siren, their profession has to deal with fire. Can you identify who I'm speaking of? If you are thinking firefighter, then you are correct.

If you had to Identify a true Christian what clues would you give? Please open your bibles to John 13:35. Notice what is mentioned there. That's John chapter 13 verse 35.

John 13:35 reads: By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.

Is it not true that world-wide Jehovah’s Witnesses have this love mentioned at John 13:35. True Christians treat one another as brothers and sisters. They treat each other with respect and compassion. They have the best interest for their fellow believers.

True worshipers of God show love, not only in word, but also in action. Do we see this same kind of love in the world? We can leave this kingdom hall, go to another country and be welcomed with open arms. Again, do we see this kind of love in world? Those in the world claim to have love then when war breaks out, they kill one another. They hurt one another, they rob from one another. Where did their love go? Did they honestly have love in the first place?

I recall watching a program on TV which showed gang members going to church but after leaving church, they continued killing each other. Does this show by their actions that they have the kind of love mentioned at John 13:35? Can they qualify as a disciple of Christ when they are killing each other? As mentioned True worshipers not only show love by words but show love by their actions. Having love does identify a True Christian but it’s not the only thing that identifies true Christians?

Another mark for identifying true Christians is respect for God’s Word. When Jesus was on Earth he set the pattern in this by showing the highest respect for the inspired Scriptures. He quoted scripture as the final authority on matters. He continually referred to his hearers to God’s Word, encouraging them to read and apply it.

He showed his deep respect for the Bible by living in accord with its teachings every day. The fulfillment of God’s Word meant more to him than even his own life.
Today, when you hear or read statements by clergymen who refer to parts of the Bible as “myths,” or who favor the theory of evolution over the Bible teaching of creation, would you say that they are encouraging respect for God’s Word?

Maybe you've read statements in which church leaders argue that sexual relations outside of marriage are not necessarily wrong, maybe even passing out condoms. Would you say that they are encouraging people to use the Bible as their guide? They are not following the example of God’s Son and his apostles.

Would you say that most people who go to a church on Sunday apply Bible principles in their home life and in their dealings with others on Monday and during the rest of the week? God’s Word shows that there are persons who may have the Bible and even study it but whose works prove that they disown the God they claim to know.

Open your bibles to Titus chapter 1 verse 16. Notice what is mentioned there.

Titus 1 verse 16 reads: They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.

The form of worship that they practice is not pleasing to God, because they do not allow his Word to exercise genuine power in their lives. To Identify a True Christian one has to live his or her life doing what is pleasing to God.

Another Identifying Feature is a command that Jesus gave. Open your bibles to Matthew chapter 24 verse 14.

Matthew Chapter 24 verse 14 Reads: And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. This is important because this is what Jesus said his followers would be doing. Preaching the Good news of God's Kingdom. Could this be what helps identify a true Christians? Let me give you the clues again and see if you can Identify who I'm speaking of

1. have love among yourselves as mentioned in John 13:35
2. Having deep respect for the Bible by living in accord with its teachings every day
3. Preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom as mentioned in Matthew 24:14.

Three clues? Can you identify whom I'm speaking of?
Anyway, this is not finished but part of what I'm working on. The talk is supposed to be 5 Minutes so I'm sure this isn't give minutes but it does give me a start of where I need to be and how much time I need to add or subtract. Hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Every Tuesday

We have a bible reading which we start from the first book of the bible all the way to the last book of the bible. After a talk is given based on this weeks reading it's open for discussion on what encouragement did he or she receive during this weeks bible reading. Well first, let's look at this weeks bible reading which is Exodus chapters 19-22.

If you have your bibles or go online to Http:// go to the on-line bible and read Exodus starting at chapter 19 all the way through chapter 22. What we do we learn about these chapters or should I say verses in these chapters. Well for one, in the bible Jehovah only spoke three times. Meaning his own voice instead of using an angel to speak for him. But on this occasion Jehovah himself spoke and the result is mentioned in chapter 20 verse 19 where it states: And they began to say to Moses: “You speak with us, and let us listen; but let not God speak with us for fear we may die.

The people were afraid. They were scared. In that same chapter verse 18 it reads: Now all the people were seeing the thunders and the lightning flashes and the sound of the horn and the mountain smoking".

Now imagine if you hear thunders, lighting flashes which makes very loud sounds then you hear horns and voices, I would be scared to. The other time when Jehovah spoke was when he approved Jesus after saying " this is my son, whom I have approved". This is of course after he got baptized. A side point - Have you ever wondered why Jesus waited till he was a man before he got baptized? Anyway, back to the subject at hand.

So the people were scared. They did not want to hear God speak. They would rather listen to Moses. What was mentioned? He gave commandments which folks should follow. Here are just some of them.

Chapter 20 starting at verse 4, notice what is mentioned. It states: "You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion"

Do you not agree that many make images and bow down to them today. Do you not agree that the cross is an image? Do you not agree that the statues that you see in churches and how people bow down to them are images? Crosses that people wear around their necks, in their cars, all images don't you agree? Think of someone who walks into a church. They get holy water, make a sign of the cross and bow down to a statue. What does the scripture tell us. It tells us NOT to bow down. It tells us NOT to create a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens or the Earth. But yet people do this.....Makes you wonder...

Chapter 20 verse 12 mentions to Honor your Father and Mother. Which of course means to show them the respect they deserve. Kids today at times think they know it all. They disrespect their parents in so many ways. Jehovah is telling us to respect our parents. It doesn't matter how old we get, our parents will always be our parents. Of course you must listen to Jehovah first. Gods laws are above men. Are above women. Are above father, are above mother. You can still be respectful to your parents while holding your integrity to God.

Chapter 20 verse 13 mentions You must not Murder. Think about this for a moment and I know this is a touchy subject for most. Its clear that you must not murder. Do you think that terminating a pregnancy, a life is not murder? Of course it is. Of course there are things that could happen to a baby where the baby dies inside the womb but if you kill a baby. Sorry folks that is Murder. Scripture tells us you must not Murder. Abortion is murder.

Chapter 20 verse 14 mentions: You must not commit adultery. This goes without saying. I gave this Illustration before. A man purchased a home. He is happy with his home. He has a nice view. Then the rain starts to come. Water gets into his home. The man is upset. He leaves his home and purchases a new one. Like this home, our relationship with our mate may start happy but sooner or later there will be problems. This man got up and left to purchase a new home instead of fixing his problem.

Instead of leaving your husband, instead of leaving your wife. Fix the leak. Fix the problem. Work together on solving the issues. Don't commit adultery. Which reminds me of an issue in the past where I was the only one giving counsel on a friends marriage. His wife cheated on him. While others were telling him to leave his wife. To separate his family, I was trying to convince him to stay and work on this marriage. Jehovah hates a divorce. Mistakes happen. Trust can be damaged but like that house that had a leak. Maybe the leak was really bad and caused lots of damage. Don't buy a new house. Fix the one you have. Fix the relationship you have.

What Jehovah gave to those back then applies to us now. Of course we don't live by the mosaic law which was more than 600 plus laws. Jesus changed all that when he came to Earth. Jesus gave two laws.

The answer Jesus gave has tremendous importance for us today. In his reply, he summed up what always was and always will be the essence of true worship. Quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5, Jesus said: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment.”

Also Quoting from Leviticus 19:18, Jesus said: “The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus then indicated that these two laws embraced the whole of pure worship. Forestalling any attempt to get him to list in order of importance the other laws, he concluded: “On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40

Anyway, I mentioned Jesse and his feelings. Let me promise you that it hasn't changed. Its the same as before. It will remain the same as before. Its not like a light switch that you can just turn off. Its not a feeling that goes away. He looks forward to the future. I'm very proud of him due to the fact that he wants to do things right. He wants to do what's right in the eyes of Jehovah.

Anyways, have a great day and see yalls tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Is the truth for all?

After Sunday's talk about the true religion I wondered if the truth is indeed for all. There are many things in the bible that people don't understand. Many things that if you pointed it out to them, they just wouldn't see it clearly.

I have tried to speak to my mom about my faith and although she will listen, she doesn't understand. When my Grandmother died my Uncle gave a talk right there at the funeral place. He explained the condition of the dead, why we suffer now, and why we die in the first place.

My family was raised catholic and they claim to worship God but do things in life that shows they do not worship God. My uncle is a Witness as well. During his talk a few walked out and after his talk several continued to say that my Grandmother will be with Christ. This is also while they are holding onto their Idol's meaning the cross.

It's not hard to understand scripture but you have to allow scripture to open your hearts. Scripture tells us that its Satan who blinds the minds, preventing people from seeing the Truth. At times I feel sad about those who aren't willing to open their hearts to the truth. I often pray for those to open their hearts.

I'm happy that several that I do know have opened their hearts. It was mentioned to me sometime ago about my faith and if I'm a smart man I would leave my faith behind. I have shown my faith by my works which means actions in life. I'm not perfect but I do the best I can and daily I try to improve.

In life we can all improve in so many ways. We can improve our relationship with God. We can improve our relationship with our parents, with our children. There is so much we can improve on.

Now, let me talk a bit about my family and how we are doing.

Wife: Is a little sick at the moment. Her pregnancy is coming along just fine. We are still stuck on a middle name so I'm not sure just yet what it will be but we better think fast because we are running out of time.

Daisy: Is amazing. That Girl loves to go too the meetings. During song she tries to sing and she even tries to dance. She's in school now which makes me nervous only because it scares me to think that a mistake will happen and then she's gone. I think I'm just being a bit over protective.

Gabriel: Well, he beats me in Rockband. LOL his drumming is really good. I can't beat him. I could beat him in guitar but drumming. He is to good and he's only 6. I have some video of him on songs that I could not do on expert he does easy. Amazing kid.

Nevaeh: That girl is so sweet. She's talking more and more. She runs everywhere. She makes my heart melt. We were watching tv the other day, her head was on my chest. I was watching her while she was watching tv. So sweet...

Joshua: of course still inside the stomach. We were told that he looks healthy and everything is coming along great.

Myself: Well, considering that I'm a bit nervous over things that are going on right now in terms of the flu outbreak, I'm good.

Jesse: He's good and focused on his spiritual needs. To answer a question posed to Jesse, I can answer because I recently asked how he felt. Don't worry he still feels the same. Anyway, He is about to give a talk which I'm hoping to help him on. I'm not sure what the subject will be about but when he does get it I'm sure it will be fine. The game that both Jesse and I play often is NBA basketball on our Xbox. For the last two days I have beat him. LOL. Before that he was beating me so it's really back and forth.

Jesse and I often talk about his future. We talk about his life. His wants and hopes, his dreams, his education, his future goals. First his spiritual goals. Next I'm sure he will get married when he reaches and I hope I do the math right, I think he will be 18 or 19. Kinda young yes but with Jehovah's help in the matter it will be fine I'm sure. We talk about him having kids and at first he said no kids but then I changed his mind.

It's hard to see your kids grow up. It's hard to see them make their own choices in life. As parents we can only do so much. I for one have been very proud over the choices in life that Jesse has made and the choices he will make in the future.

I support him and the choices he makes in life. I recall when I was younger how my mother would try and force me to do things her way. I did not work. I only did things my way and at the age of 14 moved out because I could not stand her anymore. I could not stand how strict she was with me. I grew up hating her. Now that I'm older I do respect and see some of the things that she has done, has helped but I took what she put in me and made it my own.

The beatings I received from her only helped me stop the cycle and not beat on my kids. That is just one of a few examples. I mean very few. So now I teach my kids. Jesse is a very respectful person and at times he did need correction which he did receive.

I'll add more tomorrow. Till then, have a great day.

Friday, April 24, 2009

And here it comes

What do I mean? Well go to this site

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Few Songs

Songs that touched my heart. Like the last video

Another Song that touches my heart

Yet another one

Also the video below, listen please to these words

This one is very nice:

Listen to the words on this one:

Oh man, and this song the words the words

OMG and this song is well it is so so well the words

I hope you get a chance to hear the words even if you don't like the music. Just listen. I'll post more soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


When I think of Love I think of my wife. I think of my kids. I think of my mother. I think of father. I think of those whom I've known in my past and those I know today. When you are away from the one you love its going to hurt. You will miss them. When I arrive to work I think of my wife and all that she has done for me.

I think of my kids. I think of the way they smile. I can only imagine if I was away from her even for a day. I can only imagine the feeling a wife gets when her husband is away in Iraq and then wondering if he will ever come back. Point is - its hard to be away from the one you love.

You might be lonely because of this. The pain you feel is intense. When I was younger I continued to get into trouble. I kept landing myself in jail because of the choices I made in life. In jail, the only thing I thought of was my wife. How I missed her touch. How I missed her kiss.

This is what helped me get by. I knew that I would get out. I knew that I would see her again. It also helped that she stayed with me in my mind and heart. So what can a person do when he or she is away from the one they love. Well first you must know that the other person loves you and is willing to wait for you.

In my case I knew that my wife would be there. I knew that even if the judge gave me 10 years in prison that my wife would be there when I get out. So knowing that a person would wait, helps.

I've read articles about sisters who were away from their husbands for years because of their choice to serve Jehovah. They were taken away and placed in camps. Then one day her husband who was also in a camp saw her. He cried but didn't want the guards to know that was his wife. So he didn't say anything. He didn't want to put her in any kind of danger. But he cried.

In the end they did end up together but it took 7 years. So if you are away from the one you love. Just wait and be happy that in the end, you will see them again. You will be with them. You will enjoy life. Like my previous illustration about the pregnant woman. She went through all that pain to have a baby but forgot about it once she saw her baby. It's more or less the same. If you are away from the one you love you will feel pain but look forward or should I saw look ahead to a time when you will jump in their arms happy like that mother who saw her baby.

I hope that the words I say helps a little. Of course it won't take any pain away like that pregnant woman but its helps to know that in the future all of us will be free to love in peace and happiness.

OH by the way. The babies name will be Joshua. We changed our minds. We do that often but I liked Joshua and it was recommended to us by a very special person so we feel that it would be a honor for us to name our child based on their recommendation.

Joshua ( time to think of middle name )

Monday, April 20, 2009

Update Part 2

It's amazing what a few words will do. It's amazing how the heart reacts to what you read. Let's just say I'm very very proud for many reasons. I know how hard it is for some to accept the truth. I know how hard life can be or should I say will be. Just so you know, all your prayers are being heard. Recall Job, even his own family was against him. They wanted him to curse God. While nobody is saying curse God, family can do other things to keep us away from God.

In truth its very sad. Its sad that our loved ones want to come between our choices in life instead of accepting them even though in truth all it will make you is a better person. Witnesses don't do drugs, Witnesses don't Smoke, Witnesses don't use foul language, Witnesses don't get drunk, Witnesses don't cheat on their husbands or wives.

In our past and yes even mine we were very bad. There were a few times I could have died because of drugs. Jehovah changed my life. Describing the change that must be made by those seeking divine approval, the apostle writes: “Put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct and which is being corrupted according to his deceptive desires; but that you should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will.”

So it is God’s will that this change be made. God’s spirit is the force by which one makes his or her mind over, by which his or her mind must be actuated. Accurate knowledge of the divine will also plays a key role in effecting this change: “Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality which through accurate knowledge is being renewed according to the image of the one who created it.”

The “new personality” is not some kind of beautiful-looking mask that one puts on over “the old personality.” No, the “new personality” is not character development in which one develops outwardly sweet manners but inwardly he is still the same “old personality,” the mind not really being renewed according to God’s spirit and the divine will. There is no insincerity or hypocrisy associated with the “new personality.” It is genuine. It is not the “old personality” in disguise. It really shows heart-deep evidence of the fruits of God’s spirit: “The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.

As mentioned I'm very proud of the things I hear. It puts a smile on my face when I think of the future and FYI - Jesse has not given up. I look at things this way. Let me use an illustration which makes sense.

A woman is having a baby, she goes into labor. Before she goes into labor he hears stories about labor pain etc..

There she is in labor. She's in so much pain but she's pushing and pushing. She screams and yells. She's pushing. Hours and hours go by and she is pushing. This woman is in pain. Finally after hours and hours, the baby comes. They hand the baby over to that woman. She looks at the baby. Her heart is full of joy. She is crying. She is so so Happy. It's hard to describe in words. Her baby opens his or her eyes and looks at his mommy. She looks at her baby. Words really can't describe it but let me ask you this?

Do you think she really cares about the pain or even thinking about it at that happy moment? Of course not and that's exactly what I mean. In life we will go through pain but like that woman who went to pain, did not recall once she was united with her baby. Think about that. The future looks good.

World Wide Talk

Which will be given this Sunday and the theme is and I hope I get this right " Is there only one true Religion "

This talk will be given as mentioned world wide in every single hall. The importance of this talk is evident just by the fact that it will be world wide. Also the information given in the talk I'm sure will help Identify the true religion. I'm going to record it and hopefully have a copy of it posted.

I've mentioned several times the marks of a true religion. Many claim to follow bible standards but are a different way at home. Take for a example a guy I knew. During the week he got drunk. He would also cheat on his Girlfriend. At the same time he was going to church because he knew that he was sinning and needed forgiveness.

During the week he was as bad as he could be but on Sunday he would change and would seek confession so he can be clean again. Recall Moses when he went to get the ten commandments. Remember what the people were doing? They created a golden calf.

When Jehovah sees this, he is very angry. So he says to Moses: ‘Hurry and go down. The people are acting very badly. They have forgotten my laws and are bowing down to a golden calf.’

Moses hurries down the mountain. And when he gets close, this is what he sees. The people are singing and dancing around the golden calf! Moses is so angry that he throws down the two flat stones with the laws on them, and they break into many, many pieces. He then takes the golden calf and melts it down. Then he grinds it into powder.

The people have done a very bad thing. So Moses tells some of the men to take their swords. ‘The bad people who worshiped the golden calf must die,’ Moses says. And so the men strike dead 3,000 people! Doesn’t this show that we need to be careful to worship only Jehovah, and not any false gods?

This is after all that they have seen. All that God has done for them. They pushed and pushed and pushed till they were dead. Doesn't this also show that we can only push God so far? God didn't object to striking them down. They made sacrifices to the molten calf and called the occasion “a festival to Jehovah.” Somehow they deceived themselves into thinking that God would ignore their disobedience. This was an insult to Jehovah, and it angered him greatly

The people of Israel had no excuse for becoming forgetful hearers. They heard the Ten Commandments and were present when Moses gave them God’s command: “You must not make along with me gods of silver, and you must not make gods of gold for yourselves.” Still, the Israelites worshiped the golden calf.

The point is as mentioned that you can only push God so far before even he has to turn his back against you. We should be thankful that God does forgive in a large way but we should not take advantage of his kindness.

I hope to have that talk up by next week. Have a great day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Have Intense Love for One Another

“Have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.—1 Pet. 4:8.

In his first letter to fellow Christians the apostle John refers to God’s love in sending his Son to deliver mankind and he shows that Christians are to imitate this expression of love. This is not a matter of choice but is really an obligation that we have, to love one another.

He says: “Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another.” (1 John 4:11) So here John emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ “new” commandment. (John 13:34, 35) Christians should be exemplary in showing love to one another. Jehovah himself has set the example in showing principled love to his earthly children. So, as obedient children, and as God’s servants, we should follow that example and show love, not only for Jehovah God, but for one another.

John again confirms this obligation and shows the seriousness of the matter, at 1 John 4:20 and 21, where he writes: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him, that the one who loves God should be loving his brother also.”

So this matter of showing love, self-sacrificing love, for one’s Christian brother or sister is a very serious thing, because thereby we show that we love Jehovah God himself. Who is our visible brother whom we are to love? Well, we cannot limit him to someone of the same race, the same color or the same nationality, can we?

Rather, our brother is our fellow servant of Jehovah in the local Christian congregation, or in any other congregation of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses throughout the earth. He is our brother in the faith. (Gal. 3:26-28) So we are obligated by Jehovah’s love to have intense love for our Christian brothers.

As an organization today, Jehovah’s Christian witnesses show such love for one another. There is no fighting between national groups; there is no racial bias or hatred. And this is as it should be. The mark of true Christianity is definitely there in the organization. But the question is: How are we as individuals doing in this matter of showing love for our Christian brothers?

Are we individually displaying true love for one another? Do we individually have intense love for one another? In this respect it is good for each one to examine himself according to the standard set out in Jehovah’s Word. Yes, as Paul said: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are.”—2 Cor. 13:5.

We have learned from the words of Jesus, and also from John, that love for our brothers is a necessary Christian quality. It is not something we could call optional; love is not something we can practice only when it is convenient. Rather, the command from Jesus for his disciples to love one another is really a royal law, one that should influence all our actions.

Neither can we limit our love to just a few close associates in the congregation, but, rather, our love should reach out to include the entire association of brothers in all parts of the earth. Just as Peter wrote: “Have love for the whole association of brothers.” (1 Pet. 2:17) How important it is, then, that we do not limit our love but that we reach out to include the entire association of brothers.

Have a great day

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I gave my bible reading and I must say besides my voice sounding like Barry White it went ok. I often get asked if I get nervous when on stage and of course I do. I try not to because you are there to encourage those listening. To give you an example of talks that I have given. I'll post here one of them and maybe a few more. This was some time ago and it was a 5 minute talk. The topic:

The Dangers of Pride and Rebellious Attitude. Below is the talk.

When you think of Pride or someone having a rebellious attitude, who do you think of? Maybe you met someone or currently know someone who displays these qualities? Maybe you, at one time displayed these qualities?

The basic Definition of Pride is: An unduly high option of oneself. Haughtiness or arrogance.

The basic Definition of Rebellion is: Armed resistance to one’s government, a defiance of any authority, resisting authority, opposing control, defiant.

Based on the definitions just read, who has displayed these qualities from the start? Who has thought more of himself? Who has showed defiance of authority and who has resisted Authority? Of course it’s none other than Satan the Devil.

Before he became Satan, he was one of Jehovah spiritual sons. He was allowed the privilege of being in the very presence of Jehovah but he allowed pride and lust for power to be like Jehovah, to develop in his heart. He wanted to be ruler. He wanted mankind to worship him instead of worshiping Jehovah.

Rebellion started with Satan and In Eve, Satan awakened a proud, selfish desire to be like the most high, and thus he turned our first parents away from worshipping Jehovah God. Throughout the history of mankind Satan has used pride of race, pride of nationality, pride of education, and pride of social status and All this serves Satan's purpose by causing mankind to rebel and to turn a deaf ear to Jehovah's message.

In the book of Revelation chapter 12 verses 12, Satan knows that he has a short time left. He has used and will continue to use pride as a tool to get us and the rest of the world to go down with him.

Please open your bibles to Proverbs Chapter 16 verse 5 - notice what is mentioned here: 5 everyone that is proud in heart is something detestable to Jehovah. Hand [may join] to hand, [yet] one will not be free from punishment.

In the bible we find various examples of those who displayed pride and a rebellious attitude. Men such as Haman, Nebecaezzar, Belshazzer, Herod, and Pharoah. Look what happened to them?

A 1954 Watchtower under the subheading Pride Destroys, Meekness saves, notice what is stated here:

HAUGHTINESS is hated by Jehovah and pride is an offense against God. Proud ones rely on self rather than Jehovah, lacking humility, not appreciating their dependence on their Creator. They proudly feel they possess superior wisdom, and may have natural abilities above the average. But what is the source of true wisdom? Where did they get their natural abilities?

Is not man indebted to the Creator for all good things? Is not Jehovah the Giver of all good gifts? What does a man have that he did not receive? Why should a man be proud in himself?

As we can see, having pride or a rebellious attitude can be a danger to Christians. We cannot please Jehovah if we display these qualities. Rebellion & Pride started with Satan. Do we really want something in common with Satan? Unlike Satan, Adam, and Eve, we want to be obedient to Jehovah and his visible organization. We want to be in submission to those taking the lead.

Open your bibles to Hebrews 13:17 - Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among YOU and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over YOUR souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to YOU.

The End

Now that was a talk if I recall I gave back in 2006. The next talk I gave was an instruction talk which discussed those who say they are Born again. The talk is below
One hundred and Forty Four Thousand. Not 144,001, 144,002, but only 144,000 are going to heaven. This is a scriptural fact. Yet many believe that they will go to heaven once they pass away. In the ministry I’m sure you encountered many who believed they were going to heaven. Some may call themselves born again Christians. What does it mean to be born again? Well, many have different views about what it means to be born again.

If someone says that they are born again you could reply with a question such as - That means that you expect someday to be with Christ in heaven, doesn’t it? Have you ever wondered what those who go to heaven will do there? Perhaps you can share a scripture such as Revelation chapter 5 verse 9 and 10. Let’s open our bibles there. That’s Revelation chapter 5 and verse 9 and 10.

And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, Verse 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.

It’s possible that after reading that scripture they may wonder who are these kings and who will they rule over? You can share Luke chapter 12 verse 32 or you can share with them Psalm 37:11. Open your bibles to Psalm 37:11.

That’s Psalm 37:11. It reads " But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."
With those three scriptures – Revelation chapter 5 verse, 9 & 10, Luke chapter 12 verse 32, and Psalm 37:11 you gave the householder something to think about.

1. Jehovah setup a kingdom.
2. The kings will rule over the earth
3. The meek ones will possess the earth.

What if someone asks us if we are born again? Well because the term born again can mean different things to different people, we could reply to the householder this way “You want to know whether I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and have received holy spirit, is that right? May I assure you that the answer is Yes; otherwise I would not be talking to you about Jesus or you can add But when I think of having the holy spirit, I find that evidence of that spirit is sadly missing in people.

You can then share Galations 5 – 22:23 which talks about the fruitage of the spirit. Wouldn’t you enjoy living on earth if everyone displayed these qualities?
Many confuse the words found at John chapter 3 verse 5 which Jesus’s states that Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Many read that scripture and feel that because they feel they were baptized or born again, they will as mentioned go to heaven. While this statement it true further research into the scriptures show that there are two classes, the heavenly class and the earthly class. Scriptures mentioned earlier will help the householder understand that yes there are those who are going to heaven but there are those who will remain on earth.

A 1982 Watchtower had this to add about being born again and that we should ask ourselves these questions if we feel we are born again: What reasons have you for feeling that Jehovah God has planted this hope in you?

Could it be that your emotional feeling is a holdover from the mistaken belief you previously held while in Babylon the Great that heaven is the destiny of all good people? Or could it be that you feel this way because you had great inward disturbances, that you at first fought against the idea but it gradually won out?

But did it win out because you wanted it that way, perhaps even unconsciously? Research into this subject will not only help the householder but will also help us Responding to Viewpoints About Being Born Again.
That talk was given back in 2007 and it's amazing that the information still hold true. While we still continue to run into those who feel being born again are somehow saved and feel nothing else needs to be done and that they will go to heaven, research into scripture still as in 2007 and even before 07 shows that not all are going to heaven.

Jesse has done a few talks, I'll see if I can find them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More info on what was posted Yesterday

Imagine being trapped with no where to go. I'm sure those that were there thought they were going to get killed. As stated they said they should have gone back to Egypt. They did not have faith even though they saw all that Jehovah has done for them.

The sea was parted and were saved. We can trust in Jehovah when he says that he will deliver. He always has and always will. He has never lied to us and has always been honest. Jehovah will not do a thing unless he first tells his people.

Before each plague there was a warning and when Phar'aoh heart condition didn't change the plague came but he had every chance to change and because of his heart condition, his pride, plagues continued and the cost was his people. The cost was his son and the cost was his life. Was it worth it?

Today we can be the same way. When the truth is right in the faces of those who don't believe, their backgrounds or ways of life blocks out the truth and their hearts become hardened like Phar'aoh. The end result will the same as Phar'aoh.

I mentioned this before. Don't believe all that you read on the internet. There will be someone or some group putting down what we believe in. You want to know about us. It's simple go to Http:// and there you will find what we believe in. All I ask is that you have an open mind and allow your heart to be reached with the message.

I have shown through God's word that Death will be swallowed up forever. I have shown through God's word that the dead will come back to life. I have shown through God's word that we were created to life on Earth forever. I have shown through God's word how the world ended up the way it is and I have shown through God's word why Jesus himself needed to come to Earth in the first place.

Have an open heart. Don't be like Phar'aoh. Don't be like those in Noah's time where they were warned and did not change. Noah took the lead in preaching the world’s end, but he preached the right explanation of it.

He did not expect to go to heaven at its end, but expected to stay right here on this earth, even if it did get very rain-soaked. Noah, therefore, could not have preached the destruction of the earth; no more than Jehovah’s witnesses today preach such.

Besides the world’s destruction, Noah preached righteousness. Over six hundred years before this, Noah’s great-grandfather Enoch had preached about God’s coming day of judgment, and Noah took up Enoch’s message. In fact, Noah wrote a document containing a brief account of Enoch’s life and its unusual finish

In harmony with his message of righteousness, Noah carried on Jehovah’s worship with his family. This accounts for it that the first thing he did when he emerged from the ark after the Flood was to build an altar to Jehovah and restore his clean worship on the dry land. In love of animal life he provided safe quarters for specimens of all the land animals and birds in the ark. This was why he was instructed to build the ark so large.

But those in Noah's day had every chance to change and live. They did not listen and the result is going to be the same as those who don't open their hearts. Open your hearts folks. Open your hearts............

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Night that it happened

Picture yourself at night, at home, sleeping. You pick up a book, the book is The Bible and you read about what happened in Egypt. Recall the plagues that Jehovah brought on Egypt. Close your eyes and try to picture it.

In the first picture you can see Aaron hitting the Nile River with his stick. When he did, the water in the river turned to blood. The fish died, and the river began to stink. Can you see it?

Next, Jehovah caused frogs to come up out of the Nile River. They were everywhere—in the ovens, the baking pans, in people’s beds—everywhere. When the frogs died the Egyptians piled them up in great heaps, and the land stank with them.

Then Aaron hit the ground with his stick, and the dust turned into gnats. These are small flying bugs that bite. The gnats were the third plague on the land of Egypt.
The rest of the plagues hurt only the Egyptians, not the Israelites. The fourth was a plague of big flies that swarmed into the houses of all the Egyptians. The fifth plague was on the animals. Many of the cattle and sheep and goats of the Egyptians died.

Next, Moses and Aaron took some ashes and threw them into the air. They caused bad sores on the people and the animals. This was the sixth plague. After that Moses raised his hand toward the sky, and Jehovah sent thunder and hail. It was the worst hailstorm that Egypt ever had.

The eighth plague was a large swarm of locusts. Never before that time or since have there been so many locusts. They ate everything that the hail had not destroyed.
The ninth plague was of darkness. For three days thick darkness covered the land, but the Israelites had light where they were living.

Finally, God told his people to sprinkle the blood of a young goat or a young sheep on their doorposts. Then God’s angel passed over Egypt. When the angel saw the blood, he did not kill anyone in that house. But in all the houses where there was no blood on the doorposts, God’s angel killed the firstborn ones of both man and animals. This was the 10th plague.

After this last plague, Phar′aoh told the Israelites to leave. God’s people were all ready to go, and that very night they started their march out of Egypt. Open your eyes. When you think of the plagues, what comes to mind?

Before any of the plagues hit Phar′aoh could have listened and allowed God's people to leave. He didn't and thus the plagues continued. After the first plague, it should have shown Phar′aoh that Jehovah is more powerful that any man made God's that humans have made. It didn't and thus Phar′aoh died there at the Red Sea.

Although you might have watched in movies that he returned to Egypt, he didn't. He died at the Red Sea along with his men. In the Book of Exodus 14:23-28. We read that it was Phar'aoh's men but it does not say anything about Phar'aoh himself.

However, Psalm 136:1-15 shows that Pharaoh did perish. There we read of the giving of thanks by the people ‘to the One striking down Egypt in their firstborn ones, and the One bringing Israel out of the midst of them by a strong hand and by an arm stretched out, to the One severing the Red Sea into parts, and who caused Israel to pass through the middle of it, and who shook off Pharaoh and his military force into the Red Sea.’

So the book of Psalms complements Exodus and indicates that the haughty Pharaoh, who oppressed the Israelites, died in the Red Sea. The movies don't tell you this and thus you might have believed that he did not die and returned to his kingdom.

I've watched the 10 commandments many times on TV. I've watched the one about Jesus as well. Research in scripture shows that both are not accurate so you must be careful when watching.

What is the point in bringing this up? Well, when you think of our time and when you think of their time. Jehovah can and will deliver us from whomever, whatever. We can trust that he will.

When the Israelites cried out to God because of their slavery in Egypt, Jehovah took notice. Do you not think that he doesn't notice what's going on now? If you were God, wouldn't you notice? We are close to the End of this system of things......God does notice what's going on.

Friday, April 10, 2009


What a day yesterday. I just about cried again thinking of what Jesus did for us. What Jehovah did for us. There isn't much I have to add today. So have a great weekend folks. Pray and keep yourself safe.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thank You so Much!!!

Prove yourselves ready.—Matt. 24:44.

When Jesus made that statement, he himself was ready for a great test—his death as a ransom sacrifice. What can we learn from the way Jesus had prepared himself? Jesus had wholehearted love for Jehovah and for His righteous standards.

Concerning Jesus, Hebrews 1:9 states: “You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your partners.”

Because he loved his heavenly Father, Jesus maintained integrity to him. If we have similar love for God and live up to his requirements, he will safeguard us. Such love and obedience will help us to be ready for the great day of Jehovah. This morning when I opened my eyes, I almost cried. It was close. The thought I had when I woke was all that Jesus did for us, and what Jehovah made possible.

To understand why it all happened you have to understand the beginning. Jehovah created us perfect, free from sickness and death. Because of Adam's sin, because of Eve's sin, all of us would die. Jehovah sent his only begotten son to die for us. He did this do we can live.

Today is a special day and should be remembered. Jesus commanded us to keep doing this. If for some reason you cannot make it today. Pray and thank Jehovah. Thank him for sending his son to give us a second chance. Thank him for giving us life. Thank him for sending his son. Thank Jesus for keeping his integrity. Thank Jesus for giving his life. Till Tomorrow....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. NO MAN’S lips ever demanded of his followers such service as do the lips of Jesus Christ.

His followers could expect to be persecuted, delivered up before synagogue courts, haled before kings and governors and some would be put to death. “You will be objects of hatred by all people because of my name,” said Jesus. “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.

These words well characterize the lives of Christians from the first century on. Today we witness their fulfillment in the lives of Jehovah’s witnesses around the world. They have been banned in many nations.

They have suffered vicious persecution. Thousands of their homes have been burned and hundreds of their Kingdom Halls have been demolished. Their women have been brutally beaten, and their menfolk have died from beatings or have been killed outright. Their children have been unjustly taken away from them.

This because they insist on worshiping God in the manner that Jesus and his apostles did, that is, by keeping themselves neutral as to the political affairs of this world. Still such persecution has not embittered them against God or their persecutors. They have not risen up in revolt against their persecutors and repaid them evil for evil, nor will they.

Neither has persecution caused Jehovah’s witnesses to stop serving God, nor will it. Many in the world have been amazed at the attitude of Jehovah’s witnesses toward persecution and their persecutors. Some may have wondered why they are not more aggressive, more vengeful, giving rise to serious questions, such as:

What should the Christian attitude be toward persecution? How do you view it? Are you puzzled by it? Does it frighten or sadden you? Are such sufferings meaningless? What should be the proper attitude of a Christian toward his persecutors? Answers to these and other questions will explain why Jehovah’s witnesses have remained peaceful and triumphant in the face of persecution.

Christians know that God’s hand is not short. They believe he can protect, deliver and sustain those who love him. One thing is certain. As Jehovah’s dedicated servants, Christians are under God’s care and are not entirely at the mercy of the Devil. Why, if they were, they would not be here today as Jehovah’s witnesses. They are on earth as God’s protected servants, even as Job himself was protected.

God may, however, permit the Christian to be tested, to suffer, or even to die. But, regardless of what Jehovah allows, if we are faithful, we are assured of his love, for which we are very thankful.In his Sermon on the Mount Jesus declared:

“Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you.”

Therefore, persecution is a cause for rejoicing, for leaping for joy, according to Jesus, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to such kind; since their reward is great in the heavens. Christian sufferings also put them in the distinguished and noble company of the prophets and of Jesus Christ and his apostles—men who suffered for their faith in God.

To be classed in the company of these men is indeed no small honor and a true cause for rejoicing, for leaping for joy! The Christian attitude toward persecution should be that exemplified by Christ.

The apostle Peter wrote: “In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. He committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth. When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously.

He himself bore our sins in his own body upon the stake, in order that we might be done with sins and live to righteousness. And ‘by his stripes you were healed.’” This nonviolent example was productive and full of meaning.

Through suffering God made the Chief Agent of mankind’s salvation perfect. “Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered; and after he had been made perfect be became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him.” His faithfulness until death sealed the doom of Satan and his wicked system of things and opened the way for a heavenly Kingdom government.

It provided a ransom by means of which mankind can gain everlasting life on a paradise earth. True, Christ suffered, but who today for a moment would pity him for the faith in God that he demonstrated, that brought these benefits and led to his triumph and immortality in the heavens?

Speaking of Christ, Paul wrote: “For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” “Indeed,” says the apostle, “consider closely the one who has endured such contrary talk by sinners against their own interests, that you may not get tired and give out in your souls.”

The apostle Peter also urged Christians to rejoice when persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Peter writes: “Beloved ones, do not be puzzled at the burning among you, which is happening to you for a trial, as though a strange thing were befalling you.

On the contrary, go on rejoicing forasmuch as you are sharers in the sufferings of the Christ, that you may rejoice and be overjoyed also during the revelation of his glory. If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, even the spirit of God, is resting upon you. However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people’s matters. But if he suffers as a Christian, let him not feel shame, but let him keep on glorifying God in this name.” (1 Pet. 4:12-16) Is this your attitude?

In suffering, often there comes a rare sense of Jehovah’s favor by means of his spirit, a realization that he has asked you to play a very important part in the vindication of his name, Word and purpose. This realization brings a deep joy.

There also may come a rare sense of faith, which can make of the Christian a better servant, a more active witness, a more serene person. It all depends on how the Christian meets persecution and what he does with it. Pain is beneficent when it brings about correction of what is wrong. This is a good thing. But unproductive suffering caused from wrongdoing is sad indeed! Its end can only be further misery.

What, then, is the purpose of enduring persecution? Peter answers: “In this fact you are greatly rejoicing, though for a little while at present, if it must be, you have been grieved by various trials, in order that the tested quality of your faith, of much greater value than gold that perishes despite its being proved by fire, may be found a cause for praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Though you never saw him, you love him. Though you are not looking upon him at present, yet you exercise faith in him and are greatly rejoicing with an unspeakable and glorified joy, as you receive the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” (1 Pet. 1:6-9) Peter says persecution is to test the quality of the Christian’s faith so that he may be found faithful and receive the end result of faith, namely, the salvation of his soul. So persecution does serve a worthy purpose.

To endure persecution the Christian must place full confidence in Jehovah. God will strengthen him and make him happy in the outcome. He or she should never neglect to pray to Jehovah in his own behalf and in the behalf of his Christian brothers & sisters who also may be enduring trials. When praying he or she should not blame Jehovah for the persecution, simply because God does not persecute any innocent one.

Satan and his wicked organization are the ones who persecute. However, God has allowed persecution to establish before all creation Christian loyalty to his universal sovereignty. By enduring persecution the Christian in this way upholds Jehovah’s name and Word.

Again, keep in mind that we will suffer for what we believe in. It will come from our parents. It will come from our friends. It will come from our family. It will come from those in the world. It will come in all directions. Sad thing is, the only thing we want to do is serve God. We want to serve God. We want to serve GOD. WE WANT TO SERVE GOD.

Is there harm in that? A person might think that he is protecting those he loves by keeping them away from God. By keeping them away from the Truth. Until he or she opens his or her eyes and learns scripture, he or she will never see the light. Will never see the truth. Reminds me of Paul.

Paul himself had met this Jesus Christ years after his resurrection from death. This miraculous meeting helped to change Paul from being a persecutor of Christ’s followers to becoming a faithful follower of him. Paul was therefore a witness to the fact that the Almighty God had resurrected Jesus Christ out of death and had transformed him into a glorious spirit person in the invisible heavens.

Paul describes his experience: “I am the least of the apostles, and I am not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God. But by God’s undeserved kindness I am what I am. And his undeserved kindness that was toward me did not prove to be in vain, but I labored in excess of them all, yet not I but the undeserved kindness of God that is with me.”—1 Corinthians 15:9, 10.

So even the Apostles Paul persecuted those that followed Jesus because he did not understand the truth. We can expect the same from those that love us. It's not that they don't love us. They do but like Paul, they just don't understand. We have a choice to make though. Serve God or not to Serve God. The choice is ours...........

I close today's post with these words I mentioned in the beginning:

Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are you perfect?

Have to get perfect scores, perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect speech, perfect home, perfect clothes, perfect cars, everything in life trying to be perfect. While some may try in one way or another they will fail to be perfect. Nobody on this planet is perfect. There were only three people on Earth who were perfect.

Adam, Eve, and of course Jesus. In life we try to do our best but will always fall short. There are things in life that we just don't do. Take for example stealing. Is it ok to steal? Most reading will say no some may say yes but the correct answer is no. Imagine you saved all your money to purchase a car and someone just comes and steals it. That person who stole it didn't care that you worked hard, saving to purchase that car.

Is doing drugs wrong? Yes it is but most reading will try and come up with an excuse as to why it's ok. There is a difference between making mistakes in life and sinning against God. Would you steal? If you say no, why? Why wouldn't you steal? Because you know that it's wrong. Stealing isn't the only thing that God wants us to avoid.

The scriptures tell us to avoid all unclean acts. To avoid abusive speech. To avoid fornication. To avoid being drunk. The scriptures are there to guide us and take us to the next level. The next level of course being paradise earth. It's not a dream but to get there requires effort on our part. It requires us doing our best, giving God our best.

Is it going to be hard? Yes it is but how much do you depend on God when times are hard? How much do you depend on God when things are good? Is it more so when things are hard? Shouldn't it be all the time? Shouldn't you depend on God all the time? We live in a wicked world where Satan is ready to attack us at any given moment. Satan doesn't care when things are good or bad. If things are good, he will distract us with so called Good things in order to keep us away from Jehovah. If things are bad he will distract us from Jehovah by keeping the pressures of this system on things on our shoulders. Point is - We need to depend on Jehovah daily to get us through the day.

Jehovah is a constant light in this dark world and we need to keep following that light no matter what it takes even if it means out death. Brave men and woman of old who stood up to those who said we should leave Jehovah gave their life in order to keep their integrity to Jehovah. Scriptures tell us not to fear man but to fear the one who can take away your soul. If we die, Jehovah is the only one who can bring us back. Man will not and cannot do this for us. Matter of fact, they want to kill us.

This would make Satan very happy to see God's followers fall. This would make Satan very happy if he would see us die. He wants you dead. He hates you. Don't let him win............Depend on Jehovah....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Creation Itself

How did we get here is what I was asked. I touched on this before. Conflict between science and religion is an old story. Up till the 16th century the accepted religious dogma was that the sun and the planets all revolved around the earth. In 1543 Copernicus proposed a new system with the earth and the planets moving around the sun. This aroused strong religious antagonism at first.

It took the better part of a hundred years and the support of Galileo’s telescopic observations and Kepler’s mathematical analysis of the planets’ movements to win general recognition.Until the 18th century, Western religions held that the earth had been created a mere 6,000 years ago.

Hutton in 1785 proposed the theory of uniformitarianism, which demanded far longer periods of time for geological changes. Again religious controversy was raised for some 50 years, but Lyell’s field work and systematization of geologic strata finally won common agreement to the idea of a much older earth.

Up till the mid-19th century the Biblical account of divine creation of man was commonly believed. Darwin’s theory of the origin of species by evolution was published in 1859, and quickly stirred intense religious objection. Evolutionists, well over a century later, might like to think that their doctrine had by now won universal acceptance.

True, many church leaders have capitulated, but there yet remains vigorous and determined opposition to the theory of evolution. Darwin’s supporters are still awaiting their Galileo or Lyell. Meanwhile, many well-informed people are beginning to believe that evolution is not inevitably destined to repeat the triumphs of earlier revolutions in scientific thought.

An organized crusade is currently seen in efforts to downgrade the teaching of evolution in the public schools through laws requiring that creation be given equal time. In 1983, an article I read talked about a legal skirmish, a federal judge decided that “creation science” as defined in an Arkansas law did not qualify on an equal basis with evolution. This setback was disappointing to many who hold that evolution does not satisfactorily explain life’s origin. What went wrong?

From the testimony given in the trial, it is manifest that the scientific evidence for creation was not really presented in clear confrontation with evolution. Instead, it was lost to sight in clashes over side issues, particularly two tenets of creationism that had been written into the law:

1. That creation took place only a few thousand years ago.
2. That all geologic strata were formed by the Biblical Deluge.

Neither of these dogmas is really crucial to the central question of whether living things were created or not. They are merely doctrines held by the members of a few churches, notably the Seventh-Day Adventists, who form the core of the group that sponsored the law. When these sectarian beliefs were written into the law as something that must be taught in public schools, that law was foredoomed to be declared unconstitutional.

But does the legal defeat of scientific creationism, as this movement is known, reflect unfavorably on the Bible? Are the doctrines of recent creation and a diluvial origin of geologic strata found in God’s Word?

An informed Bible student would answer, No. While the Bible clearly states that the heavens and the earth and everything in them were created by God, it does not say when those things were created. Most of the defense witnesses were shackled by the religious dogma that the six creative days in Genesis were all encompassed in a period of 144 hours.

This harks back to an erroneous fundamentalist teaching that was not challenged by the science of the 17th century, but that is no longer tenable in the light of present knowledge. The Bible itself does not set any such time limit on the days of creation.

The first verse of Genesis simply says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” If we take this to mean the creation of the starry heavens, the galaxies, and the solar system of which the earth is a part, we are talking about events that preceded the first creative day. The description of the earth’s condition in verse 2 also precedes the first day. Not until verses 3 to 5 do we enter upon the activity of the first day of creation.

So no matter how long the days might prove to be, verses 1 and 2 describe things already accomplished, and they fall outside any time frame encompassing the creative days. If geologists want to say that the earth is 4 billion years old, or astronomers want to make the universe 20 billion years old, the Bible student has no quarrel with them.The Bible simply does not indicate the time of those events.

The next point to note is that the word “day” is used in many different senses in the Bible. It does not always mean a 24-hour period. Sometimes it means only the hours of sunlight, that is, 12, more or less. Sometimes it stands for a year. Sometimes it means the years during a certain generation. In several references a day is 1,000 years, and in some even longer.

No doubt the days in Genesis chapter 1 were very much longer. But the Bible does not there say how long they were. So all the argument in the Little Rock trial about the recency of creation and the attention it received in the news media were entirely extraneous to the question of whether man was created or evolved. The time of creation is not the same as the fact of creation. The two should not have been confused.

With the basic point established that the Bible text does not conflict with scientific theories about the age of the universe, we may also leave open the question of the age and origin of geologic strata. The Bible says nothing at all about the formation of sedimentary layers, whether at the time of the Flood or earlier.

All the voluminous writings of creationists on this subject, which came under critical examination in the trial, have been motivated by the desire to reconcile the existence of the geologic column and its fossils, dinosaurs and all, with their claim for a 6- to 10-thousand-year age of the earth. If this claim is invalid, all the rest of the argument is beside the point.

To get the issue between creation and evolution in clear focus, we must strip away the fuzzy shroud of dogma carried over from 17th-century religion. Then let us compare, point by point, what the Bible says with what evolutionists teach and see which agrees with established facts.

First, the Bible says that God is the source of life. (Ps. 36:9) Life did not arise and cannot arise spontaneously from lifeless material. This is in complete agreement with scientific laws and experimental tests. The laws of statistics, the law of entropy, calculations from thermodynamics and kinetics all converge on the conclusion that spontaneous generation of life cannot occur.

Older reports of spontaneous generation are given no credence since the experiments of Pasteur. In controlled experiments, it just does not happen. Examination of soil from the moon and chemical tests on the surface of Mars verify that life has not arisen on those planets.

Secondly, the Bible says that every living thing brings forth its own kind of offspring. (Genesis 1:11, 21, 24) Neither the evidence from paleontology nor experiments in breeding or mutation have ever been shown to refute this principle. Fossil remains from ancient geologic strata of species that are still alive are identical with present-day forms. Wide diversity within a given kind may appear both in nature and in breeding experiments, but in no case does it ever pass beyond the limits to produce a new kind.

Thirdly, with respect to man the Bible discloses the time of his beginning, more than 6,000 years ago. (Plants and animals have been here much longer.) With this date history and archaeology are in close agreement. Claims for older human fossils by evolutionists are subject to dispute and do not disprove the Bible record.

What, then, is the Bible-based position in this controversy? The fact of creation is clearly stated in the Bible. It is in harmony with scientific evidence found in astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology and biology. The theory of evolution is directly contrary to the Bible. It has failed to give a satisfactory explanation of the facts of paleontology and biology.

The Bible does not set the time of creation of “the heavens and the earth.” The creationists’ position on this is not supported by the Bible, and their theories conflict with the facts of astronomy, physics and geology.The Christian’s faith in the Genesis account of creation stands firm, unperturbed by current religious-scientific squabbles.

That faith is based on “the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) Above all, it is backed by the testimony of Jesus Christ: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” Further, in the revelation, which God gave him, we read: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”—Matthew 19:4, 5; Revelation 4:11; 1:1.

Or you can believe that all of this just happened...............

Friday, April 3, 2009

Have a Great Weekend

Folks, today is a real busy day for me so I haven't had anytime to write anything but sometime ago I talked about doing something about prophecy so I'll do my best to write about that this weekend.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I thought that was very very funny. Habba Habba. Anyways. I have a bible reading coming up. Our memorial is coming up April 9th. This is one of the most important days for us. We reflect on what Jesus did for us. We reflect on what Jehovah has done for us. Really, they gave us a second chance at life. It's the lords Evening meal.

It was Thursday evening, March 31, 33 C.E., and a full moon very likely adorned the skies above Jerusalem. Jesus Christ and his apostles had just concluded the Passover celebration. Traitorous Judas Iscariot had been dismissed, but it was not time for the others to depart. Why? Because Jesus was about to do something of utmost importance.

Since the Gospel writer Matthew was there, he tell us. “Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: ‘Take, eat. This means my body.’ Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: ‘Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my “blood of the covenant,” which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.’” Was this to be a onetime event? What was its significance?

The step that Jesus Christ took on the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., was much more than a passing incident in his life. The apostle Paul discussed it when writing to anointed Christians in Corinth, where the pattern was still being followed over 20 years later. Although Paul was not with Jesus and the 11 apostles in 33 C.E., he surely learned from some of the apostles what happened on that occasion.

Furthermore, Paul evidently got confirmation of aspects of that event by inspired revelation. Said Paul: “I received from the Lord that which I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: ‘This means my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.’ He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: ‘This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’”

The Gospel writer Luke confirms that Jesus commanded: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” These words have also been rendered: “Do this in memory of me” and “Do this as a memorial of me.” In fact, this observance is often referred to as the Memorial of Christ’s death. Paul also calls it the Lord’s Evening Meal—an appropriate designation, since this was instituted at night. Christians are commanded to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal.

One reason why the Memorial was instituted had to do with one purpose served by Jesus’ death. He died as an upholder of his heavenly Father’s sovereignty. Christ thus proved Satan the Devil, who had falsely charged that humans serve God only out of selfish motives, to be a liar. (Job 2:1-5) Jesus’ death in faithfulness proved this contention false and made Jehovah’s heart rejoice.

Another reason why the Lord’s Evening Meal was instituted was to remind us that by means of his death as a perfect, sinless human, Jesus ‘gave his soul a ransom in exchange for many.’ (Matthew 20:28) When the first man sinned against God, he forfeited perfect human life and all its prospects. Jesus said, however: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

Indeed, “the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal reminds us of the great love shown by both Jehovah and his Son in connection with Jesus’ sacrificial death.

This is an important date that I hope all can attend. April 9th, check your local hall, elder, brother, or sister to find out what time and where your memorial will take place.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a little fun

Cannot wait

Till the day when nobody says that they are sick. Do you know anyone who is sick at the moment? You yourself might be sick right now. You may get a cold, or your stomach may ache. Some people are very sick. They cannot even stand up without someone to help them.

This often happens when people get very older. Point is everyone gets sick. Do you know why people get sick, grow old, and die? One day a man who could not walk was brought to Jesus, and Jesus showed why people get sick and die. Let me tell you about it.

Jesus was staying at a house in a town near the Sea of Galilee. A crowd of people came to see him. So many people came that there was no room for others to enter the house. No one could even get near the door. Still, people kept coming! One group of people brought a paralyzed man who could not even walk. It took four men to carry him on a little bed, or cot.

Do you know why they wanted to bring this sick man to Jesus? They had faith that Jesus could help him. They believed that Jesus could heal him from that sickness. Do you know how they got that paralyzed man to Jesus with all those people in the house?

First, they carried the man up onto the roof. It was a flat roof. Then, they made a big hole in it. Finally, they lowered the sick man on his cot right through that hole and into the room below. What faith they had!

All the people in the house were surprised when they saw what was happening. The paralyzed man on the cot came right down into their midst. Was Jesus angry when he saw what the men had done? Not at all! He was glad to see that they had faith. He said to the paralyzed man: “Your sins are forgiven.”

Some of the people did not think it was right for Jesus to say that. They did not think that he could forgive sins. So to show that he really could, Jesus said to the man: “Get up, pick up your cot, and go to your home.”

When Jesus said that, the man was healed! He was not paralyzed anymore. Now he was able to get up all by himself and walk. The people who saw this miracle were amazed. Never in all their lives had they seen anything as wonderful as that! They praised Jehovah for giving them this Great Teacher, who could even heal people of their sicknesses. See Mark 2:1-12.

What do we learn from this miracle? We learn that Jesus has the power to forgive sins and to make sick people well. But we also learn something else, something very important. We learn that people get sick because of sin.

Since we all get sick sometimes, does this mean that we are all sinners? Yes, the Bible says that all of us are born with sin. Do you know what it means to be born with sin? It means that we are born imperfect. We sometimes do things wrong, even though we don’t want to. Do you know how we all came to have sin?

We got this way because the first man, Adam, did not obey God. He sinned when he broke God’s law. And we all got sin from Adam. Do you know how we got our sin from him? Let me try to explain.

Maybe you have helped someone bake bread in a pan. What will happen to the bread if there is a dent in the pan? Do you know? That same mark, or dent, will show on all the bread you make in that pan, won’t it?

Adam was like that pan, and we are like the bread. He became imperfect when he broke God’s law. It was as though he had received a dent, or a bad mark. So when he had children, what would they be like? All his children would receive this same mark of imperfection.

Most children are not born with some big imperfection that you can see. They do not have an arm or a leg missing. But the imperfection they have is serious enough that they become sick and, in time, die.

Of course, some people get sick more often than others. Why is that? Is it because they are born with more sin? No, everybody is born with the same amount of sin. We are all born imperfect. So, sooner or later, everybody will have some kind of sickness. Even people who try to obey all of God’s laws and who do nothing really bad can get sick.

Then, why do some people get sick more often than others? There are many reasons. It may be that they do not have enough food to eat. Or they may not eat the right kind of food. They may eat too much cake and candy. Another reason may be that they stay up too late at night and do not get enough sleep. Or they may not dress warmly enough before they go out into the cold.

Some people’s bodies are too weak, and they can’t fight sickness, even if they try to take care of themselves. Will there ever be a time when we will not get sick? Will we ever be rid of sin? Well, what did Jesus do for that paralyzed man? Jesus forgave his sins and healed him. In that way, Jesus showed what he is going to do one day for all of those who try hard to do what is right.

If we show that we do not want to sin and that we hate what is wrong, Jesus will heal us. In the future, he will remove from us the imperfection that we now have. He will do this as King of God’s Kingdom. Sin will not be removed from us all at once. It will be taken away over a period of time. Then when our sin is finally gone, we will never get sick again. We will all have perfect health. What a blessing that will be!